
Monica Diaz Lopez is a renowned nurse in the service of Hemodynamics, which since its management has contributed to the management and treatment of blood structures such as arteries, veins and venules. She also stands out for her extensive knowledge and more than outstanding development of praxis, making her one of the most prestigious nurses in her field. 

Much of her career has been dedicated to the minor patient, for which she has belonged to different Child Care Units. In addition, she stands out for her personalized attention and quick action, which has led her to be part of a select group of nurses at a national level. 

  • Children's Hemodynamic Nurse, University Hospital La Paz
  • Children's Hemodialysis Nurse, University Hospital La Paz   
  • C.I.P. Nurse, Children's Hospital La Paz  
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing - Autonomous University of Madrid  
  • Nurse Specialist in Pediatric Nursing
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