
A unique program in its field, which will allow you to learn with the highest quality through the most advanced online teaching course on the market"

posgrado experto enfermedades infecciosas caninas TECH Global University

For a correct diagnosis of infectious diseases, it is important to know the epidemiological environment in which patients are found and to know how to interpret diagnostic tests. Incorrect interpretation of a test could lead to loss of information or misdiagnosis. For this reason, this program will cover the different groups of diseases that are most prevalent in the practice.

Infectious diseases caused by viral agents develop different clinical pictures in dogs depending on the age of the animal and its immunity. Although many of these diseases are immunopreventable, they are an ongoing problem in the veterinary practice.  

The group of infectious diseases caused by viral agents develop different clinical pictures in dogs depending on the age of the animal and its immunity. Although many of these diseases are preventable, they are an ongoing problem in the veterinary practice.  

In the early stages of a puppy's life, viruses such as distemper or parvovirus can cause severe or disabling clinical issues in these pets.

Other pathologies, such as tetanus or botulism, are less frequent, but should be identified promptly for the application of the best therapy and to ensure, as far as possible, the patient's life. 

Vector-borne diseases, i.e., hematophagous arthropods, are a group of different entities produced by bacteria, viruses, protozoa and helminths. They are considered emerging (and sometimes non-emerging) in daily canine clinical practice. These diseases produce a great diversity of clinical pictures, they can be asymptomatic or can cause the death of the animal.  

Infectious diseases caused by parasites (nematodes, protozoa, trematodes and cestodes) are frequent in dogs, generally presenting with gastrointestinal symptoms; the group of pulmonary parasites produces emerging pathologies in the patient.

 The infectious pathologies of major incidence in dogs, analyzed and studied in a clear, comprehensive and effective manner"

This postgraduate diploma in Canine Infectious Diseases contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. Its most notable features are:  

  • The latest technology in online teaching software
  • Intensely visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents, easy to assimilate and understand
  • Practical cases presented by practising experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems
  • Autonomous learning: full compatibility with other occupations
  • Practical exercises for self-evaluation and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Supplementary documentation databases are permanently available, even after the program

An educational program based on the best working methods of the online educational panorama, revolutionary in the veterinary field"

Its teaching staff includes professionals belonging to the field of Veterinary Medicine, who bring to this program the experience of their work, as well as renowned specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.  

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced psychology experts.   

Fully compatible with your daily life activities, it will allow you to learn in a constant and gradual way, at your own pace, without losing educational effectiveness"

estudiar experto enfermedades infecciosas caninas

High-impact program that will give you the qualifications you need to act as an expert in this field of work"


The objective of this program is to provide veterinary medicine professionals with a high-quality resource that allows them to be fully up to date, integrating into their theoretical and practical knowledge the latest advances and developments in the treatment of small animals in the field of infectious diseases.  

formacion experto enfermedades infecciosas caninas

The objective of this program is to provide the veterinary professional with the most comprehensive and up-to-date teaching on infectious diseases in dogs"

General Objectives

  • Interpret diagnostic tests and their clinical relevance
  • Improve collection, storage and transport of specimens
  • Determine the advantages and limitations of the use of cytology
  • Develop specialized theoretical and practical knowledge for the diagnosis and treatment of the most common viral diseases affecting dogs 
  • Generate specialized theoretical and practical knowledge to carry out a correct diagnosis and treatment of the diseases transmitted by hematophagous arthropods (vectors) and produced by bacterial pathogens that most frequently affect domestic dogs
  • Generate specialized theoretical and practical knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases caused by bacterial, parasitic and fungal pathogens that most frequently affect domestic dogs

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Introduction and Laboratory Diagnosis

  • Examine, at a Technical Level, the differences between the different diagnostic tests
  • Generate specialized knowledge to get the most out of diagnostic tests
  • Determine how to avoid false negatives and interpret false positives
  • Analyze how to effectively perform cytology in clinical practice
  • Establish how to diagnose the most common infectious processes by cytology 
  • Make the best clinical use of the available information

Module 2. Infectious Diseases in the Canine Species (I). Viral Diseases

  • Recognize the different clinical pictures of this group of diseases
  • Develop specialized and advanced knowledge to establish a specific diagnosis of these pathologies
  • Present the latest knowledge in the therapeutics of viral diseases affecting domestic dogs

Module 3. Infectious Diseases in the Canine Species (II). Vector and Bacterial Diseases (I)

  • Determinar los diferentes cuadros clínicos con las que se presentan este grupo de enfermedades
  • Desarrollar conocimiento especializado sobre las Enfermedades Vectoriales y Bacterianas para alcanzar un diagnostico especifico de estas patologías
  • Examinar los últimos avances en la terapéutica de las enfermedades vectoriales y bacterianas que afectan a los perros domésticos

Module 4. Infectious Diseases in the Canine Species (III). Bacterial (II), Parasitic and Fungal Diseases

  • Examine the different clinical pictures with which this group of diseases present themselves
  • Develop specialized knowledge to carry out a correct and specific diagnosis of these pathologies
  • Present the latest knowledge in the therapeutics of these diseases affecting domestic dogs
diplomado experto enfermedades infecciosas caninas TECH Global University

A path to achieve education and professional growth that will propel you towards a greater level of competitiveness in the employment market"

Postgraduate Diploma in Canine Infectious Diseases.

Canine infectious diseases are diseases that affect dogs and are caused by different types of microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. These diseases are spread when dogs come into direct contact with other infected dogs or contaminated materials such as food, water and objects such as dog bowls, toys, etc.

Refresh your knowledge of Canine Infectious Diseases with this Veterinary program.

Parvovirus: highly contagious and fatal disease that mainly affects puppies and young dogs. The virus causes an infection in the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration.

Distemper: a viral disease that causes flu-like symptoms in dogs, such as fever, cough, runny nose and eyes, and can cause neurological problems in more severe cases.

Bordetella: bacterial infection that causes kennel cough and is easily spread among dogs in enclosed or crowded spaces, such as shelters and daycare centers.

Lyme: a tick-borne disease that can affect both dogs and humans. Symptoms include fever, joint and muscle pain, and fatigue.

Leptospirosis: a bacterial disease that is transmitted through the urine of infected animals and can cause kidney, liver and neurological damage in dogs. <7p>

Rabies: viral disease that affects the nervous system and is fatal in all cases if not treated in time. It can also be transmitted to humans through the saliva of an infected animal.

TECH the world's largest digital university has a specialized academic program designed to provide a solid understanding of infectious diseases affecting dogs and how to prevent, diagnose and treat these diseases. Students will learn the most advanced techniques and effective strategies to manage and control canine infectious diseases. This program is intended for veterinarians seeking to specialize in canine infectious disease medicine, as well as those working in veterinary clinics, hospitals and research centers that focus on the prevention and treatment of these diseases.