
Better trained veterinarians means longer life expectancy for animals. Don’t think twice and develop your skills in the field of Veterinary Cardiology with this complete advanced master’s degree” 


In recent years, considerable progress has been made in the area of Veterinary Cardiology , favored by the appearance of many new diagnostic and therapeutic techniques that have achieved successful results in the treatment of animals with heart disease. 

Given these developments and the changing nature of the field, veterinary professionals must be in the habit of updating their knowledge in order to keep up with the applications of the most effective tools used in daily practice. That is the framework that structures this online advanced master’s degree, complemented by the added benefit of all the latest developments in Veterinary Cardiology on the market today, both in small animals and larger species. 

When it comes to larger species, further study is still needed in the field. For example, Cardiology in ruminants and swine has been limited for a long time due to the scarce literature available and diagnostic limitations, especially in advanced therapeutic procedures. Similarly, equidae are often affected by heart disease due to the overexertion required of them, especially horses participating in sports competitions. That is why it is necessary to have specialized veterinarians who are able to improve animal health and quality of life. 

Furthermore, this specialization is aimed at professionals who normally have long working days, which prevents them from being able to continue specializing in traditional face-to-face classes, and who cannot find quality online programs adapted to their needs. Given this context of need, TECH presents this advanced master’s degree in Veterinary Cardiology , which has come to revolutionize the world of veterinary specialization, both for its contents and for its teaching staff and innovative teaching methodology. 

What’s more, as it is a 100% online specialization, students decide where and when to take on the course load. Without the restrictions of fixed timetables or having to move between classrooms, this course can be combined with work and family life.

A highly scientific program, supported by advanced technological development and the teaching experience of the best professionals” 

This ##ESTUDIO## in Veterinary Cardiology contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:  

  • The latest technology in e-learning software
  • Intensely visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • The development of practical case studies presented by practicing experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems
  • Self-organized learning which makes the course completely compatible with other commitments
  • Practical exercises for self-assessment and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debates and knowledge forums
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Supplementary documentation databases are permanently available, even after the program

Advances in Veterinary Cardiology make it necessary for clinicians to constantly update their knowledge in order to know how to implement the latest techniques in their daily work” 

Our teaching staff is made up of practicing professionals, ensuring that we offer the up-to-date information we intend to. A multidisciplinary staff of trained and experienced professionals from a variety of areas who will impart theoretical knowledge in an efficient manner, but above all, will contribute the practical knowledge derived from their experience to this program. 

Their command of the subject is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design used in this advanced master’s degree. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. In this way, students will be able to study with a range of comfortable and versatile multimedia tools that will give them the operability needed throughout the program. 

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning, an approach that views learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice. With the help of an innovative, interactive video system and Learning from an Expert, students will be able to acquire the knowledge as if they were dealing with the case in real time. A concept that will allow students to integrate and memorize what they have learnt in a more realistic and permanent way. 

TECH offers you the opportunity to take an in-depth and complete look into the strategies and approaches used in Veterinary Cardiology "


A program created for professionals who aspire to excellence, and that will enable you to easily and effectively acquire new skills and strategies"


TECH's objective is to create highly qualified professionals for work experience. An objective that is complemented in a global manner by promoting human development that lays the foundations for an improved society. This objective is focused on helping professionals reach a much higher level of expertise and control. A goal that is achievable, with a high-intensity and high-precision specialization.


If your goal is to improve in your profession and acquire a qualification that will enable you to compete among the best, then look no further: Welcome to TECH”

General objectives

  • Examine the stages of embryonic development of the cardiovascular system
  • Analyze cardiac and vascular anatomy
  • Develop knowledge of the normal function of the cardiovascular system
  • Examine the main pathophysiological mechanisms of cardiac diseases in small animals
  • Examine the pathophysiology of heart failure as the main paradigm in cardiology 
  • Assess the hygienic-dietary management of cardiovascular disease
  • Analyze the key aspects of owner communication about cardiovascular disease in small animals 
  • Determine the drugs available for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in small animals
  • Determine the performance of a correct anamnesis focused on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems 
  • Analyze in detail the fundamentals, technique and information provided by cardiorespiratory auscultation 
  • Develop knowledge of the main clinical pictures of cardiorespiratory diseases in small animals 
  • Analyze the diagnostic tests involved in the diagnosis and assessment of the cardiovascular system such as laboratory tests, cardiac markers and blood pressure measurement
  • Establish the physical basis of radiology in a clear, precise and applicable manner 
  • Determine the radiographic technique to be used for the performance of correct thoracic radiographs 
  • Analyze the radiological findings of a normal thoracic radiograph
  • Examine the radiological signs of the main diseases affecting the thoracic cavity 
  • Analyze sonographic signs in non-cardiac diseases affecting the thoracic cavity
  • Develop and systematize a routine for the acquisition of high-quality electrocardiographic tracings
  • Firmly consolidate knowledge of the characteristics of physiological electrical activity and identify those variations that are in the range of normality 
  • Delve into the electrophysiological mechanisms that cause arrhythmias
  • Identify patients requiring therapeutic intervention
  • Analyze the physical principles of ultrasound, the basis of imaging in echocardiography 
  • Establish the protocol for performing echocardiography and analyze in detail all the parameters that can be obtained through echocardiography 
  • Examine in depth the information provided by echocardiography in the hemodynamic assessment of patients
  • Present advanced echocardiographic techniques and new advances in the field of echocardiography
  • Develop in detail the diagnosis of chronic degenerative valve disease 
  • Assess treatments and new therapies that have been developed in recent years for chronic degenerative valve disease 
  • Analyze the assessment and treatment of patients with pericardial effusion and patients with bacterial endocarditis
  • Consolidate the phenotypic characteristics that define each of the cardiomyopathies affecting small animals 
  • Generate specialized knowledge in the diagnosis of the etiological causes that can lead to a cardiomyopathy phenotype
  • Determine the possible hemodynamic consequences of cardiomyopathies
  • Develop an individualized treatment plan to maximize the quality of life and life expectancy of affected patients 
  • Analyze the embryological mechanisms that give rise to the most frequent congenital alterations
  • Reinforce the need for early diagnosis of congenital disease
  • Anticipate the possible hemodynamic consequences of these alterations, which may be treatable
  • Consolidate knowledge of interventional techniques
  • Develop an appropriate diagnostic protocol to avoid missing the presence of secondary cardiac disease or systemic disease that may affect the cardiovascular system 
  • Anticipate possible cardiovascular complications in the course of other primary pathologies
  • Integrate information from Internal Medicine with information from Cardiology to design individualized treatment plans
  • Simultaneously monitor cardiovascular disease and primary disease in order to prioritize etiological therapies and reduce polypharmacy
  • Analyze the embryological development of the different cardiac structures
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the fetal circulation and its evolution to the adult animal
  • Examine cardiac anatomy and its topography in the thoracic cavity in depth
  • Establish the basic principles of cardiovascular functioning
  • Generate specialized knowledge in cardiac physiology
  • Recognize the mechanisms involved in the genesis of arrhythmias
  • Identify the basis of cardiac pathophysiology of syncope and heart failure
  • Detail the mechanisms of action, adverse effects and contraindications of drugs used in the cardiovascular area
  • Establish a suitable methodology for animal cardiopathy examination
  • Identify all clinical signs associated with cardiovascular disease
  • Generate specialized knowledge of cardiac auscultation
  • Establish the specific clinical approach to animals with a cardiovascular disorder
  • Develop a suitable working methodology to optimize the use of non-invasive diagnostic tests
  • Analyze the basics of ultrasound to learn the tools useful in the assessment of cardiac function and structure
  • Establish solid concepts in the genesis of the electrocardiogram
  • Develop a diagnostic protocol based on the electrocardiogram
  • Examine the main aspects involved in the development of congenital heart disease and its progression after birth
  • Analyze the anatomical-ecocardiographic relationship of complex congenital heart diseases in order to make a simple diagnosis
  • Develop the etiology, progression and prognosis of acquired structural heart disorders
  • Establish a diagnostic methodology to address acquired structural cardiac disorders and select the appropriate therapeutic management for each of them
  • Perform a proper identification of sinus rhythm
  • Establish an appropriate methodology for the interpretation of arrhythmias
  • Generate specialized knowledge of resting and stress electrocardiograms
  • Establish the specific clinical approach to animals with arrhythmia
  • Generate specialized knowledge on the most common vascular problems
  • Identify all clinical signs associated with each disease
  • Establish the specific clinical approach for each pathology
  • Determine the prognosis and the most appropriate treatment in each case
  • Know the adaptations of the cardiovascular system to exercise and their application in the examination of sports horses
  • Identify all clinical signs associated with cardiovascular overtraining and undertraining
  • Establish cardiovascular fitness assessment methods
  • Know the complementary tests used to evaluate horses with heart disease during exercise
  • Establish an accurate criterion to address performance decline and sudden death in horses
  • Examine in detail how organ imbalances, intoxications and critical pathologies such as shock affect the heart
  • Develop knowledge of systemic diseases related to cardiovascular disorders
  • Establish the adaptive and pathological changes manifested by the heart with certain systemic diseases
  • Establish therapeutic protocols in systemic diseases that affect the heart, addressing treatment as a whole
  • Generate specialized knowledge in advanced cardiac diagnostic and therapeutic techniques
  • Examine the instrumentation required to perform cardiac catheterization and minimally invasive surgery
  • Establish the appropriate methodology for the performance of these advanced procedures, including their anesthetic approach
  • Strengthen the basis for selecting appropriate cases for cardiac catheterization and minimally invasive surgery
  • Develop knowledge of cardiopulmonary resuscitation protocols

Specific objectives

Module 1. Cardiac Embryology, Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology

  • Compile the chronology of embryonic and fetal development of the cardiovascular system in small animals
  • Examine cardiac macro- and microstructural morphology and vascular macro- and microstructural morphology
  • Develop knowledge of the fundamental hemodynamic principles underlying cardiac physiology 
  • Determine the functions and design of the cardiovascular system 
  • Examine the contractile function of the heart
  • Establish the parts of the cardiac cycle 
  • Analyze the factors on which cardiac output depends and the main mechanisms of cardiovascular regulation 
  • Assess the main pathophysiological mechanisms involved in diseases of the endocardium, myocardium and pericardium 
  • Generate specialized knowledge on cardiogenic pulmonary edema

Module 2. Heart Failure Cardiac Pharmacology

  • Analyze the pathophysiological mechanisms of heart failure and its repercussions on the rest of the systems and apparatuses 
  • Compile the existing evidence on the dietary management of cardiovascular disease in small animals 
  • Establish guidelines to provide correct information to the owner about the pet's cardiovascular disease 
  • Establish the mechanism of action, indications, adverse effects and contraindications of the main medication used in treating heart failure such as ACE inhibitors, diuretics and Pimobendan 
  • Examine the mechanism of action, indications, posology, adverse effects and contraindications of the main drugs used in the treatment of arrhythmias 
  • Determine the mechanism of action, indications, posology, adverse effects and contraindications of anticoagulant drugs

Module 3. Anamnesis and Cardiovascular Examination

  • Establish the key questions and their epidemiological and pathophysiological correlates of cardiorespiratory anamnesis in small animals 
  • Develop knowledge of the fundamentals of cardiopulmonary auscultation and its implication in the clinic
  • Examine cardiac and pulmonary auscultation technique 
  • Analyze the information that cardiac and pulmonary auscultation can provide in the differential diagnosis 
  • Identify the key aspects for the diagnosis of the clinical picture of cough and dyspnea 
  • Establish the key aspects for the diagnosis of the clinical picture of cyanosis and the clinical picture of syncope 
  • Determine the proper technique for measuring blood pressure and the information it provides in cardiovascular diseases 
  • Examine the proper technique for measuring central venous pressure and the information it provides in patients in critical care units 
  • Analyze basic blood count and biochemistry parameters that may be altered in cardiovascular disease
  • Compile specialized knowledge to interpret the information provided by the assessment of cardiac markers in cardiorespiratory disease

Module 4. Complementary Tests. Diagnostic Imaging

  • Develop knowledge of the physical fundamentals of Radiology 
  • Determine the radiographic technique for the assessment of the thoracic cavity
  • Analyze the normal radiological findings of the thoracic cavity of small animals 
  • Establish the main errors in the radiological technique and their implication in the diagnosis 
  • Determine the radiological findings in thoracic diseases affecting extrathoracic structures, mediastinum, esophagus and trachea 
  • Generate specialized knowledge about normal ultrasound findings and non-cardiac diseases of the thoracic cavity

Module 5. Complementary Tests. Electrocardiogram

  • Generate specialized knowledge on tools for the unambiguous identification of P-waves
  • Develop knowledge of a systematic method for understanding the electrical activity illustrated by the ECG tracing
  • Establish the characteristics that allow discerning the etiology of the arrhythmia
  • Establish criteria to define the anatomical origin of the arrhythmia
  • Specify the criteria defining the malignancy of an arrhythmia
  • Clearly define patients who require a Holter study
  • Develop knowledge of advanced techniques in the range of therapeutic possibilities

Module 6. Complementary Tests. Echocardiography

  • Establish the basic principles of imaging training in echocardiography 
  • Identify the main artifacts that may appear during the echocardiographic technique 
  • Determine patient preparation and positioning guidelines for echocardiography 
  • Determine the common echocardiographic slices and develop the information that can be obtained from them in the M-mode and two-dimensional modes 
  • Review Doppler assessment and evaluation and highlight its importance in hemodynamic assessment
  • Utilize hemodynamic assessment in depth in terms of systolic, diastolic, spectral and color Doppler function 
  • Determine the use of thoracic ultrasound in other diseases that may be a consequence of cardiac disease 
  • Gain expertise in the performance and assessment of echocardiography in small mammals

Module 7. Acquired Heart Diseases. Chronic Mitral and Tricuspid Valve Disease. Endocarditis. Pericardial Alterations. Cardiac Masses

  • Generate specialized knowledge of the epidemiology of chronic degenerative valve disease
  • Determine an assessment protocol for chronic degenerative valve disease
  • Analyze the different tests used in the diagnosis of chronic degenerative valve disease 
  • Compile the information available on the therapy of chronic degenerative valve disease
  • Propose a diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm for pericardial effusion 
  • Develop knowledge of the pericardioventesis technique 
  • Examine the etiology of bacterial endocarditis
  • Determine a diagnostic and therapeutic algorithm for bacterial endocarditis

Module 8. Acquired Heart Disease. Cardiomyopathies

  • Develop a diagnostic protocol for the phenotype of canine dilated cardiomyopathy and the features that may raise suspicion of secondary cardiomyopathy 
  • Systematically assess the possible presence of etiological causes of canine dilated cardiomyopathy that can be treated 
  • Develop an assessment of the risk of negative events in cases of dilated and arrhythmogenic right cardiomyopathy 
  • Develop individualized treatment protocols to maximize patient life expectancy, and sometimes reverse the phenotype 
  • Specify the echocardiographic criteria for the diagnosis of feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 
  • Generate advanced knowledge on the latest feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy staging model for clinical decision making
  • Analyze the differentiating characteristics of other types of feline cardiomyopathies

Module 9. Congenital Heart Disease

  • Generate specialized knowledge for a correct understanding of the embryological mechanisms of each of the pathologies that may predispose to the presence of several simultaneous alterations
  • Establish the anatomical characteristics of patent ductus arteriosus that advise surgical or interventional treatment
  • Review the various surgical and interventional techniques available for the treatment of pulmonary stenosis 
  • Develop knowledge of available treatment modalities for aortic stenosis 
  • Compile available diagnostic techniques to determine the direction of a shunt in intra- and extra-chamber communications
  • Establish anatomical criteria to differentiate between congenital and acquired heart valve processes 
  • Predict the hemodynamic consequences of vascular defects or multiple defects

Module 10. Pulmonary and Systemic Hypertension, Systemic Diseases with Cardiac Repercussions and Anesthesia in the Cardiac Patient

  • Deepen the understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms that may lead to the development of pulmonary hypertension
  • Identify echocardiographic features that may be helpful in the diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension in the presence and absence of tricuspid regurgitation
  • Quantify the damage generated in target organs by systemic hypertension 
  • Become familiar with the most frequently used drugs for the treatment of systemic hypertension and monitoring of therapy 
  • Consolidate the treatment protocols most commonly used in filariasis, and identify the differences in the pathophysiology of the disease in dogs and cats 
  • Monitor response to etiological treatment of hyperthyroidism in feline cardiac anatomy 
  • Assess the hemodynamic consequences of metabolic diseases that induce hypercoagulable state
  • Assess the need for surgical intervention and its risks in cases of pheochromocytoma
  • Consider the advantages and disadvantages of antiarrhythmic treatments in cases of splenic disease or gastric dilatation/torsion syndrome 
  • Identify the hemodynamic consequences of electrolyte disturbances

Module 11. Cardiac Embryology, Anatomy and Physiology in Large Animals: Equidae, Ruminants and Swine 

  • Specify the foundations of embryonic development
  • Establish the foundations of possible cardiac malformations
  • Carry out an in-depth examination of the cardiac structure
  • Analyze the microscopic characteristics of the heart
  • Develop knowledge of the concepts of the electrical activity of the heart
  • Examine the characteristics of cardiomyocytes
  • Generate specialized knowledge about ion channels and action potentials

Module 12. Cardiovascular Pathophysiology and Pharmacology in Large Animals: Equidae, Ruminants and Swine

  • Analyze the arrhythmogenic bases and classify them according to the causative mechanism
  • Recognize the main mechanisms underlying syncope
  • Differentiate the mechanisms leading to the onset of heart failure
  • Establish the different pathways activated in heart failure
  • Detail the control of the organism in heart failure
  • Describe and detail the pharmacological groups with action on the cardiovascular system
  • Specify the indications for antiarrhythmic drugs, their mechanism of action and adverse effects

Module 13. General Examination of Large Animals with Cardiovascular Pathology: Equidae, Ruminants and Swine

  • Develop knowledge of specialized information on the clinical examination of cardiac patients
  • Accurately recognize the normal sounds that can be encountered
  • Differentiate between physiological murmurs and pathological murmurs
  • Establish differential diagnoses of abnormal rhythms based on irregularity and heart rate
  • Establish a work methodology for patients with murmurs and for patients with arrhythmias
  • Generate a work methodology for patients with syncope
  • Develop a work methodology for animals with heart failure

Module 14. Complementary Non-Invasive Cardiovascular Tests in Large Animals: Equidae, Ruminants, Swine

  • Substantiate the physical principles of ultrasound and imaging training
  • Differentiate the types of echocardiography and analyze their usefulness in different clinical situations
  • Recognize all the ultrasound planes described and propose a standardized protocol for evaluating the heart
  • Gain insight into the genesis of the electrocardiogram in order to analyze its pattern, the existence of artifacts and morphological anomalies
  • Specify the different recording systems and methods used to obtain the electrocardiogram and adapt it to the patient's clinical situation
  • Establish a systematic protocol that simplifies the reading of the electrocardiogram
  • Identify the main mistakes made when analyzing the electrocardiogram

Module 15. Structural Cardiac Pathologies in Large Animals: Equidae, Ruminants and Swine

  • Generate specific knowledge of the underlying pathophysiology of congenital heart disease
  • Specify the appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic protocol for each of them
  • Propose a standardized protocol for evaluating the heart when there is a congenital anomaly
  • Analyze the etiology and pathophysiology of acquired cardiac disorders in order to understand their evolution, treatment and progression
  • Identify clinical, echocardiographic and electrocardiographic markers that provide information to establish the clinical relevance of structural pathologies
  • Update knowledge with the latest therapeutic advances in congenital and acquired pathologies of the heart

Module 16. Arrhythmias in Large Animals: Equidae, Ruminants and Swine

  • Generate knowledge of the genesis of the electrocardiogram
  • Be able to accurately recognize sinus rhythm and pathological rhythm
  • Differentiate all arrhythmias from each other
  • Establish differential diagnoses for physiological and pathological arrhythmias
  • Know the clinical relevance of arrhythmias
  • Establish therapeutic protocols for arrhythmias

Module 17. Pathologies of the Endocardium, Myocardium, Pericardium and Vascular System in Major Species: Equidae, Ruminants and Swine

  • Identify the main pathologies affecting blood vessels
  • Analyze the origin of the problem and establish the prognosis of myocarditis
  • Recognize the clinical and laboratory signs of the main intoxications affecting the myocardium
  • Specify the mechanisms of pericardial disease and its consequences
  • Establish the prognosis of horses with thrombophlebitis and possible complications
  • Identify the symptoms of vasculitis and propose treatment options
  • Perform an in-depth examination of vascular lesions caused by parasites
  • Recognize the signs of horses with vascular fistulas and their implications
  • Propose a treatment plan for horses with dilated cardiomyopathy

Module 18. Cardiac Response to Exercise, Sports Performance and Sudden Death in Sports Horses

  • Generate specialized knowledge on the cardiovascular fitness required according to discipline and the different training methods
  • Specify the information required in clinical examination of sports horses
  • Precisely examine the cardiovascular and hematological adaptations resulting from cardiovascular education
  • Analyze the different cardiovascular training methods according to discipline
  • Differentiate between the symptoms of overtraining and cardiovascular detraining
  • Propose a methodology for assessing cardiovascular fitness of horses
  • Establish working protocols for the clinical evaluation of cardiac horses during performance
  • Identify cardiac pathologies that decrease performance and cardiac pathologies that increase the risk of sudden death
  • Establish criteria for assessing the risk of sudden death in horses

Module 19. Systemic Disorders and Specific Situations Affecting the Heart in Large Animals: Equidae, Ruminants and Swine

  • Specify the specific risks of electrolyte disturbances in patients
  • Examine the specific risks of critical states such as shock
  • Develop knowledge of the most common endocrine pathologies and establish their relationship with the heart
  • Develop specialized knowledge of cardiorenal syndrome and establish its treatment
  • Differentiate between primary and secondary cardiac pathologies
  • Establish the complications associated with the administration of sedative and anesthetic drugs routinely used in daily clinical practice

Module 20. Advanced Cardiac Procedures: Interventionism, Minimally Invasive Surgery and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Large Animals: Equidae, Ruminants and Swine

  • Analyze the specific risks posed by anesthesia
  • Develop knowledge of appropriate anesthetic protocols that allow for safe anesthesia
  • Adequately select cases that can undergo cardiac catheterization and minimally invasive surgery, establishing a risk-benefit ratio
  • Develop in-depth knowledge of the instruments used in cardiac catheterization and minimally invasive surgical techniques
  • Differentiate the types of existing pacemakers and defibrillators
  • Integrating electrical cardioversion as a routine treatment option in the equine clinic
  • Examine the complications that arise during cardiac catheterization and minimally invasive surgery and establish protocols for dealing with these complications
  • Establish up-to-date protocols for cardiopulmonary resuscitation in foals and adult horses 

Quality specialized programs for outstanding students. At TECH, we offer the perfect education for high-level specialization”

Advanced Master's Degree in Veterinary Cardiology


Veterinary cardiology has undergone great advances in recent years, which has favored the emergence of new techniques for the approach of cardiac pathologies associated with animals. For this reason, it is important that professionals are updated in the latest methods of diagnosis, treatment and intervention of any type of cardiovascular alteration in order to be able to offer a service of greater guarantee and safety to patients. At TECH Global University we have developed the Advanced Master's Degree in Veterinary Cardiology, a specialization program that will help you prepare to take on the challenges of this discipline by using the most effective tools in your daily practice. If you want to acquire a higher level of knowledge and stand out as an expert in the area, don't wait any longer, get certified now!

Specialize in the largest Veterinary Faculty


With our Advanced Master's Degree you will have at hand a postgraduate degree of the highest academic level, supported by the latest methods and technologies for specialization in veterinary cardiology. You will study the cardiac and vascular physiology of different animal species; you will examine the pathophysiological mechanisms associated with this organ, and determine the mechanisms of intervention required in treatment, including the use of drugs or surgical techniques. You will establish appropriate methodologies for cardiovascular exploration, both in large and small species, and apply diagnostic protocols in order to detect the presence of any cardiac insufficiency and systemic diseases that may affect the cardiovascular system. At the largest veterinary school, you have a unique, innovative and effective opportunity to further your career growth.