
An intensive course that will allow you to incorporate the most advanced care in rehabilitative medicine into your intervention with patients with frailty" 


In order to achieve the objectives designed in the care of the frail patient, it is necessary to start from a theoretical framework where the physiotherapist has the tools to create a treatment strategy based on clinical reasoning that leads to set goals to finally address them with the physiotherapeutic treatment.
To this end, the professional must assess and explore the patient's resistance and physiological reserves to establish the appropriate framework for action, home care, in residential centers, day centers or social centers or private clinics.

This work should include treatments for pre-frailty, frailty, pain, trauma, neurological, respiratory and/or pelvic floor disorders, gerontological syndromes or cognitive impairment, side effects of drugs and/or biopsychosocial conditions that may complicate the clinical picture.

It is therefore essential to know the tools of physiotherapy and the appropriateness of its application in each case, such as active exercise, manual therapy, electrotherapy being able to work in interdisciplinary team, with appropriate communication tools, understanding the concept of person-centered care, having the most up-to-date knowledge of support devices and even the support of current technology, can be key to success in physiotherapy treatment. 

Therefore, with this Postgraduate diploma, the graduate will be able to access exclusive content on physiotherapy and rehabilitation for the elderly developed by an International Guest Director.

Delve into the most advanced knowledge in the care of geriatric patients with frailty thanks to the contribution of 10 Masterclasses given by an International Expert"

This Postgraduate diploma in Frailty and Geriatrics in Rehabilitation Medicine contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical case studies presented by experts in Rehabilitation Medicine in Geriatrics 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

A complete and current vision of the most suitable ways of working for each of the geriatric patients that the professional will treat in the area of rehabilitation medicine" 

The program includes, in its teaching staff, professionals from the sector who bring to this program the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists from prestigious reference societies and universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

With a methodological design based on proven teaching techniques, this high-level educational program is designed to allow you to learn in a dynamic and effective way"


With the support of the most efficient audiovisual systems, the purpose of this program is that you not only acquire the knowledge, but that, upon completion, you will have the working skills you need in this field"


The development of the syllabus, especially focused on the area of frailty in geriatric patients, has been carried out according to the criteria of educational effectiveness that we offer you. Through a complete and specific syllabus you will go through all the essential areas of learning proposed, gradually acquiring the necessary skills to put into practice the necessary knowledge. 

A very well-developed learning structure that will allow you to learn in a continuous, efficient way, adjusted to your needs.    


A very complete teaching program, structured in didactic units of great impact, which includes all the aspects that rehabilitative medicine must contemplate in the care of patients with frailty" 

Module 1. Clinical Reasoning in Physiogeriatrics 

1.1. Past, Present and Future of Physiotherapy in Geriatrics 

1.1.1. Brief History Origin of Discipline Beyond our Borders Origin of the Discipline in Spain Conclusions 

1.1.2. Current Status of the Update in Rehabilitation Medicine in Geriatrics 
1.1.3. Future of the Update in Rehabilitation Medicine in Geriatrics New Professional Technologies 

1.2. Active ageing 

1.2.1. Introduction 
1.2.2. Concept of Active Aging 
1.2.3. Classification 
1.2.4. Active Aging from the Patients Point of View. 
1.2.5. Role of the Physical Communication Management in Active Aging Programs 
1.2.6. Example of Intervention 

1.3. Update on Rehabilitation Medicine in Geriatrics and Context of Action 

1.3.1. Introduction and Definitions 
1.3.2. Fields of Action Residential Centers Socio-Sanitary Primary Care Discipline of Work in Palliative Care Units 

1.3.3. Areas of the Future in Geriatric Medicine New Technologies Physiotherapy and Architecture 

1.3.4. Interdisciplinary Teams in Geriatrics Multidisciplinary or Interdisciplinary Teams? Composition and Functioning of the Interdisciplinary Team Main Functions within the Interdisciplinary Team 

1.4. Differential Diagnosis. Red and Yellow Flags 

1.4.1. Introduction and Definitions Differential Diagnosis Diagnosis in Rehabilitation Medicine Geriatric Syndromes Red and Yellow Flags 

1.4.2. Most Common Red Flags in Clinical Practice Urinary Infection Oncologic Pathology Heart Failure Fractures 

1.5. Approach to the Session on Update on Rehabilitation Medicine in Geriatrics 

1.5.1. Examination and Assessment of the Geriatric Patient Assessment Components Most Commonly Used Scales and Tests 

1.5.2. Determination of Treatment Objectives 
1.5.3. Organization of the Treatment Session 
1.5.4. Organization of the Professional's Own Work 
1.5.5. Treatment Follow-up in the Elderly Patient 

1.6. Pharmacology, Effects on the Neuromusculoskeletal System 

1.6.1. Introduction Drugs Influencing Gait 

1.6.2. Drugs and Risk of Falls

Module 2. Person-Centered Care (PCA)

2.1. Definition, Concepts and Basic Principles 

2.1.1. Decalogue of People-Centered Care What is and What is Not PCA? Its Principles Clarifying Concepts. Glossary of Terms 

2.1.2. Origin and Conceptual Basis of PCA References from Psychology Referents from Social Intervention Quality of Life Benchmarks References from the Study of Disability Civil Rights Referents from the Civil Rights of Individuals BORRAR Referrals from Gerontological Resources Legal and Regulatory Aspects BORRAR 

2.2. The PCA Model 

2.2.1. Paradigm and Intervention Model 

2.3. Good Practices in PCA 

2.3.1. Definition and Concept of BBPP 
2.3.2. Areas of Good Practices 
2.3.3. Good Practice, the Path to Good Practice 
2.3.4. Key Good Practices 

2.4. The Process of Transformation from a Service Model to a PCA Model 

2.4.1. How to Build an Apprenticeship? 
2.4.2. Transformation of Services 
2.4.3. Transformation of People 

2.5. Provision of Services in an PCA Model 

2.5.1. Person-Centered Physiotherapy vs. Individualized Physiotherapy 
2.5.2. Epistemology of People-Centered Physiotherapy 

2.6. Actions 

2.6.1. Introduction 
2.6.2. Actions The Reception of the Professional Assessment and Evaluation Processes The Intervention Interrelationship With Co-Workers Interrelation with the Physical Environment Interrelation with the Community

Module 3. Tools for Daily Practice in Geriatrics

3.1. Communication, a Tool for the Success of the Treatment 

3.1.1. Introduction The Mirror and the Lamp 

3.1.2. Communication in the Framework of the Therapeutic Relationship Definitions Basic Aspects Components Context Impossibility of Not Communicating 

3.1.3. Codes in Messages Specific Aspects of Communication with Elderly Patients Main Problems in Communicating with the Elderly Communication with the family The Therapeutic Relationship as a Special Form of Social Interaction Model for Communication Training 

3.2. Grief in the Professional 

3.2.1. Why Talk About Grief? 
3.2.2. What is Grief? 
3.2.3. Is Grief a Depression? 
3.2.4. How Does It Show Itself in Grief? 
3.2.5. How is a Grief Process Elaborated? 
3.2.6. How Will We React to the Loss of a Patient? 
3.2.7. When Does the Grief End? 
3.2.8. What Is a Complicated Grief? 
3.2.9. When You're the Griever: First Tools 
3.2.10 When Someone Else is the Griever: How to Accompany? 
3.2.11. When to Ask For Help or Refer to a Psychologist? 

3.3. Elderly-Centered ICT 

3.3.1. ICTs and Health Specific Terminology Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) (e-Health) (m-Health) Telemedicine Wearables Gamification (e-Doctor) (e-Patient) Digital Health Digital Divide Infoxication 

3.3.2. ‘e-Physiotherapy’ in Geriatrics The Generational Digital Divide Prescription of ICT in the Update on Rehabilitation Medicine in Geriatrics


The teaching materials of this program, elaborated by these specialists, have contents that are completely applicable to your professional experiences"

Postgraduate Diploma in Frailty and Geriatrics in Rehabilitation Medicine

The degeneration of the human body due to age is a natural process, which leads to different health problems, so it is essential to have specialized professionals who are trained to provide new therapeutic alternatives, while performing an accompaniment with the highest standards of quality. In TECH Global University we understand perfectly the needs of the labor market, for this reason we structured the Postgraduate Diploma in Frailty and Geriatrics in Rehabilitation Medicine, the most complete and updated course in the educational field. Our program consists of 475 instructive hours, within which students will acquire the necessary knowledge to carry out an adequate diagnosis and treatment. In this way, you will manage to reduce functional impotence, frailty and deterioration, thus favoring an improvement of physical and mental health in old age.

Study a postgraduate degree in frailty and geriatrics 100% online

At TECH we have an innovative curriculum, through which students will be qualified in the different thematic areas that make up the geriatric field. In this way, they will be able to develop with confidence when designing and implementing therapeutic strategies to the individual affected, using the latest tools against bone and muscle degeneration. Likewise, throughout the course, the student will face practical situations based on real life, which will enhance their technical skills. As a result, upon graduation he/she will be prepared to face the different challenges present in the labor praxis.