
A postgraduate diploma that brings you closer to the new scenarios of donation and transplant patient care"


Donation and transplantation systems have improved in much of the world, thanks to technical advances and the technology used throughout the process: from donor evaluation, transplantation and postoperative recovery. A journey that leads the healthcare professional to maintain a continuous updating of their competencies and skills, among them, the figure of the nursing professional stands out, who combines their skills with their ability to communicate effectively with the patient and family members.  

Faced with this reality, TECH has brought together a specialized faculty that leads the graduate to obtain a comprehensive update in Transplantation and Organ Donation in Intensive Nursing of 6 months duration and with the best teaching materials in the academic panorama.  

Thus, through video summaries of each topic, videos in detail, specialized readings and simulations of case studies, the graduate will deepen the safety and quality of the patient, the assessment of the severe trauma patient, as well as special situations with transplant recipients or donors.  
Moreover, thanks to the Relearning method, this academic refresher course will be much simpler and dynamic, without the need to invest long hours in the memorization process so common in other educational systems. 

The nursing professional has, before him, a unique and effective academic option that allows him to reconcile his daily activities with a quality university proposal. All they need is an electronic device (cell phone, tablet, computer) with an internet connection to visualize, at any time of the day, the content hosted on the virtual platform. 

You are in front of a 100% online university degree that allows you to be up to date on special situations with transplant patients"

This postgraduate diploma in Organ Transplantation and Donation in Intensive Care Nursing contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:  

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Intensive Care Nursing and Intensive Care Physicians
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection  

Access a quality university degree, compatible with your professional responsibilities as a nurse"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.  

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

Delve into the Green ICU approach, its design and space distribution through the most rigorous information"


Delve, when and where you want, into the procedures for the assessment and maintenance of brain-dead donors"


This academic institution brings the nursing professional closer to the most notorious advances in the attention and care of the transplanted patient, as well as the different existing techniques for the realization of transplants. For this purpose, TECH provides the graduate with the most innovative teaching tools, with high quality video in detail and simulations of clinical case studies. A unique opportunity to update through the largest digital university in the world. 


Thanks to the clinical case studies you will be able to implement the most effective techniques in the care of the transplanted patient" 

General Objectives

  • Synthesizing data to inform the assessment of the critically ill patient 
  • Collecting data to inform the assessment of the critically ill patient 
  • Use data to inform the assessment of the critically ill patient 
  • Plan care collaboratively and in a patient-centered manner 
  • Incorporate the latest evidence-based practice in critical care nursing 
  • Act effectively in pressurized and demanding situations 
  • Contextualize each action to the situation at hand

Specific Objectives  

Module 1. Approach to the critical patient. Vision from the point of view of patient safety and quality 

  • Manage and follow up on activities, objectives, processes and compliance with indicators
  • Identify and respond to serious or adverse incidents in clinical practice
  • Delve into data collection for quality indicators, such as patient safety, maintenance of technical equipment and others 
  • Delve in the transfer of the critical patient out of the Intensive Care Unit regardless of the devices carried and the reason for transfer
  • Involve the family and/or caregivers in the patient's evaluation process and interventions

Module 2. Special Situations. Severe trauma patient. Advanced assessment and care    

  • Provide nursing care in The Polytraumatized Patient
  • Anticipate potential problems 
  • Keep abreast of mobilization specific to the patient's needs 
  • Integrate all team members as part of the process  

Module 3. Special Situations. Organ Transplantation and Donation 

  • Provide nursing care in The Transplant Recipients
  • Provide appropriate care to the organ donor patient
  • Assisting in brain death diagnostic testing 
  • Integrate effective communication with the family in the process of a possible donation 

Increase your communication skills in the care of organ donor families with this program"

Postgraduate Diploma in Organ Transplantation and Donation in Intensive Care Nursing

Organ transplantation and donation in Intensive Nursing is a crucial and highly relevant specialty in healthcare. It focuses on the care of patients who require life-saving organ transplantation, as well as the process of organ donation to provide a second chance to those in need. If you want to specialize in this field, TECH Global University has the ideal program for you. The Postgraduate Diploma in Organ Transplantation and Donation in Intensive Care Nursing, taught 100% online, will prepare you to be an active agent in the donation process. This program offers a holistic and multidisciplinary vision that covers from the basics of organ anatomy and physiology to the ethical and legal aspects of organ donation. Our faculty, comprised of experts in the field of transplantation and critical care, will guide you through rigorous and up-to-date training to become a highly skilled professional.

Specialize in Organ Transplantation and Donation in Intensive Nursing

One of the cornerstones of the program is the focus on promoting organ donation. Therefore, you will learn how to approach families of potential donors, providing them with understandable information and emotional support during the decision-making process. During the program, you will acquire fundamental skills in the pre- and post-operative management of transplant patients, including the evaluation and monitoring of vital signs, administration of immunosuppressive drugs and early detection of possible complications. Also, you will delve into the most advanced Nursing care techniques such as the management of patients with multiple organ failure and the management of life support therapy. Upon completion of the program, you will be prepared to perform in intensive care units and transplant teams, contributing significantly to the well-being of patients and their families.