University certificate
With this Practical Training you will take a definitive step in your career.”
Why study at TECH?
Immerse yourself in an agency specialized in Political Marketing and integrate in your daily professional performance the best strategies in institutional communication”

The presence of politicians and the parties to which they belong on the Internet, especially on social networks, has led to the establishment of communication campaigns of such intensity that each publication seeks to attract new voters and mobilize the electorate. A new form of political management and action in response, at times, to online requests from citizens.
A new paradigm must be mastered by any professional who wishes to direct the Marketing and Political Communication strategy of any ruler or political organization. For this reason, TECH has created this Internship program, which offers a stay in a leading communication company in this field.
It consists of 3 intensive weeks, where the professional will be able to improve their Soft Skills and management skills, with the help of real experts in this field, who perfectly master the communicative language in the political field, the planning of institutional communication or crisis management in this area. All this will also enhance your skills, which will lead you to hold positions of greater responsibility in political parties, agencies, and any other institution related to this exciting area of work.

The teaching materials of this program, elaborated by these specialists, have contents that are completely applicable to your professional experiences”
Teaching Planning
The Internship program of this program in Marketing Management and Political Communication consists of a 3-week internship in a prestigious center, from Monday to Friday, with 8 consecutive hours of practical training with an expert professional. This stay will allow the professional to train in real environments, always under the guidance of an expert team that will teach him the singularities of this field.

In this training proposal, of a completely practical nature, the activities are aimed at developing and perfecting the necessary skills for the generation of a Marketing and political communication strategy. Likewise, during the practical stay, the student will have access to the realization of real and specific tasks that will teach them to develop their professional activity with total success.
TECH offers an excellent opportunity to immerse yourself in an unparalleled experience that will allow you, in a short period of time, to obtain the essential keys to prosper as a Marketing and Political Communications Director in agencies, political organizations, or large institutions. A unique option that seeks, above all, the progression and improvement of skills in a position of great responsibility.
The internship will be carried out with the active participation of the student performing the activities and procedures of each area of competence (learning to learn and learning to do), with the accompaniment and guidance of teachers and other training partners that facilitate teamwork and multidisciplinary integration as transversal competencies for the praxis of marketing and political communication (learning to be and learning to relate).
The procedures described below will be the basis of the practical part of the training and their implementation will be subject to the center’s own availability and workload, the proposed activities being the following:
Management and Strategy of Companies and Organizations
- Collaborate in the planning of digital and technological strategies
- Contribute to the implementation of corporate strategies
- Provide support in scenario analysis, decision-making, and contingency planning
- Propose and develop a strategic analysis of people management
Strategic and Operational Marketing
- Perform marketing activities of the company
- Collaborate in strategic marketing planning
- DevelopEffective Inbound Marketing
- Collaborate in The Development of the Marketing Plan
- Establish profitable strategies in business communication on the Internet
Corporate Communication
- Reinforce the company's corporate reputation
- Collaborate in the creation of Corporate Visual Identity andNaming
- Contribute to brand building and brand positioning
- Provide crisis communication support
- Outlining corporate branding strategies
Political Marketing and Institutional Communication
- Collaborate in the execution of political and Marketing actions in institutions
- Support in the creation of Marketing plans in institutions
- Implement strategic and corporate actions
- Planning the Institutional Political Agenda
- Carry out governmental communication
- Contribute to the creation of a Political Marketing plan
Electoral Marketing
- Conduct electoral market research through quantitative and qualitative techniques
- Conducting studies of voting intentions for polls and estimates
- Collaborate in The Development of the Electoral Campaign Plan
- Contribute in the Organization of the Electoral Campaign
- Manage Reports and Spokesperson Interviews
- Collaborate in the creation of PR strategy and practice. PP
- Carry outpolitical Inbound Marketing

Receive specialized education in an institution that can offer you all these possibilities, with an innovative academic program and a human team that will help you develop your full potential”
Internship Program in Marketing and Political Communications Management
A large part of political dissemination is due to communication, which is responsible for making known to the public the ideals, doctrine, values and motivations of a particular party or candidate. Over the years, various elements, scenarios and research have emerged that contribute to the development of political and institutional communication, which has led to increased demand for specialized professionals in the sector. For this reason, TECH Global University designed an Internship Program in Marketing Management and Political Communication, focused on new content strategies and objectives used in institutional communications. Through the three-week program, distributed in classes of eight hours a day from Monday to Friday, you will address highly relevant aspects such as the management of companies, the management of strategic-operational marketing and the structural stages of a political plan. You will also explore digital communication techniques and the latest trends or methodologies of the electoral market, which will allow you to perform the required functions in a dynamic and innovative way.
Study a program in marketing management and political communication
Political messaging explores different areas, including the design and implementation of strategies designed to change the thinking of the voter. In this Internship Program, designed by the TECH Business School, you will find all the elements required to run a successful global campaign, including the appropriate line, ethical proposition and distribution channels. Through the syllabus, you will understand the new trends, possibilities and formats that set the tone for the development of modern political and institutional communication. Throughout the proposed modules, you will explore other relevant aspects ranging from the management and construction of a political-electoral campaign, crisis management and the concepts of society, citizenship and politics, to strategic management and digital metrics analysis techniques. In this way, you will enhance your soft skills and managerial skills to elaborate and disseminate local, municipal or regional government electoral programs.