
Update your knowledge in Placental Pathology and Fetal Growth Restriction with the best online program on the market"


In recent years, there have been significant advances in the understanding of the pathophysiology of placentation and the factors that influence it, including angiogenic and antiangiogenic factors. Likewise, the use of Doppler techniques in the study of the umbilical, cerebral and uterine arteries, among others, has improved the diagnosis and management of fetal growth restriction. However, these advances have also presented new challenges, such as the need for early screening and more effective prevention of preeclampsia.

In this context, the postgraduate certificate in Placental Pathology and Fetal Growth Restriction is presented, offering comprehensive training for medical professionals and specialists seeking to update their knowledge in this area. The program includes modules dedicated to the diagnosis and management of preeclampsia, eclampsia, HELLP syndrome, fetal growth restriction, and the application of the sFlt-/PlGF ratio in clinical practice.

The program is delivered 100% online, allowing participants to access the materials from anywhere and at any time, with additional support and resources available online. This modality also allows participants to combine the postgraduate certificate with their professional and personal responsibilities.

Expand your knowledge on the pathophysiology of placentation and angiogenic and anti-angiogenic factors with this postgraduate certificate in Placental Pathology and Fetal Growth Restriction"

This postgraduate certificate in Placental Pathology and Fetal Growth Restriction contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Fetal in Medicine
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • The practical exercises where the self-evaluation process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Enroll now in this program and apply the sFlt-/PlGF ratio in your clinical practice, updating your diagnostic methods and treatments and treatments of placental pathology and fetal growth restriction"

The program includes in its teaching staff professionals of the field who pour into this training the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will allow the professional a situated and contextual learning, that is, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, in which the professional will have to try to solve the different professional practice situations that will arise throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

Do you want to deepen the Doppler study of the uterine arteries, the middle cerebral artery and other structures important in placental pathology and fetal growth restriction? and other structures important in placental pathology and fetal growth restriction? Don't hesitate and enroll"


Get up to date with the best teaching resources on the educational market: detailed videos, case studies or interactive summaries, among others"


The postgraduate certificate in Placental Pathology and Fetal Growth Restriction aims to provide medical professionals and specialists with the knowledge and skills necessary for an in-depth study of the pathophysiology of placentation and the management of fetal growth restriction and preeclampsia. Students will be able to deepen in the Doppler study of the uterine arteries, umbilical, middle cerebral, aortic isthmus, venous ductus and umbilical vein, among other issues.


TECH Global University aims to provide you with a complete update on Placental Pathology. Enroll now” 

General Objectives

  • Provide a specific update that allows physicians to update their skills to exercise and lead the functions as specialists in the area of Fetal Medicine and Prenatal Diagnosis
  • Update theoretical knowledge in the different fields of Fetal Medicine: basic and advanced obstetric ultrasound, prenatal diagnosis, maternal-fetal pathologies and placental pathologies
  • Link the improvement of their medical practice with scientific research so that they can contribute to change and progress in their clinical environment through the application of the most innovative and effective guidelines and strategies in the field

Specific Objectives

  • Update knowledge on the mechanism of placentation and how it influences the development of pathologies such as Preeclampsia and fetal growth restriction
  • Update on the rules to perform an adequate Doppler study in order to make a correct maternal and fetal hemodynamic assessment
  • Know what early screening for preeclampsia  and its prophylactic treatment consists of
  • To know in an exhaustive and updated way the definition of Preeclampsia, severity criteria and treatment
    Identify fetal growth restriction, stages and management

Your professional updating goals are now within your reach: take advantage of this opportunity and access the program that will bring you up to date immediately"

Postgraduate Certificate in Placental Pathology and Fetal Growth Restriction

The study of placental pathology and fetal growth restriction is crucial for the early diagnosis and management of pregnant patients at risk. The placenta is the organ that allows for proper fetal growth and development, and its dysfunction can lead to serious complications for both the fetus and the mother. In our Postgraduate Certificate in Placental Pathology and Fetal Growth Restriction, the main topics related to placental pathology and its implications in fetal growth restriction will be addressed. This program will pay special attention to the most recent advances in the field, from the identification of risk factors and diagnostic evaluation to the different therapeutic options. In addition, the interpretation of the different tests used in the diagnosis of these pathologies, such as Doppler ultrasound and pathological anatomy, will be discussed in depth.

Placental pathology.

Placental pathology and fetal growth restriction are conditions that require early diagnosis and proper management to prevent serious complications for both the fetus and the mother. In our Postgraduate Certificate, the main topics related to placental pathology, such as placenta previa, placental insufficiency and fetal growth restriction, as well as their impact on fetal and maternal well-being, will be addressed. Through lectures and practical activities, students will acquire knowledge and skills that will enable them to identify and adequately manage these pathologies in pregnant patients. Likewise, they will review the different therapeutic options available, such as expectant management, fetal monitoring and surgical intervention. This course is designed for health professionals interested in deepening their knowledge of placental pathology and fetal growth restriction and improving the quality of care they provide to their patients.
