
Get all the keys to consolidate your digital identity through this Postgraduate Diploma” 


It is clear that today's world has become increasingly digital, and at the same time more competitive. The battle for a preferential position in the network is fierce and is the key to success in the professional field, especially in sectors as sensitive and connected to users as Communication.

Therefore, the Postgraduate Diploma in Personal Branding and Digital Identity addresses in depth everything related to personal branding and digital identity, in order for the journalist or communicator to increase the visibility of their professional activity. The program agenda includes several modules, one of which focuses on Networking for personal brand building. This module is essential as it is a powerful tool for establishing meaningful and lasting connections that can open doors to new opportunities and collaborations. Similarly, another important point is Personal Branding on LinkedIn, which includes clarifying the objectives of using LinkedIn, building the audience of followers, identifying content leaders and other community members. 

With only an Internet connection, the student will benefit from a 100% online modality, which allows maximum flexibility to organize their academic resources according to their own needs and schedules. Furthermore, the Relearning pedagogical methodology will promote efficient specialization thanks to a faster internalization of concepts in dynamic study resources, such as interactive diagrams or case studies. 

Specialize from home or anywhere and lay the groundwork to position yourself as an influential communicator”   

This postgraduate diploma in Personal Branding and Digital Identity and Digital Identity contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Personal Branding and Digital Identity 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice 
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

It enhances key skills for personal brand building, such as leadership and critical thinking”   

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.  

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.      

Consult dynamic educational resources, such as videos or interactive diagrams, to design corporate reputation strategies for personal branding” 


Create with TECH Global University powerful support and collaboration networks that increase your professional opportunities” 


By enrolling in this postgraduate diploma, the student will acquire key knowledge and skills to enhance the digital identity and personal brand of a company in an effective and strategic way. The Postgraduate Diploma will delve into the operation of social networks and other digital tools to optimize the online presence and improve the reputation of communication companies in the digital environment. In this way, students will master techniques for creating and managing quality content and establishing a coherent and effective communication strategy, enabling them to become specialists in managing an organization's online presence. 


Launch your career through a consistent and positive digital identity. What are you waiting for to enroll?"

General Objectives

  • Identify and define the main elements to effectively develop and manage a personal brand 
  • Discover the elements that will help you work on your personal brand identity and achieve coherence 
  • Work in depth on the strategic elements that will form the basis of your messages and personal story 
  • Develop the message in its different rational and emotional forms 
  • Conceptualize a content strategy in line with the personal brand
  • Examine the possibilities offered by the main social platforms for the design of effective personal branding strategies
  • Identify the steps for the development of a strategic plan for personal branding in social media, establishing objectives and KPIs to measure results
  • Analyze and define the main elements that make up an optimized LinkedIn profile, compiling effective strategies to strengthen the digital presence on this platform
  • Determine how to approach and improve the process of content creation
  • Study success stories of personal brands in different sectors

Objetivos específicos

Module 1. Personal Brand Building. Personal Branding, Digital Identity and Corporate Reputation 

  • Develop the design of a Digital Identity strategy to help project an image consistent with brand values
  • Identify the journey of the personal brand in order to have a global vision of all its phases
  • Communicating a coherent and positive Digital Identity 
  • Develop the skills and competencies necessary for personal brand management
  • Carry out a strategy of online and offline actions for the monetization of the personal brand
  • Establish a strategy to maintain a positive corporate reputation and know how to manage a reputation crisis
  • Identify the need for innovation, maintenance and updating of the personal brand on a constant basis and know the tools to achieve it

Module 2. Personal branding on LinkedIn. Visibility and engagement strategies for building a personal brand on LinkedIn

  • Develop an effective strategy to optimize the LinkedIn profile seeking to create a solid, credible profile that stands out from the average
  • Identify the types of content that have the greatest impact on the audience 
  • LinkedIn audience as a basis for creating valuable and relevant content to strengthen professional reputation 
  • Determine a content pillar strategy as the basis for an editorial calendar of publications that convey the knowledge, stories, thoughts and messages that will concretize the personal brand on LinkedIn
  • Examine effective techniques, formats and styles for publishing posts on LinkedIn
  • Master the tactics to establish an active and engaged community on LinkedIn by using effective connection, interaction and loyalty strategies
  • Evaluate and analyze the performance of the LinkedIn strategy, by monitoring metrics and analyzing audience activity and behavior, in order to adjust and improve the strategy in real-time 

Module 3. Networking for Personal Brand Building. Networking, events and PR strategies as levers for growth 

  • Develop a Networking strategy adapted to the objectives and audience and build a solid and growing network of contacts
  • Implement strategic online and offline actions to expand the network of contacts
  • Develop communication skills for effective networking in different areas and channels of face-to-face and online communication
  • Use Public Relations to increase visibility and authority in the area of expertise
  • Determine how the media, stakeholders and opinion leaders work to build a strong and strategic contact network 
  • Managing Reputational Crises in Networking and Public Relations 
  • Interpret the data obtained from the metrics to evaluate the Networking and Public Relations strategy and its impact on the personal brand 

Get into the workings of the media, stakeholders and opinion leaders”  

Postgraduate Diploma in Personal Branding and Digital Identity

This program will help you define your own personal brand, through the identification of your skills and strengths, and the creation of a strategic plan that will allow you to effectively communicate your value proposition. In addition, you will learn to manage your digital identity, taking care of your presence in social networks and on the web, and to generate quality content to project a solid and coherent professional image.

Become a benchmark in your sector and stand out from the competition. Expand your job opportunities and generate new professional relationships. Enroll now in the Postgraduate Diploma in Personal Branding and Digital Identity!

Postgraduate Diploma in Personal Branding and Digital Identity

The digital era has transformed the way we relate and communicate in the workplace. In this context, having a solid and coherent digital image is key to stand out in your sector and generate new opportunities. The Postgraduate Diploma in Personal Branding and Digital Identity provides you with the necessary tools and skills to achieve this.

During this program, you will learn how to develop your own personal brand, identifying your strengths and skills, and create an action plan that allows you to project a coherent and consistent image in the digital environment. In addition, you will learn the best practices in digital identity management, to take care of your presence in social networks and the web, and to generate quality content that positions you as a reference in your sector.