¿Por qué estudiar en TECH?

Este postgraduate certificate será el instrumento ideal para el directivo a la hora de diseñar y poner en práctica planes de responsabilidad a nivel sanitario que prevenga a los empleados ante situaciones de pandemia”


¿Por qué estudiar en TECH?

TECH es la mayor escuela de negocio 100% online del mundo. Se trata de una Escuela de Negocios de élite, con un modelo de máxima exigencia académica. Un centro de alto rendimiento internacional y de entrenamiento intensivo en habilidades directivas.   

TECH es una universidad de vanguardia tecnológica, que pone todos sus recursos al alcance del alumno para ayudarlo a alcanzar el éxito empresarial”

En TECH Global University

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La universidad ofrece un modelo de aprendizaje en línea que combina la última tecnología educativa con el máximo rigor pedagógico. Un método único con el mayor reconocimiento internacional que aportará las claves para que el alumno pueda desarrollarse en un mundo en constante cambio, donde la innovación debe ser la apuesta esencial de todo empresario.

“Caso de Éxito Microsoft Europa” por incorporar en los programas un novedoso sistema de multivídeo interactivo. 
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Máxima exigencia

El criterio de admisión de TECH no es económico. No se necesita realizar una gran inversión para estudiar en esta universidad. Eso sí, para titularse en TECH, se podrán a prueba los límites de inteligencia y capacidad del alumno. El listón académico de esta institución es muy alto...

95% de los alumnos de TECH finaliza sus estudios con éxito.
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En TECH participan profesionales de todos los países del mundo, de tal manera que el alumno podrá crear una gran red de contactos útil para su futuro. 

+100.000 directivos capacitados cada año, +200 nacionalidades distintas.
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El alumno crecerá de la mano de las mejores empresas y de profesionales de gran prestigio e influencia. TECH ha desarrollado alianzas estratégicas y una valiosa red de contactos con los principales actores económicos de los 7 continentes.

+500 acuerdos de colaboración con las mejores empresas.
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Este programa es una propuesta única para sacar a la luz el talento del estudiante en el ámbito empresarial. Una oportunidad con la que podrá dar a conocer sus inquietudes y su visión de negocio.

TECH ayuda al alumno a enseñar al mundo su talento al finalizar este programa.
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Contexto multicultural

Estudiando en TECH el alumno podrá disfrutar de una experiencia única. Estudiará en un contexto multicultural. En un programa con visión global, gracias al cual podrá conocer la forma de trabajar en diferentes lugares del mundo, recopilando la información más novedosa y que mejor se adapta a su idea de negocio.

Los alumnos de TECH provienen de más de 200 nacionalidades.  
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Aprende con los mejores

El equipo docente de TECH explica en las aulas lo que le ha llevado al éxito en sus empresas, trabajando desde un contexto real, vivo y dinámico. Docentes que se implican al máximo para ofrecer una especialización de calidad que permita al alumno avanzar en su carrera y lograr destacar en el ámbito empresarial.

Profesores de 20 nacionalidades diferentes.

TECH busca la excelencia y, para ello, cuenta con una serie de características que hacen de esta una universidad única:   

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En TECH se explora el lado crítico del alumno, su capacidad de cuestionarse las cosas, sus competencias en resolución de problemas y sus habilidades interpersonales.  

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Excelencia académica

En TECH se pone al alcance del alumno la mejor metodología de aprendizaje online. La universidad combina el método Relearning (metodología de aprendizaje de posgrado con mejor valoración internacional) con el Estudio de Caso. Tradición y vanguardia en un difícil equilibrio, y en el contexto del más exigente itinerario académico.   

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Economía de escala

TECH es la universidad online más grande del mundo. Tiene un portfolio de más de 10.000 posgrados universitarios. Y en la nueva economía, volumen + tecnología = precio disruptivo. De esta manera, se asegura de que estudiar no resulte tan costoso como en otra universidad. 

En TECH tendrás acceso a los análisis de casos más rigurosos y actualizados del panorama académico” 

Why our program?

Studying this TECH program means increasing the chances of achieving professional success in senior business management.   

It is a challenge that demands effort and dedication, but it opens the door to a promising future. Students will learn from the best teaching staff and with the most flexible and innovative educational methodology.  

We have highly qualified teachers and the most complete syllabus on the market, which allows us to offer you training of the highest academic level"

online course school of business TECH Global University

This program will provide students with a multitude of professional and personal advantages, particularly the following:  

1. A significant career boost

By studying at TECH, students will be able to take control of their future and develop their full potential. By completing this program, students will acquire the skills required to make a positive change in their career in a short period of time. 

70% of participants achieve positive career development in less than 2 years.

2. Develop a strategic and global vision of companies

TECH offers an in-depth overview of general management to understand how each decision affects each of the company's different functional areas.  

Our global vision of companies will improve your strategic vision.

3. Consolidate the student’s senior management skills

Studying at TECH means opening the doors to a wide range of professional opportunities for students to position themselves as senior executives, with a broad vision of the international environment. 

You will work on more than 100 real senior management cases. 

4. Take on new responsibilities 

The program will cover the latest trends, advances and strategies, so that students can carry out their professional work in a changing environment.  

45% of graduates are promoted internally.

5. Access to a powerful network of contacts

TECH connects its students to maximize opportunities. Students with the same concerns and desire to grow. Therefore, partnerships, customers or suppliers can be shared. 

You will find a network of contacts that will be instrumental for professional development.

6. Thoroughly develop business projects

Students will acquire a deep strategic vision that will help them develop their own project, taking into account the different areas in companies. 

20% of our students develop their own business idea.

7. Improve your soft skills and management skills 

TECH helps students apply and develop the knowledge they have acquired, while improving their interpersonal skills in order to become leaders who make a difference.

Improve your communication and leadership skills and enhance your career.

8. Be part of an exclusive community

Students will be part of a community of elite executives, large companies, renowned institutions, and qualified professors from the most prestigious universities in the world: the TECH Global University community.     

We give you the opportunity to train with a team of world renowned teachers.

Postgraduate Certificate in New Perspective on Occupational Health and Safety and How to Address it

Are you ready to transform your perspective on occupational safety? Do you want to acquire solid knowledge to safeguard the well-being of your work environment? TECH Global University's School of Business has a shocking surprise for you: a 6-week online Postgraduate Certificate in Occupational Risk Prevention! In this exciting program, you will explore a new landscape in occupational risk prevention, transcending traditional practices and embracing a cutting-edge approach. We guarantee that you will be able to identify and assess potential risks in any work environment, and you will have the tools necessary to implement effective prevention strategies. Our certificate of completion is your passport to a promising professional future. You'll be able to back up your skills in occupational risk prevention and stand out from the competition - imagine the doors that will open when you present your TECH certificate! You'll be recognized as a subject matter expert, capable of promoting safe and healthy work environments.

Expand your knowledge with TECH

What makes our Postgraduate Certificate so special? We have a team of highly qualified teachers who are passionate about sharing their knowledge and experience with you. They will guide you through your learning journey, providing constant support and personalized advice. Be prepared to interact with renowned professionals in the field of occupational risk prevention, who will provide you with cutting-edge information and help you develop a proactive mindset regarding occupational safety. Studying at TECH is a unique opportunity that you cannot miss. We provide you with a state-of-the-art online learning platform, which allows you to access the Postgraduate Certificate contents from anywhere and at any time. Take advantage of this enriching experience and immerse yourself in a first class educational environment. Are you ready to make a difference and become a valued professional in the field of occupational risk prevention? TECH Global University awaits you with open arms, ready to provide you with an education of excellence and open the doors to a world of unprecedented opportunities. Do not wait any longer.