Why study at TECH?

Thanks to this Professional master’s degree, you will gain in-depth and up-to-date knowledge of Implantology and Oral Surgery, with an agile and flexible learning system" 


Porcelain, ceramic, composite, zirconium or titanium are just some of the materials most commonly used in Implantology and Oral Surgery. However, major technological advances have favored the use of biomaterials and digital implantology. Developments in the field of oral surgical pathology and implant planning mean that dentists have to keep up to date with the latest techniques in computer-guided surgery and immediate loading or periodontics applied to the treatment of implant patients.

With this Professional master’s degree, the dental professionals will be able to completely update all their knowledge in this field thanks to the teaching material provided by the specialized teaching team in this degree. A university program taught exclusively online, over a period of 12 months, in which the professional will learn the main surgical techniques used for the approach of different dental lesions. Educational resources using the latest educational technology such as video summaries, detailed videos or interactive outlines will facilitate the updating of their knowledge. Likewise, the clinical case studies and complementary readings will be very useful for professionals who are looking for a program with a theoretical-practical approach.

This university degree is an excellent opportunity for dental professionals who wish to keep abreast of the evolution of their profession in a convenient academic format. The specialist who takes this program only needs an electronic device with internet connection to access the virtual platform where the entire syllabus is hosted. The content is available from the beginning of the course, allowing students to distribute the workload according to their needs. It is, therefore, an ideal Professional master’s degree for professionals who are looking for a quality education that is compatible with other areas of their personal and/or professional life.

Expand your knowledge in Implantology and Oral Surgery with this program, where you will find the best educational material with real clinical cases"

This Professional master’s degree in Implantology and Oral Surgery contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Development of clinical cases presented by experts in Implantology and Oral Surgery
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Diagnostic-therapeutic new developments on assessment, diagnosis, and treatment in Implantology and Oral Surgery
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Iconography of clinical and diagnostic imaging tests
  • An algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the clinical situations presented throughout the course
  • Special emphasis on evidence-based dentistry and research methodologies in Implantology and Oral Surgery
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Availability of content from any fixed or portable device with internet connection

You will have access to simulations and real cases of the different surgical techniques, prostheses on implants and usual complications, giving you a unique perspective in the field of Implantology and Oral Surgery"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Learn with TECH about the latest advances in oral surgical pathology, including extensive topics dedicated to the third molar impacted teeth, impacted canines, as well as the most common dental impactions"


This program delves into the main software used in guided surgery and immediate loading, with an exhaustive review of the most modern dental work methodology"


The entire structure of the contents has been created by a professional team who are aware of the most relevant dental reality. Their experience in clinical centers and universities gives the syllabus a unique theoretical-practical approach, combined with the best educational technology offered by TECH. In this way, students who take this Professional master’s degree will have access to a syllabus consisting of 16 modules in which they will learn about diagnosis, oral surgical pathology, implantology and osseointegration or the main surgical techniques used. Case study simulations will be of great use and direct application in clinical practices. 


The clinical cases provided by the specialized teaching team will help you to get even closer to real situations in which to put guided bone regeneration into practice"  

Module 1. Diagnosis

1.1. Clinical History: First Visit, Anamnesis and Patient's Expectations
1.2. Medical Assessment of the Surgical Patient

1.2.1. Complementary Tests in Implantology and Oral Surgery

1.3. Patient with Diseases of Risk in Implant Dentistry and Surgery: Medical Considerations and Dental Management

1.3.1. Diabetic Patients
1.3.2. Immunosuppressed Patients
1.3.3. Patients Taking Anticoagulants
1.3.4. The Medically Compromised Patient: Bisphosphonates

1.4. Anesthetic Techniques in Surgery and Implantology

1.4.1. Drugs
1.4.2. Loco-Regional Anesthesia Techniques in Surgery and Implantology

1.5. Sedation and General Anesthesia

Module 2. Oral Surgery Pathology 

2.1. Tooth Retention

2.1.1. Concept, Etiology and Possible Treatment

2.2. Third Molar Included

2.2.1. Pathology and Clinical Manifestations
2.2.2. Diagnosis and Treatment

2.3. Pathology and Treatment of Included Canines

2.3.1. Diagnosis
2.3.2. Surgical Management
2.3.3. Surgical-Orthodontic Treatment

2.4. Pre-Prosthetic Surgery Techniques on Soft and Hard Tissue

2.4.1. Laser in Oral Surgery
2.4.2. Types of Laser in Oral Surgery

2.5. Periapical Surgery

2.5.1. Materials
2.5.2. Techniques

Module 3. Implant Planning 

3.1. Extraoral and Intraoral Examination

3.1.1. Extraoral Examination: Symmetry, Facial Thirds, Extraoral Aesthetic Parameters
3.1.2. Intraoral Examination: Hard Tissue, Soft Tissue, Occlusion and TMJ

3.2. Impression Taking and Study Models in Implantology

3.2.1. Materials and Impression Techniques in Implant Diagnosis
3.2.2. Facebow and Mounting on a Semi-Adjustable Articulator

3.3. Diagnostic Wax-Up and Radiological Splints

3.3.1. Waxing Techniques and Clinical Considerations
3.3.2. Radiological Splints: Classification and Laboratory Manufacturing

3.4. Radiological Diagnosis in Implantology

3.4.1. Classification of Techniques
3.4.2. Planning in 2D
3.4.3. Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT): Planning Software

3.5. Photographic Records in Implantology
3.6. Presentation of a Treatment Plan Strategies

Module 4. Implantology and Osseointegration

4.1. Historical Review and Generic Terminology of Dental Implants

4.1.1. Evolution of Implantology up to the 21st Century
4.1.2. Generic Terminology of Dental Implants: Components and Nomenclature

4.2. Biology of Osseointegration

4.2.1. Inflammatory Phase
4.2.2. Proliferative Phase
4.2.3. Maturation Phase
4.2.4. Contact and Remote Osteogenesis

4.3. Anatomy in Implantology

4.3.1. Anatomy of the Upper Jaw
4.3.2. Anatomy of the Mandible

4.4. Histology of Bone Tissue, Periodontium and Peri-Implant Tissue
4.5. Bone Availability in Implantology
4.6. Preparation of the Surgical Field, Sterilization and Premedication Protocols

4.6.1. Table Preparation
4.6.2. Surgical Asepsis of the Patient: Premedication
4.6.3. Surgical Asepsis of the Surgeon and Assistants

Module 5. Basic Surgical Technique and Implantology

5.1. Incision Techniques in Implantology

5.1.1. Incisions in a Total Edentulous Patient
5.1.2. Incisions in a Partial Edentulous Patient
5.1.3. Incisions in the Aesthetic Sector
5.1.4. Incisions in Bone Guided Regeneration Techniques
5.1.5. Flapless

5.2. Surgical Instruments Detachment, Separation and Bone Regulation
5.3. Drilling Techniques in Implantology

5.3.1. Drills and Components of the Surgical Trays
5.3.2. Sequential Drilling
5.3.3. Biological Drilling

5.4. Single-Stage Implants and Two-Stage Implants
5.5. Sutures in Implantology

5.5.1. Suture Instruments and Materials
5.5.2. Suture Techniques

Module 6. Biomaterials and Guided Bone Regeneration 

6.1. Types of Bone Grafts and Biological Mechanisms of Bone Formation

6.1.1. Classification, Advantages and Disadvantages
6.1.2. Osteogenesis, Osteoconduction and Osteoinduction

6.2. Autologous Bone Grafts: Chin and Mandibular Ramus
6.3. Other Biomaterials in Bone Regeneration

6.3.1. Homologous Grafts
6.3.2. Heterologous Grafts
6.3.3. Alloplastic Grafts
6.3.4. Plasma Which Is Rich in Growth Factors

6.4. Membranes and Bone Guided Regeneration

6.4.1. Non-Reabsorbable Membranes
6.4.2. Resorbable Membranes

Module 7. Maxillary Sinus Lift

7.1. Diagnosis and Anatomical Recall of the Sinus Lift
7.2. Sinus Lift Technique Via the Crestal Approach

7.2.1. Sinus Lift with Osteotome Technique
7.2.2. Minimally Invasive Crestal Sinus Lift Atraumatic Drilling Kits Balloon Technique

7.3. Sinus Lift Technique Via the Lateral Approach

7.3.1. Step by Step Description of the Technique
7.3.2. Piezoelectric Systems
7.3.3. Biomaterials in Maxillary Sinus Elevation

Module 8. Immediate Implantology

8.1. Post-Extraction Implants

8.1.1. Surgical Aspects of Immediate Implants Immediate Implant Early Implant Placement

8.2. Immediate Implants in Posterior Sectors
8.3. Immediate Aesthetic

8.3.1. Emergency Profile Transmission
8.3.2. Immediate Provisional

Module 9. Advanced Surgical Techniques in Implantology

9.1. Crest Expansion

9.1.1. Crest Expansion with Manual Instruments
9.1.2. Crest Expansion with Motorized Instruments

9.2. Pterygoid Implants
9.3. Zygomatic Implants
9.4. Treatment with Dental Implants without Grafts

9.4.1. Short Implants
9.4.2. Narrow Implants
9.4.3. Angled Implants

Module 10. Periodontics Applied to the Treatment of the Implantology Patient

10.1. Basic Concepts of Periodontics Applied to a Patient With Implants

10.1.1. Periodontal Diagnosis
10.1.2. Prognosis and Treatment Plan

10.2. Mucogingival Procedures to Increase Keratinized Tissue

10.2.1. Free Gingival Grafting
10.2.2. Bilaminar Grafts

10.3. Mucogingival Procedures to Increase the Volume of Connective Tissue

10.3.1. Subepithelial Free Grafts
10.3.2. Pedicled Grafts

10.4. Alveolar Ridge Preservation Techniques
10.5. Implant Maintenance

10.5.1. Hygiene Techniques
10.5.2. Revisions and Maintenance in Implantology

Module 11. Implant Prosthesis

11.1. Restoration as a Guide to Global Implantology Treatment

11.1.1. Nomenclature

11.2. Impression Taking in Implantology Work Models

11.2.1. Impression Materials in Implantology
11.2.2. Impression Techniques: Open or Closed Cuvette Impressions
11.2.3. Pouring Impressions and Obtaining the Working Model

11.3. Selection of Abutments in Implantology

11.3.1. Preformed Abutments
11.3.2. Calcinable Abutments
11.3.3. Cad/Cam Abutments
11.3.4. Direct Prosthesis to Implant or on Transepithelials

11.4. Materials for Implant Prosthesis

11.4.1. Porcelain Metal Prostheses
11.4.2. Resin Metal Prostheses
11.4.3. Zirconium Prosthesis

11.5. Screw-Retained Prosthesis vs. Cement-Retained Prosthesis

11.5.1. Indications
11.5.2. Advantages and Disadvantages

11.6. Color Acquisition

11.6.1. Color Map, Color Guides and Colorimeters
11.6.2. Color Acquisition Technique

11.7. Clinical Sequence for Implant Prosthetics on Single Crowns and Partial Bridges

Module 12. Implant Prosthesis in a Totally Edentulous Patient

12.1. Treatment Options for a Totally Edentulous Patient

12.1.1. Key Positions of Implants

12.2. Removable Complete Restorations

12.2.1. Concept
12.2.2. Overdenture with Single Anchors
12.2.3. Overdentures on Bars
12.2.4. Clinical Sequence of Implant Prostheses in Totally Edentulous Patients Treated with Overdentures

12.3. Complete Fixed Restorations with Hybrid Prosthesis

12.3.1. Concept
12.3.2. Materials: Metal Composite and Metal Resin Fixed Prosthesis
12.3.3. Clinical Sequence of Implant Prostheses in Totally Edentulous Patients Treated with Hybrid Prosthesis

12.4. Complete Fixed Restorations with Fixed Prosthesis

12.4.1. Concept
12.4.2. Materials: Metal, Porcelain, Zirconium
12.4.3. Clinical Sequence of Implant Prostheses in Totally Edentulous Patients Treated with Fixed Prosthesis

Module 13. Implant Prosthesis in the Anterior Aesthetic Sector

13.1. Problems of the Anterior Single Tooth
13.2. Aesthetics in Oral Restoration with Dental Implants

13.2.1. Pink Aesthetic
13.2.2. White Aesthetic

13.3. Aesthetic Parameters in Implantology

13.3.1. Shape, Color, Dental Size
13.3.2. Gingival Symmetry

13.4. Prosthodontic Management of the Immediate Post-Extraction Implant

13.4.1. Indications and Contraindications
13.4.2. Management of Temporaries in the Anterior Aesthetic Sector
13.4.3. Prosthodontic Aspects of Immediate Provisionalization in Single Teeth: Immediate Aesthetics

Module 14. Computer-Guided Surgery and Immediate Loading

14.1. Introduction and General Considerations in Immediate Loading

14.1.1. Parameters and Selection of Patient with Immediate Loading

14.2. Computer-Guided Surgery

14.2.1. Guided Surgery Software
14.2.2. Guided Surgery Splints: Mucosal, Dental and Bone Support
14.2.3. Surgical Components Adapted to Computer-Guided Surgery
14.2.4. Surgical Techniques in Computer-Guided Surgery

14.3. Transitional Implants, Implants as Anchorage in Orthodontics and Mini Implants

14.3.1. Implants as an Anchorage in Orthodontics
14.3.2. Mini Implants

Module 15. Occlusion in Implantology

15.1. Occlusal Patterns in Implant Dentistry

15.1.1. Occlusion in a Totally Edentulous Patient
15.1.2. Occlusion in a Partially Edentulous Patient

15.2. Occlusal Splints
15.3. Occlusal Adjustment and Selective Grinding

Module 16. Complications in Implantology

16.1. Emergencies and Complications in Implant Surgery: What Are They and How Do You Solve Them?

16.1.1. Immediate Complications
16.1.2. Late Complications

16.2. Prosthetic Complications in Implantology
16.3. Biological Complications: Peri-Implantitis

16.3.1. Concept
16.3.2. Diagnosis
16.3.3. Non-Surgical and Surgical Treatment
16.3.4. Informed Consent and Legal Consequences


A unique, key, and decisive experience to boost your professional development”

Professional Master's Degree in Implantology and Oral Surgery

The working environment of the medical field demands professionals specialized in the surgical area, who are in constant innovation of knowledge and can respond effectively to the challenges of the market, providing a service with the highest quality standards. At TECH Global University we structure the Professional Master's Degree in Implantology and Oral Surgery as an excellent opportunity for educational qualification. Our program consists of 1,500 instructional hours, within which the student will have access to an innovative curriculum that has sophisticated thematic axes and updated in the most recent advances in this sector. Likewise, upon graduation you will have designed work strategies based on a multidisciplinary approach to the patient, meticulously analyzing the needs of the individual.

Study Implantology and Oral Surgery 100% online

This TECH program seeks to improve the practical-theoretical skills of students through an interactive audiovisual system, which will allow them to qualify through the development of online workshops. Similarly, in these activities, students will learn with quality contents that enable the acquisition of the best knowledge in relation to oral pathology, implant prosthetics, implant planning and biomaterials, as well as other topics of great academic value. On the other hand, thanks to our 100% online modality we offer time and space benefits, which will help the student body to plan their daily activities.