
With an exceptional professional career, Sarah Carson has focused her research on environmental compliance and sustainability in higher education. For more than 3 decades, she has been part of Cornell University's research team charged with implementing and analyzing the impact of policies for the care of natural resources. Thanks to her experience in this area of expertise, she has been chosen to lead the Office of Campus Sustainability at Cornell University.

In this way, this expert directs the electricity supply projects, aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of the higher education center. As such, she has implemented innovative technologies that help, for example, to maintain high temperatures during the winter in the educational facilities. Specifically, her team has opted to implement a renewable geothermal heat source called "ground-source heat", the beneficial results of which have already been reported in several global impact reports.

At the same time, she has actively participated in the energy policy of New York, related to the generation of renewable energy. To this end, she has collaborated in the volunteer program for the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative in this US state. The latter is based on the Cap and Trade model, which allows the university, the local government and other participants to claim renewable energy credits.

As for her academic life, Carson holds a degree in Natural Resources Management and Policy from North Carolina State University. She also holds a degree in Environmental Science and Policy from the School of Environmental Science and Forestry at the State University of New York.

  • Director, Office of Sustainability, Cornell University, New York, United States
  • Head of Campus Climate Action, Cornell University, New York, USA 
  • Environmental Management Specialist, Cornell University
  • Environmental Information Officer, Cornell University 
  • B.S. in Natural Resource Management and Policy from North Carolina State University
  • B.S. in Environmental Science and Policy from the State University of New York 
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