
Knowing everything about software testing will make you an outstanding professional in your work environment. Enroll now and start the experience"


To obtain efficient software quality levels, a series of parameters must be met from the initial phase of project management. Among them, and perhaps one of the most important is the application of tests that allow to identify the level of risk that the software provides at the time and those that it could imply in the future; all this, of course, with the purpose of providing effective answers to the end user.

The content of this postgraduate certificate in Software Testing. Test Automation is approached from a theoretical-practical aspect, to cover the essential normative aspects for the creation of reliable software. Theoretical concepts on testing based on the theory of software engineering and their practical application will be possible thanks to the teaching team that conducts this training, who have chosen a specific syllabus to learn the most up-to-date aspects of the subject.

A study focused on quality aspects, it will delve into the ISO 15504 standard, as well as ISO/IEC 15504. The CMMI Framework, repositories, teams and continuous integration will also be addressed from a practical point of view. This part of the syllabus is essential, since testing, beyond the basic tests that every developer performs, must be done automatically, prior to the integration of new software modules in the team work repository.

On the other hand, this course will focus on two fundamental methodologies in the practice of software development; on the one hand, the Waterfall methodology will be studied, and on the other hand, the Agile methodology; which, when analyzed in their complement, will result in hybrid projects. It will also be possible to analyze the client's vision and define the communication between the client and the provider, which will allow to give a touch of integrality to the professional's educational experience.

All this framed in an online learning system, which will provide you with the flexibility you need to adapt the acquired knowledge to your current performance. With the guidance of professional experts in the field of software development, who have carefully selected all the content and made it available to the student through different multimedia resources, based on the most innovative methodology: Relearning.

The Relearning methodology provides a learning system that will allow you to understand the topics more easily. TECH makes it possible. Enroll now and qualify in 12 weeks"

This postgraduate certificate in Software Testing. Test Automation contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Case studies presented by experts in software development
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions for experts and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

TECH Global University, always at the forefront with the most in-demand topics in the labor market, offers you this postgraduate certificate in Software Testing. Test Automation, so that you can stand out in your professional development"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

With this program you will learn to develop the methodologies that are being used in management: Waterfall and Agile"


You will master the necessary procedures to develop hybrid projects"


The main objective of this postgraduate certificate is for the professional to develop the ability to efficiently manage a project, taking into account the software testing and test automation and its importance within the software quality management process. Understanding the methodologies to be implemented in each case, getting to develop hybrid projects thanks to the knowledge of the different methodologies most used today.


Now is your time, TECH Global University helps you reach your goal with the best content to advance in the development of your profession. Start now"

General Objectives

  • Develop the criteria, tasks and advanced methodologies to understand the relevance of quality-oriented work
  • Analyze the key factors in the quality of a software project
  • Develop the relevant regulatory aspects
  • Implement DevOps and systems processes for Quality Assurance
  • Reduce the technical debt of projects with a quality approach rather than an approach based on economics and short deadlines
  • Provide the student with specialized knowledge to be able to measure and quantify the quality of a software project
  • Defend the economic proposals of projects on the basis of the Quality approach

Specific Objectives

  • Establish the differences between product quality, process quality and quality of use
  • Know the ISO/IEC 15504 standard
  • Determine the details of CMMI
  • Learn the keys to continuous integration, repositories and the repercussions they have on a software development team
  • Establish the relevance of incorporating repositories for software projects. Learn how to create them with TFS
  • Analyze the different types of fundamental tests, such as load, unit, stress and endurance tests
  • Assimilate the importance of software scalability in information systems design and development
  • Determine what the Waterfall Methodology consists of
  • Delve into the Scrum Methodology
  • Establish the differences between Waterfall and Scrum
  • Clarify the differences between Waterfall and Scrum methodologies and how the customer sees it
  • Browse the Kanban Board
  • Approach a same project with Waterfall and Scrum
  • Setting up a hybrid project

You will understand quality from different perspectives. Analyze the different types of fundamental tests such as load, unit, stress and endurance tests”

Postgraduate Certificate in Software Testing. Test Automation

In today's world, the software industry is one of the most relevant and constantly evolving. Software quality is a primary concern for companies seeking to stand out in the market. Therefore, it is essential that software developers have skills in testing and test automation to ensure the quality of their products. This Postgraduate Certificate in Software Testing. Test Automation, offers a complete and updated training for professionals seeking to excel in this field. The program focuses on the latest trends in software testing and test automation, providing the student with the necessary tools to improve software quality and reduce costs and development times. This comprehensive program is conducted online, allowing students to adapt their study time to their daily schedules and activities. In addition, the program is designed by subject matter experts, with wide experience in the field of software testing and test automation, ensuring the quality and relevance of the content.


Study Test Automation online


Graduates of this program will have the skills necessary to effectively perform software testing, identify and correct bugs, and improve the quality of software products. In addition, they will have the skills to automate testing and reduce testing times, resulting in more efficient and cost-effective software development. In conclusion, this Postgraduate Certificate in Software Testing. Test Automation, is an excellent choice for those IT professionals who wish to specialize in this field, and for those looking to keep up to date with the latest trends in software development.