
D. in Biology, Mr. Felipe Lombó Burgos, is an expert in Microbilogy and head of the research group BIONUC (Biotechnology of Nutraceuticals and Bioactive Compounds) of the Department of Functional Biology of the Microbiology Area of the University of Oviedo. 

In addition, he is co-author of numerous scientific studies and has participated in research projects as head of design. 

  • Head of the BIONUC Research Group, University of Oviedo
  • Former Director of the Research Support Area of the AEI Project
  • Member of the Microbiology Area of the University of Oviedo
  • Co-author of the research 'Biocidal nanoporous membranes with inhibitory activity of biofilm formation in critical points of production process of the dairy industry'
  • Head of the study '100% natural acorn-fed ham against inflammatory intestinal diseases'
  • Speaker at the III Congress of Industrial Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology
Programmes in collaboration with

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