
If you want to help students overcome their learning difficulties, don’t hesitate any longer and specialize with us”


Diversity is understood as the differences that students present in academic learning, differences in terms of aptitudes, interests, motivations, abilities, maturation rates, learning styles, previous experiences and knowledge, social and cultural environments, etc. These aspects make up student typologies and profiles that should largely determine educational planning and action.

The vision proposed by the emerging psychological paradigm is inclusive and based on a biopsychosocial model that contemplates attention to diversity with a comprehensive approach aimed at the entire community. Psychologists, especially child psychologists, as well as related professions in the educational and socio-health fields, need to know how to recognize this type of student and identify their needs and have the knowledge and tools to intervene at a personal, socio-familial and, above all, educational level.

This program responds to a demand for continuous professional development in this area and is aimed primarily at child psychologists. With this postgraduate diploma, psychologists will acquire skills to manage learning difficulties and diversity in the educational context, adapting attention to diversity plans and educational projects for use in centers.

It takes into account that social demands are greater and more numerous on educational systems globally, with a call for democracy, equality and equity for children; without segregation or discrimination due to differences and capable of accommodating everyone within the framework of diversity awareness.

This program was developed by an academic committee made up of specialists with experience in the clinical, educational and social fields. These professionals apply their expertise to support the professional development needs of Psychologist working in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary teams, school management structures and specialized care. In this sense, they carried out a whole process of research and integration of criteria based on the objectives set for the academic program.

This 100% online program is the perfect opportunity to learn about the new techniques for Intervention in Learning Difficulties”

This postgraduate diploma in Intervention in Learning Difficulties contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Intervention in Learning Difficulties
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Latest innovations in Intervention in Learning Difficulties
  • Its practical exercises where to perform the self-assessment process to improve learning
  • The interactive learning system based on algorithms for making decisions on the situations posed
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

We offer you the opportunity to train with a multitude of practical cases that will help you to specialize in Intervention in Learning Difficulties”

Its teaching staff includes , a professionals from the field of vaccines in nursing, who bring the experience of their work to this training as well as recognised specialists from leading scientific societies.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive program designed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. To do so, the Psychologist will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in Intervention for Learning Difficulties.

Our multimedia content will make it easier for you to access the information. You will be able to update your knowledge in an easy and practical way from any device with an internet connection"


You can organize the sessions at your own study pace, choosing your own schedule and combining it with the rest of your daily commitments"


This program is designed to provide professionals working with Learning Difficulties with scientific-technical knowledge, skills and values that promote the development of basic competencies in students and enable them to face any challenges that may arise within the framework of the inclusion demanded across the globe. This postgraduate diploma therefore aims to raise the psychologist's competence levels and prepare them to practice in different environments.


TECH Global University goal is to help you to become the best in your profession. This postgraduate diploma will mark a big difference in the attention you can provide to students”

General Objectives

  • Increase theoretical-practical and didactic-methodological knowledge related to psychology, pedagogy and didactics in relation to students with LD in the context of diversity, with an innovative, creative and integral vision for school management
  • Develop professional skills, abilities and competences for the scientific management of the comprehensive educational care of schoolchildren with learning difficulties within the framework of diversity and applying advanced Psychological concepts

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Theoretical and Methodological Fundamentals in Attention to Diversity and Learning Difficulties in Children

  • Study the theoretical arguments that support Psychology and Pedagogy as sciences
  • Identify the essential relationships between psychological sciences and pedagogical sciences based on their convergent and divergent elements
  • Recognize the challenges that exist in the development of psychology and pedagogy in the global school environment
  • Categorize learning theories to facilitate theoretical understanding based on established assumptions
  • Recognize the potential for development of education for integral learning

Module 2. Management of Learning Difficulties Fundamentals

  • Analyze the theoretical and methodological fundamentals of managing learning difficulties
  • Characterize the processes that integrate the school management of learning difficulties in the context of diversity
  • Link the processes of prevention, school organization and comprehensive educational attention based on their conceptualization and establishment of their relationships
  • Value the role of the psychologist as an element of integration and consolidation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the management of learning difficulties and attention to diversity
  • Develop plans for prevention and comprehensive educational attention to learning difficulties in the areas of reading, writing, mathematics and school adaptation

TECH Global University is the largest online university and is committed to empowering you to succeed"

Postgraduate Diploma in Learning Disabilities Intervention

Learning difficulties intervention refers to a set of specific strategies and techniques designed to help children and young people who have difficulties in learning. These difficulties may be related to reading, writing, comprehension, math, memory and attention, among other aspects associated with learning.

Intervention in learning difficulties is done in collaboration with specialized mental health and education professionals who work to identify and address the individual needs of each child. It focuses on alternative teaching methods, adjustments to the learning environment and curricular adaptations to help the child overcome their difficulties.

Intervention may involve individual or group tutoring, classroom accommodations, occupational therapy, speech therapy and other types of therapy to help children strengthen the skills necessary for learning. The goal of the intervention is to improve the child's academic performance and increase his or her confidence and self-esteem.

It is important to note that learning disability intervention does not aim to "cure" the learning disability. Instead, it seeks to provide children with the tools and strategies necessary to learn effectively and to foster the development of independence and self-determination. Likewise, important support is also provided to parents, so that they are able to assist and collaborate in their child's intervention process.

This Postgraduate Diploma focuses on providing a solid and comprehensive training in learning disabilities intervention, combining theory and practice in the delivery of individualized and effective educational interventions. Students will learn about the different factors that influence learning difficulties, the main intervention strategies and techniques, and the importance of the interdisciplinary perspective in the care of students with special educational needs. In addition, they will be taught to approach and analyze real cases in the educational setting, and to reflect on their own educational practice.