
With this Professional master’s degree you will be up to date in the most effective treatments applied to children and adolescents with mental disorders" 


The area of child and adolescent psychiatry was developed a century after that of adults, but in recent years has seen a remarkable growth in research. Thanks to this, medical professionals have all the tools they need to be able to make an early detection and a much more effective diagnosis and intervention. Likewise, current pharmacology has favored the approach to child and adolescent patients, who suffer, for example, from the first psychotic episodes or ADHD. 

These advances and the pressing mental health problems of this population group make it necessary to update knowledge in a field that has undergone extensive progress. Therefore, in this Professional master’s degree, the professional will not only delve into its primary focuses (design of psychometric instruments and questionnaires, taxonomy, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, social phobia and psychopharmacology), but also other transcendent areas, such as attachment theory or the adult evolution of disruptive mood dysregulation. 

In addition, through a theoretical-practical approach, students delve into everything that science knows today about human mental development, studies through neuroimaging or clinical management in psychiatry.  

All this in a Professional master’s degree offered in 100% online format and which students can access comfortably wherever and whenever they want. A program that only requires an electronic device with an internet connection to connect to the virtual campus where the syllabus is found. Therefore, the professional will be able to update their knowledge by distributing the 1,500 teaching hours according to their needs, making this program an ideal degree for people who wish to combine their most demanding responsibilities with quality education.  

This university program provides you with innovative teaching tools to broaden your knowledge of mental disorders related to children and adolescents" 

This Professional master’s degree in Child Psychiatry  contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in Psychology 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice 
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning 
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

An academic opportunity that will take you through a multidisciplinary approach towards advances in the urgent management of child patients with pseudohallucinations" 

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.  

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive learning programmed to train in real situations.  

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.   

Access the latest information on the approach to patients with schizophrenia and advances in therapeutic treatments"


Without the need to travel to the classroom, nor classes with fixed schedules. This program gives you the flexibility that you are looking for"


In the course of this university degree, the medical professional will obtain the most recent scientific information in the field of psychiatric treatment of minor patients. For this purpose, multimedia content and clinical case studies will be provided by the specialized teaching team that teaches this degree. Therefore, at the end of this Professional Master's Degree you will be aware of the advances in primary care, mental disorders in the school environment or in the approach to current psychological disorders. 


This Professional Master's Degree is designed for you to update your knowledge with the use of the latest educational technology, which will allow you to immerse yourself in issues related to anxiety disorders" 

General Objectives

  • Master the skills for scientific research in psychiatry 
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the processes of psycho motor, cognitive and psychosocial development in the first stages of a human’s life 
  • Improve professional communication skills
  • Provide training for leadership in psychiatry 
  • Know the peculiarities of the development of different specific areas
  • Gain up-to-date knowledge of the therapeutic strategies in the latest advances in psychiatry 
  • Address the specific problems of liaison and interconsultation psychiatry in childhood and adolescence 
  • Hone clinical interview, examination and diagnostic skills in childhood psychiatry 
  • Provide skills and strategies for clinical management in psychiatry

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Psychiatry in the Different Stages of Life  

  • Describe the genetic and biochemical bases of human beings
  • Access the knowledge and understand of the different mental functions in the first stages of a human’s life 
  • Know how to distinguish psychological disorders in natural evolutionary changes 
  • Identify the factors which influence the integral development of a human being in the first stages of development 
  • Explain the contribution of various scientific sources to the field of child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy

Module 2. Clinical Syndromes in Childhood and Adolescent Psychiatry 

  • Define the main psychopathological and clinical issues that occur in childhood and adolescence
  • Understand the specificities of clinical presentation specific to different stages of development
  • Deepen understanding of the clinical diagnosis methods in the different psychopathological processes 
  • Know how to perform psychodiagnostic sequencing in childhood and adolescence 
  • Perform a differential diagnosis taking into account the evolutionary stage of the patient 

Module 3. Psychopathology in Childhood 

  • Be aware of the criteria for establishing a correct differential diagnosis of the different clinical and psychopathological pictures that present themselves in childhood and adolescence
  • Manage the different classification systems of mental disorders in childhood and adolescence, especially multi-axial types
  • Describe the clinical evaluation and diagnostic procedures in childhood and adolescence
  • Gain sufficient skills for establishing differential diagnosis criteria in childhood and adolescence 

Module 4. New Advances in Childhood Psychiatry 

  • Adequately assess the multicausality and causality of psychopathological and clinical disorders in childhood and adolescence 
  • Deepen knowledge of new diagnostic methods in childhood and adolescence 
  • Identify the treatment possibilities of psychopathological disorders in childhood and adolescence 
  • Describe and respect bioethical approaches in childhood and adolescence

Module 5. Liaison and Interconsultation Psychiatry: Child Psychology Psychosomatics 

  • Value the interest of interconsultation-liaison work in its different modalities 
  • Acquire the skills to deal with underaged patients 
  • Develop techniques to achieve the motivation and active participation of a child or adolescent patient in the diagnosis and intervention process 
  • Establish therapeutic guidelines for each type of disorder detected 
  • Elaborate the most appropriate treatment for the clinical symptoms diagnosed

Module 6. Advances in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Treatments 

  • Design integrates therapeutic interventions
  • Gain skills in the relevant management of psychotropic drugs in childhood and adolescence
  • Apply the principles of inter-institutional and community work to children and adolescents due to the specific peculiarities of children and youth institutions 
  • Provide the professional with the ability to identify with the logic of the patient according to their age and the disorder
  • Understand the scientific method applied to research in psychiatry and psychotherapy in childhood and adolescence
  • Become familiar with epidemiological and developmental psychopathology research procedures

Module 7. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Emergencies

  • Perform research in the field of childhood and adolescence
  • Develop protocols and tools that allow for intervention with safeguards 
  • Develop early detection and intervention plans in the perinatal period
  • Pragmatically approach emergency psychiatric situations in childhood and adolescence

Module 8. Professional Skills in Child Psychiatry 

  • Acquire the skills and strategies for clinical management in psychiatry
  • Master the skills for efficient communication and establish leadership in childhood psychiatry 

Module 9. Clinical Management in Psychiatry 

  • Define the characteristics of intervention in schools
  • Design coordination protocols with adult mental health services 
  • Support and lead activities aimed at integration into the labor market 

Module 10. Community Intervention in Childhood Psychiatry 

  • Master knowledge of the childhood and adolescence peculiarities of medical-legal aspects in Childhood Psychiatry 
  • Understand the working of the social services 

Professional Master's Degree in Update of Psychiatric Treatments in Juvenile Patients

Faced with an increase in the number of minors diagnosed with mental disorders and illnesses, psychiatric support during childhood and adolescence is essential. Moreover, this requires highly trained professionals to meet the needs of this population and implement tools to adequately address their treatment. At TECH Global University we have developed the Professional Master's Degree in Update on Psychiatric Treatment in Child and Adolescent Patients, a program that will broaden your conceptual bases and technical competencies in order to provide you with the methods, resources and protocols that are indispensable in the medical intervention of child and adolescent mental health services.

Specialize in the largest medical school

With our study plan you will have at your fingertips the most complete and up-to-date information on psychiatric care for minors. Thus, you will expand your knowledge in psychiatry applied to psychomotor, cognitive and psychosocial development processes; you will establish diagnostic and treatment criteria according to the symptomatology present in each patient, from cognitive behavioral therapies to the use of psychotropic drugs; and you will develop strategic plans that highlight the importance of community and auxiliary intervention, including school support, psychoeducation and social services. From this, you will confidently and skillfully face the challenges of your daily clinical practice, as well as become a reference for the sector. Study at the largest medical school and boost your career growth.