Castellano Santana, Pedro Raúl
Nurse Practitioner in Neuroscience and Ophthalmology Services
Pedro Raúl Castellano Santana has a PhD in Nursing and is considered one of the most eminent professionals in his field. During the development of his professional practice, he has performed various functions in the field of Radiology and Neonatology. However, he has consolidated his career around Neurosciences and Degenerative Disorders.
Thanks to his merits, he has been elected to relevant positions at the head of the Spanish Association of Nursing in Neurosciences and the Canarian Ophthalmological Nursing Association.
- Expert Nurse in Neuroscience and Ophthalmology Services
- Nurse of the Surgical Unit at the University Hospital Insular de Gran Canaria
- Nurse of the Neonatology Unit at the Hospital Materno Infantil de Gran Canaria
- Nurse of the Radiology Unit at the Hospital Materno Infantil de Gran Canaria
- Doctor in Nursing by the Jaume I University
- Professional Master's Degree in Nursing Sciences, Jaume I University
- President of the Spanish Association of Neuroscience Nursing
- Secretary and Founder of the Canary Islands Ophthalmological Nursing Association