
The most comprehensive learning in the fields of ancient and medieval philosophy in an intensive and high-quality Training"


Christian art, as a transmitter of the philosophy of this fundamental line of religious thought, will be developed in this University Course as an area of study of fundamental importance to the contemporary philosopher. 

This University Course will develop an analysis of patristic and scholastic philosophy as the source of many of the most relevant philosophical developments in the history of philosophy. This intensive and in-depth program will lead you to learn and handle the most important concepts of the classical authors with ease. 

This academic process aims to provide students with the professional and personal skills to practically apply their learning, being able to address contemporary problems and carry out a complete philosophical analysis of them. 
In addition, with this University Course the students will learn with the most effective systems for the study of this subject. 

If you seek self-improvement, to achieve a positive change at a personal level, to interact with the best and belong to a new generation of professionals capable of performing their work anywhere in the world, this may be the path for you. 

A University Course fully compatible with other work, personal, teaching, or study occupations. Its system and teaching approach will flexibly adjust to student needs from beginning to end throughout the course. Consequently, the results are much more efficient, since the study will not become an unbearable burden, but rather, a stimulating and easy challenge to undertake and bring to fruition. 

A very complete study, essential knowledge for the contemporary philosopher"

This postgraduate certificate in History of Philosophy and Christian Art contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical cases to apply the theoretical content to real life situations
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • It contains practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the situations that are presented to the student
  • Special emphasis on practical learning
  • All this will be complemented with theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, discussion forums on controversial issues and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This postgraduate certificate will allow you to grow as a professional in philosophy and as a humanist, significantly expanding your capacity for analysis and philosophical understanding"

TECH Global University offers the most innovative, creative and unique offering, in a dynamic, adept and internationally recognized institution. With a space to exchange ideas, experience and reflections. Students will be able to share their learning experience, through forums and other collaborative tools, all 100% online. 

TECH supports its students at all times thanks to an involved and committed teaching team. The teaching team transmits their expertise in their professional performance, working from a real, lively and dynamic context. TECH explores the student’s critical side, their ability to the field things, their problem-solving skills, as well as their interpersonal skills. 

This postgraduate certificate is created to make studying simple, efficient, and flexible way, with the maximum quality of a high-level educational program"


Study with the technical and human solvency of the largest Spanish-speaking, 100% online university in the world"


With this postgraduate certificate, students will be walked through the essential contents to approach this discipline effectively, learning to undertake analyses, dissertations, presentations, debates or publications related to the subject matter, with the support of the most comprehensive knowledge, with which you will learn and enjoy the benefits of a course designed to optimize your work time to the maximum. 


A course designed to allow you to study and learn in a way that is compatible with your daily life, with the greatest flexibility"

General Objectives

  • Acquire a rigorous philosophical method, shaped by ordered thought and the capacity for dialog, putting this into practice
  • Possess the adequate tools to study philosophical subjects
  • Conduct fruitful scientific work
  • Structure the various philosophical contents that will become evident in daily work environments
  • Develop a mental structure and appropriate conceptual frameworks that structure philosophical criteria rooted in Christian tradition, including principles, methods and contents
  • Shape students' specific identity as Christian thinkers

Specific objectives

  • Explain what is understood in the philosophical world by patristic philosophy
  • Explain what is understood in the philosophical world by scholastic philosophy
  • Explain the historical context in which the philosophical reflection of the patristic and medieval periods arises
  • Understand and differentiate the two historical periods of scholasticism: high and low scholasticism
  • Point out the outstanding approaches of some classical authors and their impact on later philosophy
  • Know the most significant iconography of Christian art
  • Identify biblical scenes depicted in the visual arts
  • Identify the features of styles and periods

The profile of the humanistic professional has reached the highest levels of professionalism. Activate your competence growth and don't get left behind”

Postgraduate Certificate in History of Philosophy and Christian Art

If you are one of those curious people who likes history and constantly thinking about life and the why of things, the Postgraduate Certificate in History of Christian Philosophy and Art is what you are looking for. Through a complete program of studies, students will have the opportunity to learn about the main philosophical and artistic currents that have marked the evolution of Christian civilization. From Antiquity to contemporary times, the most relevant works and authors of each era will be studied, delving into their contributions and their historical context. In addition, the Postgraduate Certificate also includes an overview of the relationship between philosophy and art, two disciplines that have been closely linked throughout history. From classical aesthetics to the most innovative avant-garde, the main artistic movements will be analyzed through the prism of philosophy, in order to better understand their meaning and importance within Western culture.

Take your studies to another level 100% remotely

The Postgraduate Certificate in History of Philosophy and Christian Art at TECH Global University, has a team of highly qualified teachers, with extensive academic and professional experience in the different areas of study. In addition, students will also have access to a wide variety of digital resources and teaching materials, which will allow them to delve deeper into each of the topics covered in the course, we are considered by Forbes as the best digital university in the world, thanks to our methodologies and the more than 10,000 university degrees we offer. The Postgraduate Certificate in History of Christian Philosophy and Art is, without a doubt, a unique and essential preparation option for those seeking a complete and rigorous education in these disciplines.