
Acquire the necessary working tools to work in Audiovisual Media and Specialized Magazines practicing in the field of Economic Journalism with the quality of a specialist” 


Nowadays, economic information has become increasingly popular and is no longer of interest only to businessmen and specialists in the field, but to the world in general. If economic information was something residual in the 70s, from the 90s onwards, this type of news began to have a greater place in national newspapers and later its media proliferation in media such as radio, television and Internet. As a result, it has become one of the most eye-catching sections and therefore requires more coverage. In this way, more and more media outlets are looking for trained professionals within their ranks who know how to apply the new journalism formats, who know how to take advantage of the potential of new technologies and who know how to adequately focus the type of news, note or information to the public.

Therefore, this program becomes a unique opportunity of knowledge and will present recent information on Economic Journalism. The professional will find data that is newsworthy according to the media where they will be disseminated and, above all, will analyze how to transmit this information according to the journalistic genre to be used. In order to guarantee the appropriation of knowledge, all these contents will be presented through concrete examples and practical cases, taking the professional to a learning ground based on experience and leaving behind the long hours of study and forced memorization of study and forced memorization.  

Therefore, it is a 100% online postgraduate diploma with which the professional of the sector can combine their professional work, so that only a device with internet connection is needed. In turn, you will be able to download the content as your daily use tool and review it as often as you need it.  

Include in your CV a specific program in economic journalism and give your professional career a boost towards excellence"

This postgraduate diploma in Economic Journalism in Audiovisual Media and Specialized Magazines contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Economics Journalism
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Acquire the professional tools of the economic journalist adapted to the audiovisual media and take a leap in your professional capacity”

The team of professors of the Professional program in Audiovisual in Audiovisual Media and specialized magazine has extensive experience in teaching at the university level, both in Postgraduate and graduate programs. In addition, they offer to the program their vision as active professionals, which allows them to know, firsthand, the deep transformation that the communication sector is undergoing.

The methodology of the programs offered at TECH Global University, in an online format, allows students to break down the barriers imposed by work obligations and the difficult balance between work and personal life. Attending face-to-face classes is practically impossible for those who are involved in the daily demands of work. That is why this program is the quality answer to your educational needs. 

All this educational compendium makes this a postgraduate diploma of specialization that compiles all the aspects that are relevant and essential to turn the Journalism professional into an authentic expert in the fields related to this type of information.

Be part of one of the most interesting sectors of journalism today with the security of the world's largest online university in Spanish"


A high-quality and impressive program that will allow you to work with the confidence brought by the best education"


The postgraduate diploma in Economic Journalism in Audiovisual Media and Specialized Magazines allows the professional of the field to develop his career in these media with the use of the tools of this work. For this reason, we have developed the essential theoretical content that will enable you with the knowledge and tools necessary to move on to practice, which will be developed intensively throughout the program. 


Learn to plan, obtain and transmit economic information with the language of the Audiovisual Media and Specialized Magazines, with expert quality”

General Objectives

  • Analyze the important differences that the journalist must take into account when preparing an economic information according to the media in which it will be published
  • Generate advanced knowledge so that the Journalist specialized in Economic Journalism can elaborate each of the journalistic genres to be used, showing daily work tools
  • Examine the characteristics of specialized magazines as a support and vehicle for the transmission of economic and business information
  • Analyze the importance of economic information due to its public importance and its interest for society
  • Show how an economics correspondent works
  • Teach how economic news is chosen and handled for the foreign press

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Economic Journalism in Audiovisual Media

  • Discern the journalistic genre to be addressed The Professional at any given moment and the language to be used in each of them
  • Show how to elaborate and prepare information so that it is accessible to the general public using specific tools
  • Bring the student information about SEO positioning and the use of Keywords for economic information

Module 2. Economic Journalism in Specialized Magazines

  • Make economic journalists responsible for their pedagogical work when it comes to explaining and making information understandable and attractive to the general public
  • Specialize the economic journalist in the elaboration of the different journalistic genres that have a place in a specialized magazine
  • Show the advantages of reporting on economics in a specialized magazine as opposed to other general media

Module 3. Economic Journalism in the foreign Media

  • Examine the chain of transmission of economic information in foreign media, the choice of topics and the limits imposed
  • Show the reality of correspondent work on economic issues, its constraints, difficulties, challenges and obligations
  • Analyze how the most relevant companies are highlighted and how they are followed up
  • Introduce the professional journalist to the nuances of economic journalism for foreign media, from macroeconomics to microeconomics, and the importance of pedagogy
  • Develop the keys to on-the-ground economic journalism in times of crisis

Our goal is simple: to offer you high-quality specialization, with the most developed teaching resources so that you achieve the best results with little effort”  

Postgraduate Diploma in Economic Journalism in Audiovisual Media and Specialized Magazines

Economic Journalism is a specialized branch of communication that focuses on the coverage of news and events related to the economy and business. Nowadays, it has become more relevant than ever, as economic and political changes have a significant impact on people's lives and society in general. Therefore, there has been an increase in the demand for specialized media in this field and, therefore, for highly trained journalists in this field. The Postgraduate Diploma in Economic Journalism in Audiovisual Media and Specialized Magazines offers students the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the field of economic journalism oriented to these specific communication channels. Upon completion of this program, you will position yourself as a top-notch journalist, capable of developing an outstanding practice in this field of Communication.

Learn without leaving your own home


Through the Postgraduate Diploma in Economic Journalism in Audiovisual Media and Specialized Magazines, you will learn to handle the techniques for the treatment of economic information in a specialized magazine and on television, analyzing their similarities and differences in depth. Likewise, you will master the processes for the realization of economic reports in different information channels. To guarantee the acquisition of knowledge, all these contents will be presented through concrete examples and practical cases, taking you to a learning ground based on experience and leaving behind the long hours of study and forced memorization. In addition, it is a 100% online program with which you can balance your professional work and your learning, so that you will only need a device with an Internet connection for its realization. At the same time, you will be able to download the content in your daily tool and review it as many times as you need.