University certificate
With this Practical Training you will take a definitive step in your career.”
Why study at TECH?
Incorporate into your daily work the main technological and therapeutic innovations for the neurorehabilitation of patients with orofacial pathology through this intensive and rigorous TECH program”

With scientific and technological advances, the discipline of Speech Neurorehabilitation has managed to develop new protocols and tools, requiring physicians to be consciously qualified in all its new developments. However, keeping up to date on these aspects can be cumbersome when educational programs with an excessive theoretical load abound. With such study models, the graduates are not able to complete their educational preparation with the indispensable knowledge to apply specific techniques and devices from the very first moment after completing their studies.
This TECH program overcomes all these disadvantages with an innovative pedagogical modality that includes a 100% practical, on-site and immersive internship. For its development, the health professional will move to a prestigious hospital institution, equipped with the latest healthcare resources for the care of patients with conditions such as Hypophonia generated by Parkinson's, Dysphagia, Aphasia, among others. From there, students will have the opportunity to learn the handling of all these instruments and procedures from the direct approach of real patients.
In addition, at all times, they will have the personalized guidance of an assistant tutor. This academic figure will be in charge of helping you to expand your competencies through a dynamic and direct education. Likewise, you will be able to work together with great experts who will share their experiences and clarify doubts or concepts of interest to promote the active preparation of the specialist. This program, pioneer in its type, has a duration of 3 weeks, to be completed in 8-hour days, from Monday to Friday. At the end of this period, graduates will be able to incorporate their new knowledge into their daily medical work seamlessly and with the best results guaranteed.

Enjoy an intensive 3-week internship at a prestigious center and update yourself on the latest clinical procedures in order to grow professionally"
Teaching Planning
This modality of studies is unique and pioneer in its kind since, in reference to Speech Neurorehabilitation and Vital Functions Analysis, mostly theoretical programs prevail. However, with this TECH program, the specialist will have access to the main developments in this health area in a 100% practical and on-site modality. The educational process, to be carried out in a clinical facility of maximum prestige, has a duration of 120 hours, distributed in days from Monday to Friday, to complete 3 weeks.

During this period of time, the professional will have at his disposal the most modern technologies and resources to undertake rehabilitation protocols and techniques much more powerful than those available in less updated facilities. In this way, they will learn to directly manage all these tools at their fingertips, offering quality care to real patients from the very first moment. They will also work closely with experienced experts.
In this completely practical Internship program, the activities are aimed at developing and perfecting the skills necessary to provide healthcare care in areas and conditions that require highly qualified professionals, and are oriented towards specific expertise for practicing the activity, in a safe environment for the patient and with highly professional performance.
The practical education will be carried out with the active participation of the student performing the activities and procedures of each area of competence (learning to learn and learning to do), with the accompaniment and guidance of teachers and other fellow trainees who facilitate teamwork and multidisciplinary integration as transversal competencies for the practice of La medicine (learning to be and learning to relate).
The procedures described below will form the basis of the practical part of the internship, and their implementation is subject to both the suitability of the patients and the availability of the center and its workload, with the proposed activities being as follows:
Dentistry and Orofacial Disorder
- Avoid future sequelae in the temporomandibular joints and their associated musculature through specific treatments against stress and bruxism
- Examine the patient for craniofacial malformations that may indicate the development of such disorders
- Develop specific relaxation techniques for the tone and voluntary motor control of patients suffering from Facial Paralysis
New technologies in Neurorehabilitation and Speech Therapy
- Apply painless and effective electrical stimuli (Neurostimulation) for the treatment of dysphagia, or difficulty in swallowing
- Self-regulate brain activity and training through Neurofeedback techniques
- Indicate speech and cognitive stimulation therapies for patients with Alexias and Agraphia
- Increase blood flow to the brain through specific medications that replace depleted brain chemicals and prevent conditions such as Aphasia
- Train the patient with the Hypophonia typical of Parkinson's disease to better project their voice and avoid a monaural noise of multiple babbling while speaking
Orofacial and Myofunctional Therapy Trends
- Correct the position of the tongue and teeth through Orthodontic treatments against inadequate habits such as mouth breathing
- Perform muscular exercises in the phonoarticulatory organs to adjust the tone and mobility of the voice
- Learn proper breathing, swallowing, chewing and phonation patterns, the proper position of the lips and tongue, according to the alteration
- Implement feeding programs adapted and individualized to each case in a preventive, re-educative and rehabilitative way
Feeding in Congenitally Acquired Disorder
- Indicate occupational and speech therapy to patients with feeding reluctance due to ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Develop technical aids on the positioning of the feeder and the person to be fed
- Achieve an adequate nutritional intake in the patient with Cerebral Palsy by means of techniques such as Oral Modules, Oral Supplementation and Enteral Nutrition

Receive specialized education in an institution that can offer you all these possibilities, with an innovative academic program and a human team that will help you develop your full potential”
Internship Program in Speech Neurorehabilitation and Vital Functions Analysis. Orofacial and Myofunctional Therapy
Internship Program in speech-language neurorehabilitation and vital functions analysis. Orofacial and Myofunctional Therapy for Physicians is an academic program that is gaining more and more importance in the medical field. Orofacial and myofunctional therapy is a technique that focuses on the study and treatment of oral functions, such as breathing, chewing, swallowing, speech and articulation, among others. TECH's academic program of Internship Program in speech-language neurorehabilitation and vital functions analysis is designed to provide physicians and health specialists with the skills and tools necessary to address and treat problems related to vital functions, especially in people who have suffered brain injuries or pathologies that affect communication and speech.
Specialize in Speech Neurorehabilitation and Vital Functions Analysis. Orofacial and Myofunctional Therapy for Physicians
Orofacial and myofunctional therapy is a discipline that falls within the area of speech therapy, and is focused on the rehabilitation of oral functions. Through this technique, it seeks to correct and improve the performance of oral functions, improving the ability of patients to communicate, breathe, chew, swallow and speak clearly and effectively. People who can benefit from orofacial and myofunctional therapy are those who suffer from problems in pronunciation, swallowing, breathing, articulation, chewing or any other oral function. The Internship Program is 3 weeks and offers clinicians a valuable tool to address and treat problems related to vital functions. Orofacial and myofunctional therapy is a highly effective technique to improve the quality of life of patients suffering from oral problems, and this academic program offers a specialized and practical study to apply it effectively and successfully in the clinical setting.