
Produce the best videogames in the market thanks to this postgraduate certificate" 


When an audiovisual project is born, proper planning is needed so that all phases are developed in order and smoothly. Specifically, managing a video game involves taking into account and organizing a series of resources that, if used incorrectly, can be wasted and cause the initiative to fail. These resources are not only economic, since it is necessary to take into account human resources (video game development personnel, marketing managers, etc.), the time allocated to each project, material resources and a long list of elements that make the figures of the producer and manager essential in video game companies.

However, this is a complex task and companies in the industry are increasingly demanding more and more experts who can take on the management of these processes, making them successful and making the video game produced successful as well. In response to this demand, TECH has launched this postgraduate certificate in Video Game Production and Management . 

Therefore, this qualification offers its students all the necessary knowledge to start an initiative of these characteristics or to manage it in any of its phases, so that large companies in the sector trust in their skills and aptitudes to bring the project to a successful conclusion. 

You will be indispensable in your company: without you, video games could not be developed and released” 

This postgraduate certificate in Video Game Production and Management contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The use of case studies so that students can face real-life experiences that will help them in their professional careers
  • Complete and innovative content with everything you need to succeed in the video game industry
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

When you finish thisprogram, you will know everything about video game project management” 

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.   

The video game industry needs people like you. Get trained and embark on a great career"


Manage step by step all types of video game projects thanks to this postgraduate certificate"


The objective of this postgraduate certificate in Video Game Production and Management is to provide students with the necessary skills to handle all types of projects within the video game industry. Thanks to its contents and teaching staff, experts in the field, students will be able to achieve this objective and progress professionally in the sector.


TECH knows you'll make it: your name will be in the credits of many successful video games in the future”

General Objectives

  • Gain knowledge about the different video game genres, the concept of gameplay and its characteristics to apply them in the analysis of video games or in the creation of video game design
  • Deepen understanding of the production of video games and in the SCRUM methodology for project production
  • Learn the fundamentals of video game design and the theoretical knowledge that a video game designer should know
  • Generate ideas and create entertaining stories, plots and scripts for video games
  • Get to know the theoretical and practical bases of the artistic design of a video game
  • Be able to create an independent digital entertainment startup 

Specific Objectives

  • Understand the production of a video game and the different stages
  • Learn the types of producers
  • Knowledge of project management for the development of video games
  • Use different tools for production
  • Coordinate teams and project management

Your dreams can be fulfilled very soon if you take this postgraduate certificate”

Postgraduate Certificate in Video Game Production and Management


The Postgraduate Certificate in Video Game Production and Management of TECH Global University, is a complete training that allows a global and structured vision of the process of creation and development of a video game. The main objective of this program is to provide professionals with the tools to be able to manage, control and direct the production of video games, acquiring the necessary skills to lead projects in this highly demanded field. This Postgraduate Certificate focuses on teaching various areas of video game development, from conceptualization and project management to production and final distribution. It delves into aspects such as game design, programming, graphics, sound, animation and user interactivity. In addition, emphasis is placed on market analysis and project management.

Take your next video game to the top


The teaching is 100% virtual, which allows students to be at home, in addition, there will be the presence of specialists in the field who will share their experience and knowledge, helping students to acquire the skills necessary for success in this sector of the economy. Students will have the necessary skills to: - Manage video game projects, from conceptualization to production. - Design attractive and innovative video games. - Analyze the market and trends in the area of video games. - Program and develop video games using the appropriate tools. - Use specialized software and hardware for the production of video games. - Analyze user experience and interaction in the development of video games. - Carry out the distribution and marketing of video games. This Postgraduate Certificate in Video Game Management and Production from TECH, is the best opportunity for you to update your knowledge, make the decision now.