
Dr. Javier Botas Rodríguez is a Cardiologist specialized in the Interventional Area and is a reference in his field. He is a professional distinguished by his medical quality and impeccable career, backed by over three decades of experience in the management of cardiac patients. He has worked in several centers of international prestige, among which stands out the Gregorio Marañón General University Hospital, considered one of the best clinics worldwide for its Cardiology program. 

On the other hand, he has combined his clinical practice with Teaching and Research, directing his own line of research, which culminated with the publication Magna Cum Laude of his thesis, A Potential Therapeutic Target in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 1. All this has been accompanied by the writing of more than a dozen articles, some of them indexed and published in international media specialized in Medicine and Cardiology

  • Head of the Cardiology Service at the Fundación Alcorcón University Hospital.
  • Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory at the Fundación Alcorcón University Hospital. 
  • Staff Cardiologist at the Gregorio Marañón University General Hospital. 
  • Associate Professor of Cardiology of the Degree in Medicine at the Rey Juan Carlos University. 
  • PhD in Medicine, Magna Cum Laude from the Faculty of Medicine at the Autonomous University of Madrid. 
  • Residency and Specialization in Cardiology at the Gregorio Marañón General University Hospital. 
  • PhD in Interventional Cardiology from Leland Stanford Junior University.
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