
Dr. Begoña Caballero is a specialist in the field of Oncology, specifically with regard to Radiotherapeutic Management as a Therapeutic Strategy for the Management of Cancer in its multiple stages. He has offered his services to important hospitals, both nationally and internationally, among which are: the University Hospital La Paz, the Ruber International Hospital and the University Hospital of Fuenlabrada, where he has worked for most of his more than 2 decades of experience.  

She has also shown special interest in the Research Area, being the Author and Co-author of more than 3 dozen articles related, for example, with the Therapeutic Impact of Locoregional Treatments on the Nutritional Status of the Patient with Prostate or Breast Cancer. 

  • FEA of Radiation Oncology at University Hospital of Fuenlabrada
  • Medical Specialist in Radiation Oncology at the 12 de Octubre University Hospital in Madrid
  • FEA of Oncology at the Hospital Ruber International 
  • FEA of Oncology at the University Hospital La Paz of Madrid 
  • Teacher of the 11th Program of Support Treatments in Radiation Oncology
  • Author of the Webinar on Prostate Cancer at the ProstaMadrid Group Conference
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