University certificate
With this Practical Training you will take a definitive step in your career.”
Why study at TECH?
With TECH you will enjoy an eminently practical and advanced study method with renowned specialists who will accompany you throughout the process"

In the healthcare structure, the medical division is fundamental in the development of clinical and care management. More and more professionals want to approach healthcare in a sustainable and modern way, so updating clinical management methods is essential. In this sense, TECH at the forefront of education has created this program of practical training where, in situ, the professional will address all aspects related to the organizational division, planning and management of tasks in a hospital center. With the attention of real cases and specialists who will accompany you.
Currently, there are many challenges faced by both public and private hospitals in the management of technical and human resources: from the relations between professional groups, citizens and suppliers, maintaining a productive organizational climate, to the development of new health technologies, the need to increase service efficiency, and the need to assume leadership of the team. Therefore, this Internship program will provide an update to the professional's curricular profile in order to reach positions of healthcare responsibility, whether in middle management or medical care management.
Thus, during 3 weeks the student will be able to observe in a real scenario the organizational dynamics and the different processes involved in Clinical Management, Medical and Healthcare Management, preparing him/her to assume change, decision making and advanced resource management. The student will develop an efficient daily praxis, implementing new methods that he will learn from professionals who will guide him throughout the 120 hours that the on-site stay lasts.
In a modern environment, you will be able to experience, from Monday to Friday during the 8 hours of daily practice, the operation of a clinical center, with new competencies and communication and leadership skills, raising your talent to the next level, as well as your human and empathic quality. In addition, you will have the guidance and support of an assistant tutor who will accompany you in the fulfillment of your objectives.

Enjoy an intensive 3-week stay in a prestigious center and update yourself on the latest clinical procedures to grow professionally"
Esta Internship program contiene todo lo necesario para adquirir las destrezas y habilidades que un gerente moderno necesita. TECH, pensando en la actualización de los profesionales, que en su día a día ameritan competencias directivas más efectivas ante los nuevos retos, ha diseñado este programa de manos de un equipo multidisciplinar que le orientará en cuanto a la Clinical, Medical and Welfare Management. Este innovador método de aprendizaje proporciona al profesional de hoy la posibilidad de elegir un centro hospitalario de vanguardia, con todo el equipamiento indispensable para brindar un servicio de salud avanzado. Durante 3 intensivas semanas, se integrará en un equipo de trabajo multidisciplinar, donde comprobará de primera mano cómo se llevan a cabo los protocolos de gestión clínica en general. Una oportunidad académica única que solo TECH pone a su disposición, sin límites ni fronteras y con la calidad que merece para la construcción de un bagaje profesional adecuado.

Revoluciona tu mundo con esta capacitación práctica que abre un abanico de posibilidades para tu desarrollo profesional”
1. Actualizarse a partir de la última tecnología disponible
Elevar propuestas novedosas para establecer un servicio de asistencia médica profesional de vanguardia, será posible después de cursas esta Internship program. Estará al día de los avances tecnológicos y de los protocolos más específicos para la correcta Gestión Clínica, Dirección Médica y Asistencial. Y es que actualmente los centros hospitalarios enfrentan distintos retos, donde la transformación digital es uno de los más importantes. En ese sentido, este programa permitirá el avance del profesional que estará al frente de la gestión directiva para así alcanzar los mejores resultados.
2. Profundizar a partir de la experiencia de los mejores especialistas
TECH se une a un equipo de profesionales sin precedentes, especialistas en cada área de estudio que contienen en su haber un sin número de casos de éxito, por lo que la preparación profesional estará garantizada. El alumno contará en todo momento con la guía de un tutor asignado, que le orientará en cada una de las dudas que se le presenten dentro del escenario clínico, así el desarrollo de la capacitación fluirá de manera satisfactoria.
3. Adentrarse en entornos clínicos de primera
Para las capacitaciones prácticas, TECH selecciona a los mejores centros hospitalarios. Se une a los equipos de vanguardia para que sus alumnos obtengan el mayor aprendizaje posible. Gracias al entorno moderno, dinámico y especializado del centro clínico donde realizará la etapa práctica, adquirirá la experiencia que requiere para elevar su nivel de profesionalidad.
4. Llevar lo adquirido a la práctica diaria desde el primer momento
Gracias a la metodología de estudio ofrecida por TECH, el profesional puede practicar las mejoras de manera inmediata. En este programa, disfrutará de una estancia presencial de lunes a viernes en jornadas de 8 horas intensivas, por 3 semanas consecutivas, lo que preparará su perfil profesional para enfrentar los más relevantes retos de su carrera.
5. Expandir las fronteras del conocimiento
TECH brinda a todos los profesionales del mundo realizar esta Internship program, para elevar su nivel de profesionalidad. Para ello, elige a centros de referencia que le permitirán al profesional adquirir una experiencia sin precedentes. De esta forma, el especialista podrá expandir sus fronteras y ponerse al día con los mejores profesionales, relacionados con el sector sanitario y con diversas perspectivas. Una oportunidad única que solo TECH podría ofrecer.

Tendrás una inmersión práctica total en el centro que tú mismo elijas"
Internship Program in Clinical, Medical and Welfare Management
The management of health centers and health systems has become one of the most relevant management skills for the medical field. Ensuring the proper functioning of care services, as well as a higher quality of care towards the individuals who attend these places, requires highly qualified professionals in administrative, economic and legal skills. At TECH Global University we developed the Internship Program in Clinical, Medical and Welfare Management, a program focused on the preparation of specialists through immersion in a high-level clinical environment and participation in the latest processes of high medical management.
Specialize as head of hospital services
The main objective of this program is to update health professionals in the most relevant knowledge and competencies in the administrative and care area of hospital centers. You will analyze the theories and models on the organization and functioning of health systems, focusing on the political, social, legal and economic foundations and their organizational structure. Understand, interpret, transmit and apply regulatory norms of the activities and functions of health professionals regarding clinical management according to the legal framework of the health sector. You will design and lead processes of improvement, innovation and transformation in units, services and centers; in addition to identifying and integrating management skills in the daily processes of health management. With this Internship program you will achieve professional success, stand out in a highly competitive environment, and revalue your professional profile.
Study at the world's largest online university
TECH Global University has innovative programs with high academic performance for specialized education. Through a three-week internship, with consecutive eight-hour shifts, from Monday through Friday, you will gain an in-depth knowledge in Clinical, Medical and Welfare Management. At the largest School of Medicine you will find the necessary tools to enhance your professional growth in this field, as well as a team capable of guiding you and developing your skills to the fullest.