
This postgraduate certificate in Types of Educational Projects generates sense of confidence in the performance of your profession, which will help you to grow personally and professionally”

Most likely, the idea of an educational project will have a specific name and a more or less broad educational background. Therefore, if the educational project were completely new, it can certainly fit into one of the divisions we will study, allowing us to improve or transform it.

This way, thanks to the research on the different types of educational projects that will be developed in this module, students will become experts in this subject, enabling them to carry out the project that they consider ideal to achieve the objectives set as an educational center.

Once the nature of the educational project has been studied, and the most characteristic types that can be found both nationally and internationally, it is important to know what benefits the efficient and effective programming and implementation of an educational project brings to the center in a concrete reality.

A well-designed, monitored and evaluated project generates a series of benefits that have a direct impact on both the center and the students, as well as on the entire teaching-learning process. Thanks to this program, students will be able to create projects that meet these characteristics and will be able to reap in the short and long term the fruits of a job well done.

Thus, this program in Types of Educational Projects will examine the benefits for the center as an institution, improving its identity, its style and its presence. It will delve into the benefits it will bring to students and families. The benefits for both educators and non-teaching staff will then be explored. All this without forgetting that the benefits also reach the driving force of the center, improving the management style, the generation of leaders, or the alignment between the mission, the vision and the values of the educational center. On the other hand, the benefits of the programming and implementation of an educational project are given in turn in the exponential progress it generates in the adaptation to the students, to the active methodologies, to the demand of the environment, improving the environment of coexistence and sustainability, the relationship with the environment, with other centers in the area or in the same network, and deepening the ideology and style of the educational center.

Update your knowledge through the program in Types of Educational Projects”

This postgraduate certificate in Types of Educational Projects contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Case studies presented by experts in Types of Educational Projects
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Latest news on Types of Educational Projects
  • It contains practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • With special emphasis on innovative methodologies in Types of Educational Projects
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This postgraduate certificate is the best investment you can make when selecting a refresher program, for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge in Types of Educational Projects, you will obtain a qualification from TECH Global University”

It includes in its teaching staff, professionals belonging to the field of Types of Educational Projects, who bring to this program the experience of their work, as well as recognized specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive program to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the Educators must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, educators will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system developed by recognized experts in the field of the Types of Educational Projects, with extensive teaching experience.

Increase your decision-making confidence by updating your knowledge through this postgraduate certificate”

Take the opportunity to learn about the latest advances in Types of Educational Projects and improve your students’ education”


The program in Types of Educational Projects is oriented to facilitate the performance of the professional dedicated to working with students related to the educational field.

This program is oriented so that you can update your knowledge in Types of Educational Projects, with the use of the latest educational technology, to contribute with quality and confidence to the decision-making and monitoring of these students”

General Objectives

  • Know the most important elements of the educational project
  • Specialize people in the educational field in order to improve the educational projects they use, or to develop an innovative project of their own creation or based on evidence
  • Study each of the phases of programming and implementation of an educational project
  • Analyze the essential factors to be taken into account in the programming and implementation of an educational project
  • Get a global view of the whole process and not just a biased position
  • Understand the role of each of the educational agents in each phase of the programming and implementation of the educational project
  • Delve into the essential success factors of the educational project
  • Become an expert to lead or participate in a quality educational project 

Specific Objectives

  • Know the most common types of educational projects in schools
  • Discover the most innovative educational projects of the moment
  • Understand the variety of programming and implementation possibilities with regards to educational projects
  • Analyze the most common and innovative educational projects in the technological field
  • Study educational projects based on the most innovative methodologies
  • Understand value-centered educational projects that improve various factors of the teaching-learning process
  • Determine the concept of Evidence-Based Projects
  • Learn how to develop an evidence-based project in all its phases
  • Learn about the most important and innovative artistic educational projects
  • Discover the most necessary educational projects in the health field in an educational center
  • Analyze educational sports projects that may be of interest to the centers
  • Understand the types of educational language learning projects

Make the most of the opportunity and take the step to get up to date on the latest developments in Types of Educational Projects”

Postgraduate Certificate in Typology of Educational Projects

Currently, education is a field in constant evolution, so it is essential that professionals in the sector have specialized training in the types of educational projects. In this sense, the TECH Postgraduate Certificate in Typology of Educational Projects is presented as a unique opportunity to develop skills and competencies in this field. This program offers complete and updated training on the different types of existing educational projects, which will allow students to learn about the main approaches and strategies used to improve the quality of education. In addition, the program is designed so that participants can acquire the necessary skills to design and develop innovative and effective educational projects.

You will enjoy multiple advantages when studying with TECH

One of the advantages of this Postgraduate Certificate is that it is taught completely online, which allows students to access the content and materials from anywhere and at any time. Additionally, the online format allows students to work at their own pace and tailor the Postgraduate Certificate to their needs and schedule. Another advantage is that the Postgraduate Certificate has expert teachers in the educational field, who are available to provide support and guidance to students throughout the Postgraduate Certificate. The teachers are not only experts in the typology of educational projects, but also have extensive experience in online teaching, which guarantees a high-quality learning experience. For these reasons, TECH's Postgraduate Certificate in Typology of Educational Projects is a unique opportunity for those who wish to improve their skills and competencies in the field of education. In addition, online training and the presence of expert teachers guarantee an effective and high-quality learning experience. At the end of the Postgraduate Certificate, students will be prepared to design and develop innovative and effective educational projects that contribute to improving the quality of education.