
Patricia Lara Robles has developed her professional career in the pharmaceutical industry, collaborating with several facilities dedicated to the trade of medicines. However, following her academic studies and specialization in the management and monitoring of clinical trials, she has turned her career towards biotechnology. Specifically, she is an associate researcher at the Maimonides Biomedical Research Institute of Cordoba (IMIBIC), where she is involved in several projects.  

This Spanish scientist is a graduate of the University of Granada and holds two master's degrees and several licenses that accredit her for tasks such as the transportation of sensitive biotechnological material and the development of analyses and clinical practices with excellence.

  • Associate Researcher at the Maimonides Institute of Biomedical Research in Cordoba
  • Associate Pharmacist at Morente Pharmacy 
  • Assistant Pharmacist at Guillermo Sierra Pharmacy and another Community of Property 
  • Master's Degree in Clinical Analysis at CEMP Master's and Postgraduate Degrees 
  • Master's Degree in Integral Management and Monitoring of Clinical Trials at IMF Smart Education 
  • Degree in Pharmacy from the University of Granada
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