
Dr. Rybel Wix Ramos is one of the leading exponents in the approach to sleep disorders. Her excellent professional career in the main sleep units of leading hospitals in Spain, have made her one of the best specialists in Sleep Medicine.

Certified in this field by the CEAM, World Sleep Society and European Sleep Research Society, Wix Ramos is an expert in this field. This knowledge, together with her skills in team management and coordination, led her to assume a position of responsibility in the Sleep Unit of the Neurology Department at the University Hospital HM Sanchinarro. 

In parallel to his clinical performance, Wix Ramos has developed his research and teaching work, attending national and international congresses in this field and teaching in academic institutions.

  • Physician in the Sleep Unit at the University Hospital of La Princesa
  • Medical Specialist in the Sleep Unit of the Clinical Neurophysiology Service at the University Hospital of La Princesa
  • Head of the Sleep Unit of the Neurology Service at the University Hospital HM Sanchinarro
  • Medical Specialist in the Sleep Unit of the Neurology Service at the University Hospital HM Puerta del Sur
  • Collaborating Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University CEU San Pablo 
  • Doctor of Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine by the University CEU San Pablo
  • Expert in Sleep Medicine for the CEAMS
  • Expert in Sleep Medicine by the World Sleep Society 
  • Expert in Sleep Medicine by the European Sleep Research Society
  • Master's Degree in Sleep: Physiology and Medicine by the Universidad Pablo de Olavide
  • Member:  
    • Spanish Society of Clinical Neurophysiology
    • Spanish Sleep Society 
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