
This Postgraduate diploma will allow the pharmacist to successfully specialize in everything related to the diseases that are present in infections"


In order to meet the healthcare needs of the 21st century, it is important that pharmaceutical professionals keep up to date with advances in this area of care for the sick. In this case, the cases of infections linked to different diseases, which affect millions of people around the world every year, stand out.

Infection control has become a great difficulty, especially due to the problems derived from antimicrobial resistance, which has caused pathologies that used to be easily cured to become more complicated, with the consequences that this entails, both for the patients and for the economy, as treatment costs have become longer. 

In addition, several new infectious diseases with high morbidity have emerged in recent years, requiring a significant level of updating. For this reason, pharmacists should continue their training with educational programs such as the one TECH presents on this occasion, which delves into the microbiology of infectious diseases, taking into account the characteristics that allow the development of infections in different continents. 

Likewise, the Postgraduate diploma students will be able to deepen their knowledge of the relationship between the development of certain infections in cancer patients or patients with chronic diseases, as well as multi resistant microorganisms. Also noteworthy is the formation of rare infections which, although frequent in specific countries, mainly in developing areas, can reach any part of the world, favored by tourism. 

Gain knowledge of the specificities of infections to be the best in the practice of your profession”

This Postgraduate diploma in Infections Present in Diseases contains the most complete and up to date educational program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in infectious diseases 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Continue your academic practice with a fully up to date program based on the latest scientific developments” 

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.  

The design of this program focuses on Problem Based Learning, which means the student must try to solve the different real life situations which arise throughout the academic program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.   

Expand your knowledge with this Postgraduate diploma in Infections Present in Diseases and excel in your profession"


This is the best teaching program you will find in the market, thanks to its methodology and way of teaching the lessons, in addition to its scientific knowledge and 100% online"


The main objective of the Postgraduate diploma is the improvement of pharmacy professionals, by helping them acquire the most up to date and innovative scientific knowledge in the field of infectious diseases and how they are treated, allowing them to develop the skills that will turn their daily pharmaceutical practice into a benchmark of the standards of the best scientific evidence available, with a critical, innovative, multidisciplinary and integrative sense.


With this Postgraduate diploma pharmacists will learn about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases"

General Objectives

  • Explore key aspects of Clinical Infectious Diseases and Advanced Antibiotic Therapeutics
  • Manage the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases 
  • Explore a multidisciplinary and integrative approach to facilitate the control of these pathologies
  • Acquire skills in the area of Clinical Infectious Diseases and Advanced Antibiotic Therapeutics
  • Be able to apply the latest technological innovations to establish an optimal management in diagnostics

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Epidemiology and microbiology of infectious diseases

  • Understand the epidemiological, economic, social and political conditions of the countries with major infectious diseases
  • Identify the different taxonomies of infectious agents, as well as the properties of microorganisms
  • Explore chemical and physical Agents from microorganisms
  • Become familiar with the indications and interpretations of a microbiological study, understanding all the technical aspects of it

Module 2. Cancer and Immunosuppression

  • Identify the general structure of the immune system
  • Establish common immune system responses to viral and bacterial infections
  • Explain the complex interrelationships between infections and different types of immunosuppression

Module 3. Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases and Infections

  • Study the current pathophysiological elements between non-transmissible chronic diseases and infections
  • Understand neurological, endocrine and immune interrelationships in the face of stress and infectious agents
  • Identify digestive diseases associated with infectious microorganisms and the function of this system in the body
  • Explore the infectious theory of rheumatoid diseases

Module 4. Multi-Resistance and Vaccines

  • Identify the acquired genetic mechanisms that lead to antimicrobial resistance
  • Explore the different infections that have developed resistance to antiviral drugs
  • Know the general aspects of vaccination, as well as its immunological basis, its production process and the risk for people
  • Establish the correct method for the use of vaccines

Module 5. Rare Infectious Diseases and Other Challenges in Infectiology

  • Know the generalities of the most common infectious diseases in the world
  • Identify the etiology, clinical picture and diagnosis of the most common diseases in the world
  • Develop the skills necessary to identify new emerging infectious diseases as well as the development of new antibiotics

Stand out in your daily pharmacy practice by applying the latest techniques in the treatment of infections"

Postgraduate Diploma in Infections Present in Diseases


TECH's Postgraduate Diploma in Infections Present in Diseases is an academic program specially designed for those health professionals who wish to broaden their knowledge in the field of infectious diseases and their relationship with various conditions. Currently, infections are one of the main causes of disease and are responsible for millions of deaths around the world. For this reason, it is essential to be trained in the identification, prevention and treatment of the different infections that can affect patients. This training program offers a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach, combining theoretical knowledge 100% online with practical exercises. Participants will learn about the different types of infections, including those caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, as well as the different pathologies in which they can manifest themselves.

Become an expert in Infections and Diseases with TECH


During this postgraduate diploma, you will delve into the different methods of diagnosis and treatment of infections, including the use of antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals and other specific drugs. Preventive measures to be taken to avoid the spread of infections in hospitals and other healthcare settings will also be addressed. Our teaching team is made up of highly trained professionals with extensive experience in the field of infections. They will be available to participants to answer any questions or concerns they may have during the program. At TECH, participants will be able to enjoy a complete platform available 24 hours a day, where they will find readings and multimedia material. At the end of this Postgraduate Diploma, graduates will have a solid knowledge base in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of infections present in diseases. This will allow them to perform more effectively in their field of work, whether in the clinical, research or teaching environment. Don't miss the opportunity to continue growing professionally and become an expert in infections present in diseases. Enroll now in our program and start taking a step forward in your career!