Introduction to the Program

Having an intermediate knowledge of a language is important in order to access better jobs, so the B1 university certificate in French is essential if the candidate wishes to direct their career towards French-speaking environments. In addition, adding this language to the resume provides a distinction that is not available to candidates who opt for more common languages such as Spanish or English.

More than 20% of current job openings in management, marketing and customer service require a second language. Get certified with TECH and increase your employability"

You will have access to better job offers, and may even be eligible for work programs abroad, as French is the official language in more than 20 countries"


A personal examiner will give you the option to take the exam when you want, giving you the greatest flexibility.

It is proven that learning languages increases your intelligence. Learning a foreign language strengthens the brain's neural networks”

José Antonio Marina. 
Philosopher, writer, and teacher.

Flexible and Tailored 

Take your Language Exam wherever you are. You choose the exam that best suits you.


No Stress

Are you nervous about waiting in long lines to register for the exam and take the different tests? You will be able to register online and take your test with a tutor just for you, with no external pressure.


No Waiting

Receive your certificate in record time and in digital format so you can always carry it with you.


Structure, duration and weighting of the 4 parts of the examination

Below is a table with the sections, characteristics and duration of the different parts of the test.


Knowing the nature of the test before you take it will facilitate optimal preparation”

Structure of the TECH B1 French exam

It consists of 4 parts: 

Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing

The total duration of the exam is 137 to 195 minutes, with the first three parts taking place one after the (1st Listening, 2nd Writing, 3rd Reading). There will be a minimum of 20 minutes of rest between the first three parts and the 4th part (Speaking), which can be done on the same day, or on a different day, with a maximum limit of 7 days after the other block has been completed. 

Listening (Duration: 30-40 minutes)

The listening part consists of 4 exercises, each of which is based on an auditory recording that can be a monologue or a conversation between 2 or more people. Exercises include multiple response, sentence completion, completion charts, graphs or diagrams, and short from answers in one or two sentences. In this part of the exam, it should be noted that accents from any part of the world can be heard, which adds a substantial degree of difficulty. 

Reading (Duration: 45-70 minutes)

It consists of 40 questions grouped in 3 sections. Each text is between one and two pages long and several questions are asked about it. The texts are excerpts from books, research articles, newspapers and scientific journals. The type of questions, as in the oral part, is highly varied: multiple answers, completing tables, graphs or diagrams, locating information in the text, indicating the writer's opinion, etc.

Writing (Duration: 50-70 minutes)

This part consists of two exercises, an essay between 80 and 200 words and another between 200 and 350 words. Firstly, a small report is usually requested on a piece of information provided to the examinee in any format (text, graph, table or diagram).

Regarding the 200-350 word essay, a piece of information is usually presented very briefly (a couple of lines), followed by a statement about it, and then the candidate is asked to explain whether they agree or disagree with the statement, briefly stating the necessary arguments. The second exercise accounts for two thirds of the writing section grade and the first exercise for one third.

Speaking (Duration: 12-15 minutes)

In this last part, a conversation is held with an examiner, and it is designed to be as realistic as possible. It is divided into 3 subsections. In the first, the candidate responds to personal, family and/or everyday questions. In the second, the candidate discusses a specific topic indicated by the examiner. In this case, the ability to produce a coherent and orderly discourse is valued. In the third and last one, both the examiner and the candidate have a conversation on a specific topic, where oral interaction and discussion skills are assessed. The entire speaking part is recorded for later review purposes. 


CEFR B1 French Exam

TECH Global University, through its School of Languages, offers its students a level test adjusted to the standard established by the European Framework of Reference for Languages. In this way, students obtain a certificate of recognition that is valid before any public or private body. For this specific case, the CEFR B1 French Exam addresses the qualification of skills such as, first, identifying communicative intentions, essential information and relevant details in speeches, debates, lectures, instructions and narratives. And second, expressing oneself appropriately, effectively and with reasonable fluency, accuracy and correctness in a wide range of situations, narrating and describing experiences, feelings and events, conveying information and justifying one's opinions.

Get your own CEFR qualification

To accredit a language corresponds to demonstrating through a proficiency exam that one possesses a certain level of linguistic competence in a specific language. This exam, to that extent, leads to the accreditation of B1 French. A language that, according to the most recent measurements, has more than 200 million French speakers and, therefore, represents a significant window of job opportunities for those who add the certification to their curriculum vitae. It should also be noted that French is the language of international organizations such as the Red Cross, the UN, Unesco, the IMF and the European Union.