
Get up-to-date on the main advances in Sports Nutrition with a unique study program that is 100% practical, on-site and intensive"


Research and progress in the field of Sports Nutrition are constantly being made. Hence, in recent years, new models, protocols and nutritional supplements designed to improve the performance of athletes have emerged. An example of this is the Hydrogel-based drinks to prevent esophagogastric disorders in athletes or the specific nutritional guides for certain disorders generated by the malabsorption of food substances. Knowing all these innovations in depth and how to implement them in daily professional practice can be a challenge for specialists. For this reason, TECH has integrated this knowledge into a very complete program that, in addition, provides a pioneering academic modality

in its kind.

This internship program in Sports Nutrition will be developed in an on-site, intensive and direct way in a prestigious hospital center. The center will be equipped with the most modern technological devices and assistance resources that can be used for the benefit of the high performance athlete. The physician will therefore have the opportunity to apply all of them to real athletes. In this way, you will acquire skills in a fully immersive and demanding learning environment.

You will also be assisted by an associate tutor to reinforce your new skills. This teaching figure will incorporate you into different work dynamics, contributing to a thorough understanding of all the particularities of this discipline and its new applications. At the same time, you will be able to maintain close contact with renowned experts who are part of the institution's staff. The entire educational process will last 3 weeks. After that, graduates will be ready to apply the most innovative procedures based on the latest scientific evidence in the field.


Enjoy an intensive 3-week internship in a prestigious center and update yourself in the latest clinical procedures in order to grow professionally"

Why our program?

Sports Nutrition is constantly growing and this is evidenced by its latest contributions that improve the performance of elite athletes. However, it is not easy for specialists to keep up-to-date on the main advances in the field in a practical way. For this reason, TECH has developed this 100% on-site, intensive and immersive internship program. In this program, the physician will acquire an in-depth update on the latest developments in this discipline in an educational period of only 3 weeks. For such purpose, the specialists will move to a first level hospital facility where they will acquire the best academic training together with great experts.

vocational apprenticeships sports nutrition TECH Global University

With TECH you will develop better skills on the application of modern hydration guidelines in sports exercise"

1. Updating from the Latest Technology Available

In recent years, Sports Nutrition has valuable tools and protocols to perform complex tasks such as the energy expenditure of athletes or the value of nutritional plans. This has led to the emergence of valuable nutritional supplements, as a result of technological innovation in the field. With this internship program, the specialist will know the technical particularities of all the equipment that makes possible the continuous development of this health field.

2. Gaining In-depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists

During this educational program, the specialist will have direct access to professionals with prestigious experience in Sports Nutrition. Along with them, you will work to treat eating disorders of varying complexity in athletes. Likewise, you will be guided at all times by a designated tutor who will be in charge of monitoring your academic progress in a rigorous manner.

3. Entering First-Class Clinical Environments

TECH has made a careful selection of all the centers that are currently available to the health professional to complete this internship program. These health centers were chosen for their results and international prestige. All this has been possible thanks to its excellent staff of experts and the use of the latest technological resources.

4. Putting the acquired knowledge into daily practice from the very first moment

No other program in Sports Nutrition emphasizes the updating of the health professional in a 100% practical way. TECH makes the difference by developing this unique educational program, which will allow the specialist to deal directly with real patients, from day one, and the use of powerful tools.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

TECH's educational programs aim for its graduates to achieve international prestige upon completion of this internship program. To this end, it has devised an intensive educational model that will facilitate the professional's stay in cutting-edge medical institutions located in different geographical latitudes.

professional practices sports nutrition TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Internship Program in Sports Nutrition

Power your knowledge in the field of sports nutrition with TECH Global University's Sports Nutrition Internship Program! Prepare yourself to become a professional specialized in optimizing the physical performance and health of athletes. In the world of sports, nutrition plays a fundamental role in achieving maximum performance and maintaining optimal health. Our Internship Program in Sports Nutrition will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to design nutrition plans, adapted to the needs of each athlete and considering the different types of sports and their specific demands. In our Sports Nutrition Internship Program, you will explore topics such as body composition, nutritional supplementation, proper hydration, meal planning and food management in specific situations, such as competition preparation and post-exercise recovery. You will have the opportunity for supervised internships with real athletes, allowing you to apply your knowledge in a professional environment and gain invaluable hands-on experience. This will give you a competitive advantage when entering the job market and working with high performance athletes or professional teams. Upon completion of the Sports Nutrition Internship Program at TECH Global University, you will be prepared to advise and guide athletes in optimizing their nutrition, helping them to achieve and improve their physical performance. You will be able to work independently, in gyms, sports centers or in high-level multidisciplinary teams.

Capacítate in classroom mode

The classroom mode of our training will allow you to live an enriching experience with our experts and other professionals in the field. Through theoretical classes, practical workshops and interactive sessions, you will be able to apply the knowledge acquired in a real environment and receive direct feedback. The Institution has a highly qualified teaching team, made up of professionals of recognized prestige in the field of sports nutrition. You will learn from experts who will guide you on your path to excellence, sharing their experiences and providing you with practical tools to develop effective nutrition programs.