
You are just a few steps away from immersing yourself in a unique academic experience with which you will acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to excel as an expert in Computer Vision"


The evolution of artificial intelligence and Machine Learning, as well as the increasingly technical and specialized growth of robotics, augmented reality, Big Data and hyper-automation, is what has enabled the development of Computer Vision. With the application of its methods, it is nowadays possible, for example, to discover faults during production, as well as to discriminately identify defective results. Thanks to the versatility of its complex algorithm systems, it is plausible to employ its uses in a multitude of industries and processes: electronics (code reading), packaging (labeling or print verification), logistics (hazardous material detection), automotive (quality control) or health (reading and verification of packaging or x-rays), etc.

The fact that this is a sector with a future full of opportunities and possibilities is what has led TECH to develop this hybrid professional master’s degree in Computer Vision. This is an intensive and exhaustive program that will provide the graduate with a broad and specialized knowledge of this science, its techniques and current applications. Through 1,500 hours of the best theoretical and practical training, the computer scientist will get to know in detail the ins and outs of intelligent systems, being able to develop a project by himself with total guarantee of success.

This program includes not only a complete and specialized syllabus, designed exclusively by engineers versed in this sector, but also additional material presented in different formats to allow you to delve into each section in a personalized way. All this, through the Online Classroom, which you can access from any device with an Internet connection and with an online schedule totally adapted to your availability. Finally, you will be able to complete 120 hours of practical training in a reference center, which will allow you to improve your skills through active participation in IT projects and give your resume a prestigious label that will make you stand out in any personnel selection process.

A complete program that combines the best theory 100% online and guaranteed practice in 12 months of specialized training"

This hybrid professional master’s degree in Computer Vision contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • Development of more than 100 cases presented by IT professionals who are experts in project management, software analysis and design, and programming of quality control applications, customer and supplier management
  • Its graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents are designed to provide up-to-date and advanced information on Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision
  • Integral management of images to be exported, content and data analysis based on Computer Vision systems, work with Cloud Computing platforms as usual
  • Thorough understanding of the handling of augmented reality devices, as well as control of the most common 3D image processing software
  • All this will be complemented with theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, discussion forums on controversial issues and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • In addition, you will be able to do an internship in one of the best IT companies in the world

You will have hundreds of hours of high quality additional material presented in different formats, so that you can delve into each section in a personalized way during the theoretical period"

In this hybrid professional master’s degree proposal, of a professional nature and blended learning modality, the program is aimed at updating IT professionals who develop their functions in the engineering sector specialized in Artificial Intelligence, and who require a high level of qualification. The contents are based on the latest evidence in the sector, and are oriented in a didactic way to integrate theoretical knowledge into IT practice, and the theoretical-practical elements will facilitate the updating of knowledge and will allow decision making in project management and direction.

Thanks to its multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology, they will allow the specialist to enjoy situated and contextual learning, i.e. a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations. This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

A program specialized in 3D image processing with which you can learn in detail the most effective registration and Meshing strategies available today”


You will acquire the advanced digital image processing skills of an expert in the sector"

Why our program?

In disciplines such as Computer Vision, it is essential to have the most up-to-date knowledge and skills to be able to respond to the current challenges of the sector. Because of this, this area is in constant transformation, so it is necessary for the professional to be updated in a real working environment. And TECH offers you the opportunity to do so through this program, which combines the most advanced theoretical content with a practical stay in a prestigious technology company, enabling a complete update of the student in Machine Learning, Deep Learning and image processing, among many other issues.

master computer vision TECH Global University

This program will allow you to enter a real professional environment where you will learn firsthand the main techniques and applications of Computer Vision, accompanied by leading specialists in this technology sector"

1. Updating from the latest technology available

TECH allows the professional, through this program with a practical orientation, to get up to date with the latest advances in Computer Vision in an innovative work environment. Because of this, it will bring you closer to technological spaces where you will have the most advanced equipment and devices in this sector, which will guarantee an effective learning in this complex discipline.

2. Deepen your knowledge from the experience of top experts

To know the ins and outs of Computer Vision, it is necessary to access the knowledge that experts in the field can provide. For this reason, TECH offers students the possibility of spending their time in a prestigious company in the technological field, where they will be accompanied by the best experts in the sector, so that they can learn the most important procedures in Machine Learning or Deep Learning directly from experienced specialists.

3. Entering first-class professional environments

TECH carefully selects all available centers for Internship Programs. Thanks to this, the specialist will have guaranteed access to a prestigious technological environment in the area of Computer Vision. In this way, you will be able to see the day-to-day work of a demanding, rigorous and exhaustive area, always applying the latest theses and scientific postulates in its work methodology.

4. Combining the Best Theory with State-of-the-Art Practice

This hybrid professional master’s degree combines, in a single curriculum, the latest theoretical advances in Computer Vision with an intensive internship in a prestigious center in this sector. In this way, through this program, the student will be able, first, to be updated on the latest developments in the discipline and, later, to put them into practice in a 100% real business environment, where they will be able to carry out various professional activities over a period of 3 weeks.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

TECH offers the possibility of doing this Internship Program, not only in national, but also in international centers. In this way, students will be able to expand their frontiers and catch up with the best professionals, who work in first class companies and in different continents. A unique opportunity that only TECH, the largest online university in the world, could offer.

master degree computer vision TECH Global University

You will have full hands-on immersion at the center of your choice"

Hybrid Professional Master’s Degree in Computer Vision

Machine vision is a field in constant growth and evolution. In an increasingly digital world, machine vision has become a key tool for the automation and improvement of processes in different areas such as medicine, industrialization, security and robotics, among others. That is why at TECH Global University we have created the Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Artificial Vision, to train professionals who wish to specialize in this field. This program, designed by experts in the field, combines face-to-face classes with an online platform, which allows students to adapt their study schedule to their needs, without having to give up the interaction with the faculty and other students.

Study at the largest Faculty of Computer Science

One of the main benefits of our Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Artificial Vision is the constant updating of content and techniques, which allows our students to be at the forefront of advances in the field. In addition, our professors have extensive experience in the industry and are available to students to answer any questions and guide them in their learning process. Some of the topics that will be covered in the program are artificial intelligence, image processing, deep learning, robotics, pattern detection and recognition, among others. In this way, students will acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to develop artificial vision projects autonomously and to collaborate in multidisciplinary teams in different sectors. Do you know why TECH is considered one of the best universities in the world? Because we have a catalog of more than ten thousand academic programs, presence in multiple countries, innovative methodologies, unique academic technology and a highly qualified teaching team. In short, the Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Artificial Vision at TECH Global University is an excellent opportunity for those professionals who wish to specialize in an area in constant growth, and who are looking for quality training tailored to their needs.