
Learn how to design Video Games like the best experts in the industry and work in the great companies you know and admire" 


A world without Video Games is unimaginable. They occupy a central place in the leisure of the entire planet and encompass all population groups, since people of different ages and origins play. In fact, Video Games are one of the few elements that could connect people who live in different places and have vastly different social contexts; that is how important they are in contemporary culture.

This happens largely because video games are a multidimensional discipline, which has fun elements and challenges for gamers, but they are also products where narrative, storytelling and other issues related to art and sensitivity are very important. That is why there are Video Games of multiple types and genres: free and paid, for various media and platforms, some played online and others offline. And, besides this, there are a huge number of genres: sports and car simulators, strategy games, RPGs, first and third person shooters, artistic and low-budget games, as well as others developed by large companies, etc.

Hence, there are a large number of players and to meet that demand, there are also a large number of companies that develop thousands of video games. It is a vital cultural element in the contemporary world and also an industry that grows year after year, generating employment and new professional opportunities. Therefore, trained experts who have specialized in Video Game Design are needed to meet the requirements of companies and gamers, all eagerly awaiting the release of new titles to enjoy.

The postgraduate diploma in Video Game Design prepares students to face a future career in this exciting field, which is constant need of new ideas and talented people wanting to develop them. Through its teaching modules and the best teaching faculty, students will be able to learn everything they need to become professionals in Video Game Design. 

Video Games are the present and future of the audiovisual industry: they could also be your present and future"

This postgraduate diploma in Video Game Design contains the most comprehensive and innovative educational program on the market. Its most notable features are:  

  • Immersion in the world of Video Game Design, which will allow students to obtain all the knowledge they require to work in this field 
  • Learning through practical exercises so that students can acquire skills more immediately 
  • Contents focused on practical learning, using a variety of formats and methodologies 
  • Flexibility, whereby students can complete the program in the way that best suits their personal and professional circumstances
  • The guidance of teaching staff who will make sure that students learn appropriately 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

Today you play, tomorrow you could be designing Video Games. Take the step with this postgraduate diploma"  

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who bring their work experience to this course, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersion training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. This will be done with the help of an innovative system of interactive videos made by renowned experts. 

Talented people with ideas are needed to develop the next blockbuster Video Games: this could be you"


This postgraduate diploma offers you everything you need to give your career a boost"


The program has been designed to teach students everything they need in order to become Video Game designers. Once they complete this program, they will be able to perform basic as well as more complex tasks in Video Game Design, which will allow them to become highly demanded and valued professionals among clients and companies. 


Your goals are within reach thanks to this postgraduate diploma"

General Objectives

  • Know the different genres of Video Games, their features and the concept of gameplay, in order to apply them in Video Game analysis and in the creation of Video Game designs
  • Study the Video Game production process in depth, as well as Scrum methodology for project production  
  • Learn the fundamentals of Video Game Design as well as the theoretical knowledge that a video game designer should be familiar with 
  • Generate ideas and create entertaining stories, plots and scripts for Video Games 
  • Know the theoretical and practical foundations of the artistic design of a video game 
  • In-depth knowledge of 2D and 3D animation, as well as the key elements of object and character animation and learning to perform 3D modeling tasks 
  • Perform professional programming with the Unity 3D engine 
  • Be able to create an independent digital entertainment start-up 

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Video Game Design

  • Understand the theory of Video Game Design
  • In-depth study of the elements of design and gamification 
  • Learn about the types of players, their motivations and characteristics
  • Learn about game mechanics, MDA and other Video Game Design theories
  • Learn the critical foundations for video game analysis with theory and examples
  • Learn about game level design, how to create puzzles within these levels and how to place the design elements in the environment

Module 2. Design Document

  • Write and illustrate a professional design document
  • Know each of the parts of a design: general idea, market, gameplay, mechanics, levels, progression, elements of the game, HUD and interface
  • Know the design process of a design document or GDD to be able to represent the idea of the game in an understandable, professional and well-elaborated document

Module 3. Production and Management

  • Understand the production of a video game and its different stages
  • Learn the types of producers
  • Know Project Management for video game development
  • Use different tools for production
  • Coordinate teams and project management

If you dream of designing games like the ones that have kept you awake for days, you can do it with this program" 

Postgraduate Diploma in Video Game Design

The field of video games has had a great development in the last decade, this as a result of the constant technological advances that open multiple opportunities for improvement for the industry. The Postgraduate Diploma in Video Game Design at TECH Global University is presented as an excellent alternative to venture into this important discipline, as we have an innovative study plan along with a documentary bank with the most recent advances in the field. In addition, our program will allow you to learn about the different genres of video games, as well as the concept of gameplay and the design processes involved in the creation phase. On the other hand, we will delve into 2D and 3D animation, so that you can get to know the key elements for structuring people and objects.

Become an Expert in Video Game Design

This TECH program enables applicants to lead large-scale projects in which the SCRUM methodology is applied as the axis of production. Likewise, they will learn to carry out an efficient planning in which the functions of each individual in charge are carefully considered, using an objective and holistic view of the entire process. In the same way, we will boost the students' communication skills in order to establish solid working relationships, boosting the skills and motivation of the employees to achieve a product with the highest quality standards.