
TECH's language programs are supported by the most important language recognition system: the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Thus, this university exam leads to obtaining a certificate of Level C2 of German according to the CEFR standards, so that the student who has passed the test can participate in numerous professional and academic processes that require a complete mastery of this language.

Passing this Language Exam will lead you to obtain the certificate C2 in German accredited by the CEFR"


Take this Language Exam conveniently, wherever and whenever you want, and immediately obtain a Level C2 diploma after passing it"

German is one of the most important languages today. Germany is the country of opportunities in Europe and contains many attractive aspects, from its culture and history to its industry and entrepreneurial ecosystem; but in order to have options to access the country you need to have an accreditation of the highest level such as the one offered by this TECH Global University test.

By passing this university exam, the student will obtain a diploma accrediting the C2 level of German, endorsed by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, the most important language recognition system in the world. And that will allow you to get in contact with German companies and enterprises, as well as to be able to manage with total naturalness in different communicative situations in this language.

You will be supported by an individual examiner who will guide you through the entire test.

It is proven that learning languages increases your Intelligence. Learning a foreign language strengthens the brain's neural networks”

José Antonio Marina. 
Philosopher, writer and teacher.

Flexible and Tailored

Take your exam in person at any of our accredited locations or online from wherever you want.


No Stress

Are you nervous about waiting in long lines to register for the exam and take the different tests? At TECH you can register online and take your test with a tutor just for you.


No Waiting

Receive your certificate in record time and in digital format so you can always carry it with you. 


Listening comprehension objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Have no difficulty understanding any type of speech, even at the fast speed typical of native speakers, both in face-to-face conversations and in relayed speeches
  • Understand specialized lectures and presentations, even if they contain a high degree of colloquialisms, regionalisms or unusual terminology

Reading comprehension objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Understand and critically interpret virtually any form of written language, including abstract and complexly structured texts or literary and non-literary texts with a lot of colloquialisms  
  • Understand a wide range of long and complex texts, and appreciate subtle distinctions of style and meaning, both implicit and explicit

Speaking objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Possess a good proficiency of idiomatic and colloquial expressions, being aware of the connotative levels of meaning 
  • Accurately convey subtle shades of meaning using, with reasonable accuracy, a wide range of modification procedures. Know how to handle difficulties so discreetly that the interlocutor is hardly aware of them 
  • Understand any interlocutor, even if they are native speakers, even when dealing with abstract and complex topics of a specialized nature and beyond their own field of expertise, as long as they have the possibility to do so with a non-standard accent
  • Converse comfortably and adequately, without any linguistic limitation, in all kinds of social and personal life situations
  • Be able to engage in formal discussions of complex issues, with well-organized and persuasive arguments, without any disadvantage compared to native speakers 
  • Represent your part of the dialogue very well, structuring what you say and performing with authority and fluency as interviewer or interviewee, without being at a disadvantage compared to a native speaker

Writing objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Express themselves with clarity and precision, and speak with the addressee with flexibility and efficiency 
  • Express oneself with clarity and precision in personal communication, and use the language flexibly and effectively; including emotional, allusive, and humorous uses

CEFR C2 German Exam

All you need to give your life a boost in different areas (personal, academic, work) is to become proficient in a foreign language, for example, German. If you have a good command as a German speaker, both in reading and writing as well as in oral communication, but you are not yet fluent enough to match native speakers, it is time to take the final step and become certified at the highest level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). TECH Global University offers you the CEFR C2 German Exam, the perfect opportunity for you to achieve this goal in a 100% online way and with the highest standards in the educational market. For approximately four hours we will test your knowledge and skills through grammar analysis exercises, multiple choice questions, immersion reading texts, advanced vocabulary audios and even a direct conversation with a qualified evaluator. With TECH you are one step away from earning a certificate and advancing professionally.

Certify yourself as an expert in German with TECH


Through this online exam you will be able to validate your skills in one of the most relevant languages on the international scene (second most spoken in Europe) obtaining a high value title that will give your resume an unparalleled advantage, because we are talking about a certification in the largest language school globally: our presence in multiple countries, extensive experience, teaching team and alumni, confirm it. The exam is structured to be taken in four main blocks: the first one corresponds to oral expression and interaction (15-20 minutes); the second one to listening comprehension (35-45 minutes); the third one to written expression (70-90 minutes) and the fourth one to reading comprehension (80-100 minutes). In this way, you will be evaluated in the four primary language skills (speaking, listening, writing and reading) where you will have to demonstrate a command of German at the C2 level. Are you looking to consolidate your professionalism in the field of languages? Enroll at TECH.