
Dr. Jesús Alberto Messía de la Cerda Ballesteros is an Expert in Data Protection. With extensive experience in the field of Civil Law, he has authored more than 70 publications including monographs, book chapters and articles in prestigious journals. In this sense, the focus of his activity and his university chair has revolved around contracts, family and real rights, delving into the Law of New Technologies.

Dr. in Civil Law from the Complutense University of Madrid, Dr. Jesús Alberto Messía de la Cerda Ballesteros has advised the Local Administration and has been a member of the Data Protection Council of the Community of Madrid. He has also been a member of the Advisory Board of journals such as Actualidad Civil and La Ley Derecho de Familia.

  • Researcher and Professor of Civil Law
  • Professor of Civil Law at Rey Juan Carlos Univeristy
  • Data Protection Delegate at Rey Juan Carlos Univeristy
  • Doctorate in Civil Law from the Complutense University of Madrid
  • Law Degree from the Complutense University of Madrid
  • Member:
    • Data Protection Council of the Community of Madrid 
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