
Specialize in Cloud Computing through a flexible degree, compatible with your daily responsibilities”


The ability to store, process and manage data in the cloud has transformed the way businesses operate, enabling process automation, scalability and cost reduction. These benefits have given impetus to the development of the Cloud and its application in all sectors and organizations, regardless of their size. 

In view of this reality, the profile of the computer scientist is of great importance and in recent years has become one of the most in-demand. A favorable scenario that requires specialized professionals who are up to date with the latest trends. This is the origin of this 24-month Grand Master's Degree in Cloud Computing. 

This is an advanced program that will take the graduate on an intensive academic journey through the programming of Cloud Computing architectures, Native Cloud application programming, and container orchestration with Kubernetes and Docker. This degree also covers topics such as storage in Cloud Azure, integration of cloud services, and transformation of IT infrastructures towards Cloud Computing.

Furthermore, the numerous teaching materials will enable students to learn more about security, governance and cybersecurity in Cloud infrastructures, as well as monitoring and backup in a much more agile way. A unique teaching that reduces the long hours of study and memorization, thanks to the Relearning, method, which is another attraction to take this program. 

In this way, through an eminently online and totally flexible academic option, the computer scientist will obtain the knowledge he/she needs to grow in the technology industry. In order to access the content of this degree program at any time of the day, all you need is an electronic device with an Internet connection. An ideal opportunity for quality training compatible with daily responsibilities.

A unique academic option, whose Relearning system will allow you to learn easily and reduce the long hours of study”

This advanced master’s degree in Cloud Computing contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by rendering experts
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in the realization of Cloud Computing Project
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Do you want to be at the forefront of digital transformation? Enroll now in this Grand Master in Cloud Computing and learn how to create innovative solutions for the companies of the future”

Its teaching staff includes professionals from the Cloud Computing, who bring to this program the experience of their work, as well as recognized specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive learning experience designed to prepare for real-life situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the student must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

With this degree you will become an expert in programming cloud architectures with the most widely used technologies, such as Azure, AWS and Google Cloud"


You will learn how to deploy containers with Kubernetes and Docker, key technologies for the implementation of cloud solutions"


This advanced master’s degree in Cloud Computing is designed to provide IT professionals with the skills and knowledge necessary to successfully perform in the technology field. Therefore, throughout this academic path, the graduate will perfect his or her skills to design, implement and manage cloud computing solutions that are scalable, secure and cost-effective. In this process you will also have a specialized faculty who will answer any questions you may have about the content of this program. 


Become an expert in the cloud and expand your professional horizons thanks to this 100% online university program”

General Objectives

  • Analyze the different approaches to cloud adoption and their contexts
  • Acquire specialized knowledge to determine the appropriate Cloud
  • Develop a virtual machine in Azure
  • Establish the sources of threats in application development and best practices to apply
  • Assess the differences in the concrete implementations of different public cloud vendors
  • Determine the different technologies applied to containers
  • Identify the key aspects of a Cloud-Native adoption strategy
  • Fundamentals and evaluation of the programming languages most commonly used in Big Data, necessary for data analysis and processing
  • Develop specialized knowledge about what infrastructures are and what motivations exist for their transformation to the cloud
  • Acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to implement and manage IaaS solutions effectively
  • Acquire specialized knowledge to add or remove storage and processing capacity quickly and easily, enabling you to adapt to fluctuations in demand
  • Examine the scope of Network DevOps, demonstrating that it is an innovative approach for network management in IT environments
  • Understand the challenges faced by an enterprise in Cloud governance and how to address them
  • Use security services in Cloud environments , such as Firewalls, SIEMS and threat protection , to secure applications and services
  • Establish best practices in the use of Cloud Services and the main recommendations when using them
  • Increase user efficiency and productivity: by enabling users to access their applications and data from anywhere and on any electronic device, VDI can improve user efficiency and productivity
  • Gain specialized knowledge about Infrastructure as Code
  • Identify key points to demonstrate the importance of investing in backup and monitoring in organizations

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Cloud Programming Azure, AWS and Google Cloud Services

  • Generate specialized knowledge about the cloud and the differences with traditional on-premise solutions
  • Acquire specialized vocabulary fundamental to the cloud Master the terms used by different vendors
  • Establish the main components of the cloud and its use
  • Determine the vendors in the cloud market, their strengths and weaknesses, and contributions

Module 2. Architecture Programming in Cloud Computing

  • Develop specialized knowledge on the bases of architecture
  • Specialize the student in the knowledge of Cloud infrastructures
  • Evaluate advantages and disadvantages of deploying On Premise or in the Cloud
  • Determine infrastructure requirements
  • Identify deployment options
  • Train for the implementation of a Cloud infrastructure in production
  • Design and define the operation and maintenance of a Cloud architecture

Module 3. Azure Cloud Storage

  • Examine a virtual machine in Azure
  • Establish the different types of storage
  • Evaluate the functions of backup
  • Manage Azure resources
  • Analyze the different types of services
  • Examine the different types of security
  • Generate virtual networks
  • Concretize the different network connections

Module 4. Cloud Environments: Security/Safety

  • Identifying risks of a public cloud infrastructure deployment
  • Analyze security risks in application development
  • Determine security requirements
  • Developing a security plan for a cloud deployment
  • Establish guidelines for a logging and monitoring system
  • Propose incident response actions

Module 5. Container Orchestration: Kubernetes and Docker

  • Develop the foundations of container architecture and technology
  • Establish the different technologies applied to containers
  • Determine infrastructure requirements
  • Examine deployment options

Module 6. Native Cloud Application Programming

  • Introduce technologies for continuous development and integration
  • Demonstrate how Kubernetes works as an orchestration of services
  • Analyze Cloud-native observability and security tools
  • Evaluate deployment platforms
  • Fundamentals of data management strategies in Cloud-native environments
  • Identify common techniques in Cloud-native developments

Module 7. Cloud Programming Data Governance

  • Generate specialized knowledge on data management, strategies and processing techniques 
  • Develop data governance strategies targeting people, processes, and tools
  • Carry out data governance from ingest to preparation and usage
  • Determine techniques to govern data transmission
  • Establish data protection for authentication, security, backup and monitors

Module 8. Real-Time Cloud Programming. Streaming

  • Analyze the process of collecting, structuring, processing, analyzing and interpreting streaming data
  • Develop the principles of streaming processing, the current context and current use cases in the national context
  • Develop key fundamentals of statistics, maching learning, data mining and predictive modeling for understanding data analysis and processing
  • Analyze the main Big Data programming languages
  • Examine the fundamentals of Apache Spark Streaming, Kafka Stream and Flink Stream

Module 9. Cloud Integration with Web Services: Technologies and Protocols

  • Assess the progress of web technologies and architectures to determine the complexity of the system and, based on this, propose a software solution
  • Develop distributed projects in Cloud Computing using web services and different functional and security requirements
  • Analyze different web services implementation technologies, identifying the one that gives the best support considering the problem scenario
  • Assess the correct functions of a server-side web service implementation by launching requests from different types of web clients

Module 10. Cloud Programming Project Management and Product Verification

  • Know the scenarios and applications in life cycle management
  • Manage projects as a process and determine the organization model
  • Determine the risks and costs by applying agile methodologies during the conceptualization phase or during project execution
  • Lead and manage projects with agile methodologies and the quality of Cloud projects by applying different methodologies

Module 11. Transformation of IT Infrastructures Cloud Computing

  • List the types of clouds that exist
  • Analyze the factors for Cloud Computing adoption
  • Identify the types, models and elements of Cloud Computing
  • Concretize how Cloud Infrastructures work and relevant aspects
  • Analyze existing ecosystems and their pillars for successful transformation
  • Establish an overview of the different vendors and how they can help the implementation of Cloud Computing
  • Present an overview of the automation and security strategy
  • Generate a first environment for the management of infrastructures under a DevOps or DevSecOps culture
  • Discover the future and evolution of infrastructures, analyzing the challenges and technologies in the field of security and compliance

Module 12. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

  • Examine the abstraction layers in Cloud Computing and how they relate to each other
  • Concretize the effective management of the Cloud Computing abstraction layers
  • Analyze the core decisions in building a Cloud Architecture
  • Evaluate how digital transformation and the Cloud can drive business success
  • Delve into the DevOps approach and how it can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of software development and delivery
  • Establish the different cloud computing resources available and how they can be used effectively

Module 13. Storage and Databases in Cloud Infrastructures

  • Determine the characteristics and advantages of cloud storage, the different storage options in the cloud(public, private, hybrid) and the selection of the appropriate storage option
  • Develop specialized knowledge about Cloud Databases, advantages and disadvantages of cloud databases, the different cloud database options (relational, non-relational) and how to select the right database option
  • Examine cloud storage and database design and architecture: cloud storage and database design principles, cloud storage and database architectures and common design patterns
  • Manage cloud storage and databases: how to create, manage and monitor cloud storage and databases, how to backup and recover data in of loss
  • Analyze security and privacy in the cloud: how to protect stored data and databases in the cloud, privacy and security policies and regulations in the cloud
  • Compile use cases and examples of cloud storage and databases: examples of how cloud storage and databases are used in different use cases , of big data management, real-time data analytics, and integration of data from different sources
  • Addressing scalability and performance in the cloud and how to optimize them in cloud applications

Module 14. Network DevOps and Network Architectures in Cloud infrastructures

  • Develop the concepts and principles of Network DevOps and its application in Cloud environments
  • Determine the requirements needed to implement Network DevOps in Cloud environments
  • Use the relevant tools and software for Network DevOps
  • Establish how to implement and manage internal network services in cloud environments, such as VPC and subnetting
  • Compile the boundary network services available in Cloud environments and how they are used to connect Cloud and on-premise networks
  • Substantiate the importance of DNS usage in Cloud environments and how to implement hybrid and multi-tenant network connectivity
  • Implement and manage content delivery services in cloud environments, such as CDNs and WAFs
  • Examine the important aspects of security in Cloud networks and how security measures can be implemented in these environments
  • Monitor and perform network audits in Cloud environments to ensure availability and security

Module 15. Government in Cloud Infrastructures

  • Analyze the key concepts of compliance and their importance in the Cloud context
  • Identify the main challenges faced by a CISO in Cloud governance and how to address them
  • Establish the main privacy considerations in the Cloud context and how to ensure compliance with applicable regulations
  • Examine the relevant regulatory frameworks and certifications in the Cloud environment
  • Develop how cloud billing works and how resource usage can be optimized
  • Delve into the use of management and governance services in AWS and Azure to optimize resource usage and ensure compliance with security requirements

Module 16. Cybersecurity in Cloud Infrastructures

  • Develop specialized knowledge about specific risks and threats in Cloud environments
  • Analyze security frameworks and apply them to protect the infrastructure
  • Design threat models and protect applications and services against threats
  • Evaluate code-level cybersecurity tools and how to use them to detect and prevent vulnerabilities in applications and services
  • Perform integration of cybersecurity controls into processes
  • Master ZAP Proxy to audit Cloud environments
  • Perform automated vulnerability scans to detect and prevent vulnerabilities in applications and services
  • Examine the different types of Firewalls and configure them to protect infrastructure and services
  • Apply transport layer security using SSL/TLS and certificates
  • Evaluate SIEMs and use to monitor and optimize the security of the Cloud environment

Module 17. Services Adoption in Cloud Infrastructures

  • List the different computing services in each of the main Cloud providers
  • Substantiate the advantages of interoperability between services
  • Acquire the skills necessary to deploy the application in Cloud and provide it with additional features by incorporating new services
  • Determine how to make an application resilient thanks to auto-scaling

Module 18. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)

  • Providing remote users with access to critical applications: VDI could be used to allow users to access critical applications from anywhere and on any  electronic device, which could
  • improve productivity and efficiency for remote users
  • Facilitate collaborative work and communication: VDI could be used to enable users to share and collaborate on applications and data in real time, which could improve communication and collaborative work
  • Reduce hardware and software costs - VDI could be used to reduce hardware and software costs by not having to install and maintain applications and operating systems on each electronic device individually
  • Improve data security and privacy: VDI could be used to improve data security and privacy by storing information on a centralized server and protecting it through security meausre for storage and user
  • Facilitate upgrade and maintenance: VDI could be used to facilitate operating system and application upgrade and maintenance by having the virtual desktop centralized on a server

Module 19. Infrastructure Operation-as-Code (IAC)  

  • Compile the main tools for Infrastructure-as-Code management and their main strengths
  • Determine the different approaches proposed by Infrastructure as Code depending OS way you try to define the resources
  • Implement and manage test and production environments efficiently using Infrastructure as Code
  • Use versioning and change control techniques for Infrastructure as Code

Module 20. Monitoring and Backup of Cloud Infrastructures

  • Determine how to establish a backup strategy and a monitoring strategy
  • Establish the most demanded services and the usage of each service
  • Identify the types of backup and its uses
  • Determine a robust backup  strategy that meets business objectives
  • Develop a business continuity plan
  • Identify the types of monitoring and what each is for
  • Generate a proactive attitude towards incidents by establishing a scalable monitoring strategy
  • Apply the different strategies on real use cases
  • Identify areas for improvement to evolve environments as the business evolves

You will learn how to manage projects and verify products in the cloud, essential skills for professional success in this field”

Advanced Master's Degree in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has become a disruptive technology that has transformed the way companies manage their technology infrastructure and offer digital services. As a leader in technology education, TECH Global University has developed a Advanced Master's Degree in Cloud Computing program for those professionals looking to update and specialize in this constantly evolving area. Through our postgraduate degree, you will gain an in-depth understanding of the concepts, principles and technologies that make up cloud computing, and learn how to implement innovative and scalable cloud solutions that drive digital transformation in organizations.

In our postgraduate certificate, you'll gain practical skills in cloud infrastructure design, implementation and management, cloud security, cloud service management, cloud migration, cloud data analytics and more. Our industry expert faculty will guide you in learning best practices and give you the hands-on experience you need through real-world projects and case studies. Get ready to lead the cloud computing revolution with our Advanced Master's Degree in Cloud Computing and transform your career in the world of technology.