University certificate
With this Practical Training you will take a definitive step in your career.”
You will live a unique professional experience with a multidisciplinary team of specialists in Gynecologic Oncology in a prestigious center”

Both Gynecology and Oncology are facing increasingly complex challenges associated with the development of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, as well as technological and informatics innovations. These new developments force the specialist to constantly update his knowledge, to study the available evidence and to develop new competencies, which allow him to keep up with the technological and social changes to improve the health of patients.
The social and emotional burden that gynecological cancer has on today's society means that scientific and professional interest in this discipline is on the rise. But advances in surgery and Gynecologic Oncology make it essential for specialists to maintain constant training in order to continue providing quality care. This program offers the opportunity to update knowledge and skills in a practical and effective way.
TECH presents this internship program that will allow you to develop, with a real patient and in a hospital setting with state-of-the-art resources, the maximum potential and growth in the area of Gynecologic Oncology. You will approach patients with oncological pathology by the hand of the best specialists, using the latest techniques based on scientific evidence, and achieving results previously difficult to achieve.
Thus, for 3 weeks the graduate will be part of a team of specialists of the highest level, with whom they will work actively in the management of the different patients who come to their respective offices during this period. In this way, you will be able to update yourself, not only on the most effective medical strategies, but you will also be able to implement the most assertive and approachable communication skills to deliver both good and bad news. In this way, you will not only participate in a program that will elevate your clinical talent to the highest level, but also increase your human and empathic quality.

Make the most of this opportunity to surround yourself with expert professionals and learn from their work methodology”
Why our program?
Women are increasingly aware of the need for recurrent health checks to screen for any type of cancer or malformation in their reproductive system. Constant advances in medicine, supported by communication technologies, have allowed this awareness to expand. Therefore, physicians must be prepared to take on the new challenges of this process and the new health care behavior of users. In this program the student will be able to specialize in all the analysis techniques, diagnostics, tests and treatments for the different types of pathologies in Gynecologic Oncology and thus provide the best possible service to their patients. From a reference hospital center chosen exhaustively by TECH to provide this practical training, the specialist will be able to share a space of discernment with other experts and verify in the front row all the latest aspects on the subject of study.

Only with TECH will you be able to live this type of practical academic experience for your professional development in Gynecologic Oncology”
1. TUTOR: During the internship program, students will be assigned with two tutors who will accompany them throughout the process, answering any doubts and questions that may arise. On the one hand, there will be a professional tutor belonging to
the internship center who will have the purpose of guiding and supporting the student at all times. On the other hand, they will also be assigned with an academic tutor, whose mission will be to coordinate and help the students during the whole process, solving doubts and facilitating everything they may need. In this way, the student will be accompanied and will be able to discuss any doubts that may arise, both clinical and academic.
2. DURATION: The internship program will have a duration of three continuous weeks, in 8-hour days, 5 days a week. The days of attendance and the schedule will be the responsibility of the center and the professional will be informed well in advance so
that they can make the appropriate arrangements.
3. ABSENCE: If the students does not show up on the start date of the internship program, they will lose the right to it, without the possibility of reimbursement or change of dates. Absence for more than two days from the internship, without justification or a medical reason, will result in the professional’s withdrawal from the internship, therefore, automatic termination of the internship. Any problems that may arise during the course of the internship must be urgently reported to the academic tutor.
4. CERTIFICATION: Professionals who pass the internship program will receive a certificate accrediting their stay at the center.
5. EMPLOYMENT RELATIONSHIP: The internship program shall not constitute an employment relationship of any kind.
6. PRIOR EDUCATION: Some centers may require a certificate of prior education for the internship program. In these cases, it will be necessary to submit it to the TECH internship department so that the assignment of the chosen center can be confirmed.
7. DOES NOT INCLUDE: The internship program will not include any element not described in the present conditions. Therefore, it does not include accommodation, transportation to the city where the internship takes place, visas or any other items not listed.
However, students may consult with their academic tutor for any questions or recommendations in this regard. The academic tutor will provide the student with all the necessary information to facilitate the procedures in any case.

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"
Internship program in Gynecologic Oncology
In recent years, the field of gynecologic oncology has experienced great advances. Although the development of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, as well as technological and informatics innovation is evident, there are still many challenges facing these specialists. For this reason, at TECH Global University we developed the Internship program in Gynecologic Oncology, a program focused on addressing the main aspects of this discipline through the application of specialized knowledge and the accompaniment of experts during an intensive three-week stay in a prestigious center. In this way, you will be able to become one of the most reputed oncological gynecologists in the use of the newest technologies and techniques in this field.
Specialize as head of hospital services
From the hands-on learning you will develop during the course of this program, you will learn to identify the different types of endometrial cancer and perform the appropriate diagnostic and disease extension methods; you will recognize and interpret the different imaging tests, markers and molecular tests necessary for the prognosis and staging of tumor pathologies, as well as review the management of recurrent genital tumor cases, including surgery, radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy, as well as the evidence in treatment follow-up. In this way, you will reassess your professional profile and ensure quality care for your patients.
Study at the largest medical school
TECH Global University has the largest Faculty of Medicine. Hand in hand with a complete and updated scientific program you will have the opportunity to learn through the study and analysis of real cases in a prestigious center for three weeks, with consecutive eight-hour days, Monday through Friday. This will not only allow you to perfect your skills for the resolution of complex situations in real environments, but will help you make accurate and effective decisions to ensure a comprehensive and high quality service in the work practice of this discipline.