
Manuel Cobo Sainz is a specialist in the fields of Business Administration and Management. In addition, he has extensive knowledge of Coaching, Marketing and MBA. He has forged his career in pharmaceutical companies, having more than 15 years of experience in Bayer, a multinational healthcare company.  

He has combined his professional work with the academic field, participating in various higher education programs in the service of his specialty. Thus, his extensive knowledge and experience consolidate him as one of the most renowned representatives of the industry.  

  • Key Account Manager at Bayer 
  • KAM Champions at Bayer 
  • Degree in Business Administration and Management from the Cesine University Center attached to the University of Wales
  • Coaching Expert program at ECOI 
  • Executive MBA from Cesine 
  • Master's Degree in Marketing and Commercial Management by ESIC 
Programmes in collaboration with

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