
Master the most current equipment that facilitates the daily work of a physician specialized in Emergencies and Catastrophes through this 100% practical educational program”


Statistics designed to measure the quality of the health intervention in the event of an accident or natural catastrophe give equal importance to care and organizational actions. According to specialized figures, the correct management and resolution of the crisis depends on both. In addition, the medical sector is striving to find professionals who are equally qualified for both tasks and who, in particular, can operate the most up-to-date instruments and devices. It is also expected of them that, with the most modern diagnostic and therapeutic tools, they will be able to transcend the traditional health facility and apply all their knowledge in field hospitals and other improvised instances.

Based on these demands, TECH has developed this eminently practical academic program. During 120 educational hours, your students will delve into the most comprehensive transport services for emergencies, as well as strategies for integrating advanced technologies into their stays. They will also examine the most contemporary trends that distinguish the approach to adult patients from those of pediatric age.

This innovative learning modality will be developed for 3 weeks in prestigious hospital centers that dedicate multiple resources to the attention of Emergencies and Catastrophes from the medical point of view. In these instances, each student will have a designated tutor who will oversee the continued development of excellent skills. In addition, this internship program has been designed taking into account some of the shortcomings of the pedagogical field that sometimes emphasizes theoretical knowledge to the detriment of the skills and management of daily professional practice. Through this comprehensive program, students will hone their skills by working side by side with leading experts in rigorous, demanding and competitive healthcare settings. The experiences obtained through this on-site stay will allow for a substantial broadening of each student's curricular trajectory.


You will have access to a library of multimedia resources 7 days a week, 24 hours a day”

Why our program?

In the medical field, the care of patients affected by Emergencies and Catastrophes has become a coveted specialty. For this reason, in this program, TECH wishes to instruct its students in the use of clinical imaging equipment to diagnose, monitor and treat traumas of varying severity. At the same time, these graduates will be highly proficient in the application of various modern electrical therapies. The learning of these contents will be supervised by an assistant tutor who will also encourage the inclusion of students in discussion tables for difficult cases and the approach to complex patients. These practical activities will be carried out for 3 weeks in an on-site stay in a health facility of international reference.

vocational apprenticeships emergency medicine TECH Global University

TECH prioritizes international healthcare standards and, thanks to this practical educational program, you will learn how to apply them in the context of a disaster or emergency with medical implications"

1. Updating from the latest technology available 

In the area of Emergency Medicine and Catastrophes, many health equipments have been developed in the last years. This is due to the growing need to move assistance activities more directly to the locations where disasters of various types occur. However, the handling of these technologies is complex and this internship program has been designed so that each TECH graduate can apply them without major difficulties during his or her daily professional practice.

2. Gaining In-Depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Specialists 

This internship program is supported by a large team of professionals who are part of highly prestigious medical centers. In addition, each student will have a designated tutor. This expert will be in charge of verifying the trainees' mastery of the most up-to-date therapeutic and diagnostic tools. In this way, graduates will develop their professional careers at the same time as they complete the didactic contents.

3. Entering First-Class Clinical Environments 

The choice of the medical institutions that are part of this academic modality has involved meticulous care on the part of TECH. Each of the selected instances has rigorous experts. In addition, they apply up-to-date technologies and strive to provide innovative solutions to each patient, regardless of the severity of the patient's condition. This comprehensive and demanding context will allow students to complete their skills in the most professional way possible.

4. Putting the acquired knowledge into daily practice from the very first moment

During the 3 weeks of this internship program,TECH students will intervene and diagnose patients at first hand. This is possible thanks to the innovative learning methodology that promotes the link with the daily work practice from the very first moment. Thus, the student will be focused on developing practical skills, rather than mastering cumbersome theoretical content.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

TECH has a large number of contacts, agreements and collaborations that make it the largest educational institution in the digital context. All these relationships have led to the most prestigious hospitals joining this educational program. Thus, students who take this internship program will have on-site access to internationally renowned institutions.

professional practices emergency medicine TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Practical Training in Emergency Medicine, Emergency and Catastrophic Disasters

In the face of accidents, disasters or unexpected circumstances of gravity, the expertise and confidence of health professionals is needed to respond appropriately. Critical patient care is one of the hospital tasks that, although it occurs frequently, is not without its complexity. In order to provide security in the usual performance of this work, in TECH Global University we developed the Internship program in Emergency Medicine, Emergencies and Catastrophes, a program focused on the application of the most relevant concepts and issues of this discipline along with the accompaniment of experts during an intensive three-week stay in a prestigious center.

Specialize in the area of emergencies, emergencies and catastrophes

In this Internship program you will learn the main diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, as well as the support interventions required to become a specialist in this discipline. With the utmost scientific rigor, you will perfect and enhance your skills in emergency and intensive care. In this way, you will identify the fundamentals of emergency health care; you will apply clinical and non-clinical skills in emergency and disaster medicine; you will prioritize, organize and manage care more effectively through triage. You will also manage frequently used drugs and identify the various trauma pathologies of critically ill patients. With this Internship program you will achieve professional success, stand out in a highly competitive environment, and enhance your professional profile.

Study at the largest Faculty of Medicine

At TECH Global University we have the largest Medical School. Through a scientific program of excellence, you will have the opportunity to access a first-rate hospital, equipped with the most advanced technological and human resources. For three weeks, in consecutive eight-hour days, from Monday to Friday, you will strengthen your skills for the resolution of complex, risky and emergency situations in real environments. Potentiate your professional growth in this field with a program of high academic level and a human team capable of guiding you and developing your skills to the maximum.