
As an Engineer, Fabián Solana Villarias has developed his extensive professional career in the field of Information Systems Administration in private companies and public organizations. He is a Specialist in Database and Cloud Management, as well as having extensive experience as a Web Developer. 

He has worked in companies such as Indra and is dedicated to Information Technology Consulting, performing, in addition, an important work in the drafting of Security Policies, as well as in the Administration of ICT Infrastructure and Operating Systems. 

  • Information Technology Consultant
  • Creator and Administrator of survey services in Research, Planning and Development SA. 
  • Financial Markets and IT Systems Maintenance Specialist at Iberia Financial Software. 
  • Web Developer and Accessibility Specialist at Indra. 
  • Degree in Systems Engineering at the University of Wales/CESINE 
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Technical Engineering in Computer Systems by the University of Wales/ CESINE 
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