
Dr. Alba María Ruiz Allende is a specialist in Aesthetic Medicine highly demanded. In addition to having a broad training curriculum focused on this branch of clinical care, she has extensive experience in various centers in this sector. Thanks to this, she holds the position of Medical Director of Aesthetic Medicine at Grupo Clínica Londres, being also Director of this Department at Clínica IMEMA and other national and international reference centers. Her passion for the promotion of beauty and physical health has led her to take several Masters, focusing on areas such as Nutrition, Bioethics and business management, all focused on the aesthetic area, to which she has dedicated her entire career. 

In addition, her interest has also focused on the promotion and dissemination of knowledge through research and teaching in various universities. On the other hand, he has collaborated in the writing of scientific articles for the prestigious magazine Emergency Live. Thus, following her own maxim that "there is no Aesthetic Medicine without qualified training and real experience", she contributes every day to the advancement of this specialty with dedication and constant work.   

  • Medical Director of Aesthetic Medicine of the Clínica Londres Group.
  • Director of the Department of Aesthetic Medicine at Clínica IMEMA.
  • Trainer of Aesthetic Medicine workshops  
  • University Professor at CEU and UCAM.  
  • Professor of MIR preparation at CTO  
  • Clinical Researcher and Editor of the Emergency Live Magazine. 
  • Residency in the Specialty of Family, Community and Emergency Medicine in San Carlos Clinical Hospital
  • Master's Degree in Aesthetic Medicine and Nutrition at the Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia. 
  • Master's Degree in Business Management from the Catholic University San Antonio of Murcia. 
  • Master's Degree in Clinical Bioethics at the UIMP
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