
For the development of this program you will only need a device with an Internet connection, without having to attend classes or educational centers"


Social exclusion is one of the problems that has lasted the longest over the years and as a consequence has had a negative impact on new generations, causing problems even within educational institutions. Hence, the role of the teachers is fundamental to address this type of situation, since they are one of the main agents of change. That is why the field requires professionals with extensive knowledge in the implementation of inclusive and integration techniques; this in order to improve the student climate and reduce rejection among students.

In response to this need for updating and knowledge, TECH has created this postgraduate certificate in which key elements for the management of cases of social exclusion within the educational system are addressed. It is a 100% online program with Relearning methodology, leaving behind the long hours of reading and memorization and strengthening learning through practical exercises. Through 
this, the teaching professionals will delve into topics such as Special Education, the ACNEE, Multiculturalism, among others.

It should be noted that, as this is an innovative model of virtual education, the student will not have to attend classroom sessions or educational centers, but will only need a device with an Internet connection. In this way, students will be able to pursue their qualification at the times of their convenience, combining their daily routine with the updating of their knowledge.

Download the content of this program to your device of choice and consult it as many times as you consider necessary" 

This postgraduate certificate in Educational System as an Area of Social Exclusion contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Educational System as an Area of Social Exclusion 
  • The graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents with which it is conceived provide practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

This program offers you a new learning model, leaving behind the long hours of study and memorization. What are you waiting for? Enroll now!" 

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

Its multimedia content , developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professionals with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professionals must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

With this program you will be able to combine your educational work with the updating of your knowledge, thanks to its 100% online format"


Implement the puzzle technique in your practice and improve your students' collective learning"


This program has been designed for the teaching professionals to acquire essential knowledge for the management of social exclusion in the classroom. In this way, each of the topics studied will allow them to implement new skills and concepts to strengthen the model of inclusive education. All this, presented in first level audiovisual resources, complementary readings and exercises based on real cases and simulation. 


After completing this program you will have acquired a vast knowledge of the most effective educational techniques in cases of students with ADHD" 

General Objectives

  • Enable the student to teach in situations of risk of exclusion
  • Define the main characteristics of inclusive education
  • Employ techniques and strategies to deal with the diversity of students, and with the educational community: families and the community 
  • Analyze the role of teachers and families in the context of inclusive education
  • Interpret all the elements and aspects concerning teacher preparation in inclusive schools 
  • Develop in the student ability to develop their own methodology and work system
  • Internalize the typology of at-risk and socially excluded students, and how the educational system should respond to them 
  • Describe the functioning of the child and youth protection system
  • Study the different types of protection measures and their treatment in the school environment
  • Analyze situations of child abuse and the protocols for action by the psychology professional
  • Identify the stages of development from birth to adolescence; achieving that students have their own judgment to establish the effects that cognitive, communicative, motor and emotional processes have on child development
  • Detect different risk factors that may alter development throughout the life cycle 
  • Describe the general circumstances of students under guardianship and how these may affect their education 
  • Learn how to respond to students under guardianship and their families in the school environment 
  • Apply mediation as a pedagogical tool for conflict resolution and harmony the educational community 

Specific Objectives

  • Describe the implications of the educational system for the inclusion of different traditionally excluded social groups 
  • Value the importance of the inclusive school for the attention to student diversity 
  • Explain, according to current legislation, who are the students with special educational needs (SEN) 
  • Recognize the main SEN that can be presented by the Children with special education Needs
  • Delve into the HIP and the models of attention to their SEN 
  • Establish the relationship between inclusion and multiculturalism 
  • Explain the importance of cooperative learning for inclusion 
  • Promote the value of coeducation for the reduction of school exclusion 
  • Identify the most influential aspects in the social climate of the classroom 

Develop parenting schools where you emphasize the importance of the family in the educational process of each child"

Postgraduate Certificate in Educational System as an Area of Social Exclusion

Learn about the Postgraduate Certificate in Educational System as a Sphere of Social Exclusion, offered online by TECH Global University. This unique experience invites you to discover our educational system and how it can contribute to marginalization. But more importantly, it equips you with the skills necessary to generate meaningful change. Our Faculty of Education is proud to present a renowned teaching team. These academics not only possess in-depth knowledge in the field, but are also committed to figuring out the social challenges within education. Through this program, you will explore critical issues ranging from disparities in access to education, to the influence of bias in the classroom. Delve into a comprehensive analysis of the education system from a unique perspective. Reflect on how socioeconomic, cultural and political factors can perpetuate exclusion. Examine case studies that illustrate the intersection between education and marginalization. As you progress, you will develop skills to identify and address these issues with concrete, evidence-based solutions.

Learn everything you need to know about education and marginalization.

Learn all about the education system

Studying at TECH is an unparalleled opportunity. Our institution is distinguished by its focus on academic excellence and constant innovation. By completing this program, you will not only gain a deep understanding of the challenges in the education system, but you will also walk away with an internationally recognized certificate, validating your knowledge in this critical area. What's in store for you after completing this program? You will be prepared to advocate for changes in education policy, design inclusive programs, and collaborate with diverse groups to advance educational equity. Your ability to understand the complexities of social exclusion in the education system will make you an agent of change, working to create a more just and promising future. Enroll in the online Postgraduate Certificate in Education System as a Sphere of Social Exclusion program and join others passionate about educational transformation.Together we can build a system that opens doors of opportunity for all!