
A high-intensity educational program that will enable you to develop an Editorial Design with the solvency of the best professionals in the sector"


This postgraduate diploma in Editorial Design has been structured to offer an interesting, interactive and, above all, very effective process of specialization in everything related to this sector. To achieve this, a clear and continuous growth path is offered, which is also 100% compatible with other occupations.

Through an exclusive methodology, this postgraduate diploma will lead you to know all the ways of working in Editorial Design that the design professional needs to stay at the forefront and know the changing phenomena of multimedia communication and specifically the work in Editorial Design .

Therefore, this program will address the aspects that a designer needs to know in order to plan, develop and finalize a complete Editorial Design . An educational path that will scale the student's skills to help them achieve the challenges of a top professional.

The postgraduate diploma in Editorial Design is presented as a viable option for a professional who decides to work independently but also to be part of any organization or company. An interesting avenue of professional development that will benefit from the specific knowledge that we now make available to you in this program.

This program will allow you to enhance your skills and update your knowledge in Editorial Design " 

This postgraduate diploma in Editorial Design  contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Development of a large number of case studies presented by experts
  • Graphic, schematic, and highly practical contents 
  • The latest developments and cutting-edge advances in this area
  • Practical exercises where the self-evaluation process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Innovative and highly efficient methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

All the necessary knowledge for the graphic design professional in this field, compiled in a highly efficient postgraduate diploma, which will optimize your effort with the best results"

The development of this program is focused on practicing the proposed theoretical learning Through the most effective teaching systems, proven methods imported from the most prestigious universities in the world, you will be able to acquire new knowledge in a practical way. In this way, we strive to convert your efforts into real and immediate skills.

Our online system is another strength of our approach to education. With an interactive platform that has the advantages of the latest technological developments, we put the most interactive digital tools at your service. This way, we can offer you a learning method that can be completely adapted to your needs, so that you can perfectly combine this program with your personal or professional life.

A practical and intensive program that will give you all the tools you need to work in this field, in a specific and concrete postgraduate diploma"


A training program created to allow you to implement your acquired knowledge into your daily practice in an almost immediate way"


The objective of this postgraduate diploma in Editorial Design is to offer professionals a complete way to acquire knowledge and skills for professional practice in this sector, with the confidence of learning from the best and a form of study based on practice that will allow to complete the program with the necessary knowledge to perform the work with total confidence and competence.


Our goal is simple: to help you get the most complete update in a postgraduate diploma fully compatible with your work and personal obligations"

General Objective

  • Learn all aspects of creating an Editorial Design in any type of publication that can be developed

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Editorial Design

  • Know the fundamentals of Editorial Design in the printed and digital context, as well as its interrelation with other areas
  • Know the scope and importance of the designer in the editorial field
  • Know the specific terminology, techniques and languages applied to design processes: prepress and printing systems, digital and multimedia techniques and supports
  • Design editorial publications taking into account the graphic set and its elements
  • Capture, manipulate and prepare text and image for use in different media
  • Design eye-catching visual communications that meet today's graphic standards
  • Begin to use Adobe InDesign and learn about the elements available in the program in order to design your own graphic ideas

Module 2. Typography

  • Know the syntactic principles of graphic language and apply its rules to clearly and accurately describe objects and ideas
  • Know the origin of letters and their historical importance
  • Recognize, study and coherently apply typography to graphic processes
  • Know and apply the aesthetic foundations of typography
  • Know how to analyze the arrangement of texts in the design object
  • Be able to carry out professional work based on typographic composition

Module 3. Layout

  • Design editorial publications taking into account the graphic set and its elements
  • Know the task of a layout designer and the importance of their role in the editorial field
  • Know the digital media and their importance in the current context
  • Use Adobe InDesign for the proper development of graphic projects
  • Use social networks from an artistic perspective, being aware of the importance of a good graphic strategy
  • Develop an editorial language to advertise a product or service, with a clear and specific purpose

Module 4. Final Art

  • Know the specific terminology, techniques and languages applied to design processes: prepress and printing systems, digital and multimedia techniques, supports
  • Know the printing systems in order to be able to evaluate which is the best alternative when it comes to physically capture a graphic project
  • Learn about printing alternatives that are governed by sustainability principles and to use them in the process of conceiving a design project from scratch
  • Know the procedures to be followed to properly prepare a final artwork for printing
  • Know what is binding and learn in depth the types of binding that exist
  • Incorporate the necessary technical vocabulary to achieve a fluent communication with the technicians and sectors involved in publishing

An opportunity created for professionals who are looking for an intensive and effective program with which to take a significant step forward in the practice of their profession"

Postgraduate Diploma in Editorial Design

At TECH Global University our main objective is to provide the best training available in the different areas of knowledge that govern society. In order to continue fulfilling our goal, we have designed the most complete and updated Postgraduate Diploma in Editorial Design in the educational market. Our program consists of 450 instructive hours during which students will have access to high quality contents that will allow them to fully master the different concepts, techniques and tools that make up this branch of the industry. In addition, with the new skills acquired, applicants will be able to design editorial publications efficiently, taking into account the graphic set and the elements that compose them.

Why study a postgraduate degree in editorial design at TECH?

First, TECH has been recognized by Forbes magazine as the largest digital university in the world, with more than 7,500 programs and presence in all Spanish-speaking countries; thanks to this, we can offer the best education without you having to leave your home, with high quality educational content at the reach of your cell phone. Second, we have a pedagogical methodology that breaks with traditional teaching models, which will allow you to internalize concepts easily and quickly, while preparing you for the different challenges of the labor market. Finally, upon completion of our program we provide an internationally recognized university degree.