
TECH Global University presents the professional master’s degree in Philosophy and Ethical Values Teacher Training in High School Education with the highest quality in the university educational panorama”


The Philosophy and Ethical Values Teacher Training in High School Education program is designed to improve the student's competencies as a future teacher through the most innovative educational technology and in a blended learning regime.

This program is distinguished by the fact that its contents can be taken 100% online, adapting to the needs and obligations of the student, in an asynchronous and completely self-manageable manner. The student will be able to choose which days, at what time and for how long to dedicate to the course of the contents of the program. Always in tune with the capabilities and skills dedicated to it.

The order and distribution of the subjects and their units is specially designed to allow each student to choose their own schedule and self-manage their time. For this purpose, you will have at your disposal theoretical materials presented through enriched texts, multimedia presentations, exercises and guided practical activities, motivational videos, master classes and case studies, where you will be able to evoke knowledge in an orderly manner and work on decision making that demonstrates your high level education within this field of teaching.

A contextualized and real educational program that will allow you to put your learning into practice through new skills”

This professional master’s degree in Philosophy and Ethical Values Teacher Training in High School Education ccontains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented in simulated scenarios by experts in the field of study, where the student will evoke in an orderly manner the knowledge learned and demonstrate the acquisition of the competencies
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • The latest developments on the educational task of the high school teacher
  • Practical exercises where to perform the self-assessment process to improve learning, as well as activities at different levels of competence, according to Miller's model
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies and teaching research
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an internet connection

This professional master’s degree may be the best investment you can make when selecting a refresher program, for two reasons: in addition to expanding your knowledge in teaching, you will obtain a diploma from TECH Global University”

Its teaching staff includes professionals belonging to the field of Teacher Training, who bring to this program their work experience, as well as recognized specialists from prestigious reference societies and universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For that purpose, teachers will have the help of an innovative and interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in teaching Philosophy and Ethical Values who also, have extensive teaching experience.

As the program is online, you will be able to train wherever and whenever you want, balancing your professional and personal life"


Develop your teaching skills with the most innovative educational system in the online market"


The program in Philosophy and Ethical Values Teacher Training in High School Education is oriented to facilitate the performance of the professional dedicated to teaching with the latest advances and the most innovative treatments in the sector.


A complete, highly efficient program that will allow you to grow as a professional quickly and easily”

General Objective

  • Provide the future teacher with the acquisition of specialized skills and competencies that will increase their performance level and update their knowledge in High School Education teaching

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Learning and Development of Personalities

  • Get to know the relationship between learning and development, education and culture
  • Understand the importance of schooling in development
  • Study the concept of brain plasticity and plasticity windows
  • Gain knowledge about the essential social factors in learning: imitation, shared attention and empathic understanding
  • Identify the stages of development
  • Understand the concept of personality

Module 2. Society, Family and Education

  • Know the term integral education
  • Conceptualize educational guidance
  • Explain the origin of educational guidance and the main figures of educational guidance
  • Explain the areas of intervention of educational guidance
  • Identify the models of intervention of educational guidance
  • Enumerate the functions of guidance in the educational center
  • Enunciate the principles of the guidance action

Module 3. Complements for the Disciplinary Training in Philosophy and Ethical Values

  • Learn and understand the Historical and Cultural context of the birth of Philosophy
  • Recognize the most relevant pre-Socratic authors and their philosophies
  • Consolidate a critical attitude towards philosophical systems, submitting them to a personal rational reflection
  • Value the human effort to constantly raise and solve the great philosophical questions
  • Understand and being able to make a formed critique of the philosophical texts of the different authors, as well as to compare these authors with each other in a coherent way

Module 4. Curriculum Design of Philosophy and Values

  • Define the concept of syllabus
  • Detail the elements that make up the syllabus
  • Explain the concept of syllabus design
  • Describe the levels of concreteness of the syllabus
  • Explain the different models of the syllabus
  • Determine the aspects that should be taken into account in the elaboration of a teaching program

Module 5. Teaching Philosophy and Values

  • Relating aspects of philosophy with those of teaching in the current cultural sense
  • Understand aspects of globalization as a phenomenon that affects the study of philosophy
  • Get to know some outstanding paradigms of the teaching of philosophy
  • Give implicit orientations in the process of teaching and learning of philosophy

Module 6. Teaching Innovation and Initiation to Educational Research

  • Get to know the fields of innovation in the educational context
  • Discover learning communities
  • Expose the obstacles and challenges of innovation in the educational context
  • Explain how teachers learn and their role change
  • Demonstrate the factors that favor professional learning and development
  • Delve into the professional learning of teachers
  • Introduce professional learning and meeting spaces, such as: conferences, congresses, innovation days, professional networks, communities of practice and MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses)

Module 7. Educational Processes and Contexts

  • Identify the different educational laws in chronological order
  • Expose the determinants of the educational reform
  • Present the general and fundamental principles of the educational reform

Module 8. Inclusive Education and Attention to Diversity

  • Develop an overview of the conceptions and formation of the teacher profile throughout history
  •  Learn about the institutions and training plans of each moment
  • Conceptualize the current profile of teachers and their training needs

Module 9. Creativity and Emotional Education in the Classroom

  • Know the difference between emotion and intelligence
  • Understand emotional intelligence and its importance in the individual
  • Get to know the importance of a teacher with very good self-regulation and emotional intelligence, from the point of view of Mayer and Salovey

Module 10. Neuroeducation

  • Understand experience at the neural level
  • Discover learning at the neuronal level

Module 11. Communication in the Classroom

  • Communicate effectively with all members of the classroom
  • Use images and videos as support material in the classroom
  • Know how to solve communication problems

A contextual and realistic educational experience that will immerse you in the reality of a profession full of challenges”

Professional Master's Degree in Philosophy and Ethical Values Teacher Training in High School Education

Education is a field in constant evolution and change. For those teachers responsible for teaching subjects such as Philosophy and Ethics, it is vital to be at the forefront of the latest trends and pedagogical methods, in order to optimize the effectiveness of teaching and ensure the proper development of students. The Professional Master's Degree in Philosophy and Ethical Values Teacher Training in High School Education, therefore, is designed to provide you with a set of competencies that will enhance your teaching practice. So, if you are interested in becoming a first class teacher and be able to increase with solvency the critical spirit and values of the minds of the future, this program is for you. Do not hesitate and enroll to place yourself at the forefront of teaching!

Learn in a 100% online mode and without schedules

Delve into the didactics of philosophy, cutting-edge teaching innovation techniques or strategies for the attention to diversity in the classroom through the Professional Master's Degree in Philosophy and Ethical Values Teacher Training in High School Education. This program is distinguished by the fact that its contents can be taken 100% online, adapting to your needs and obligations, asynchronously and completely self-manageable. This way, you will be able to choose which days, at what time and how much time to dedicate to the study of the contents of the program. In addition, you will have at your disposal theoretical materials presented through enriched texts, multimedia presentations, exercises and guided practical activities, motivational videos, master classes and case studies. Therefore, this is an excellent opportunity to specialize in this field with the greatest study facilities.