
This scientific program is the best investment you can make in an academic program to acquire the most up-to-date knowledge on Natural Childbirth in Water" 


Midwife-assisted Water Birth suggests a safe and beneficial option for some women, provided it is performed properly and under professional supervision. Some of the advantages it offers are the reduction of pain and relaxation of the mother, avoiding the excessive use of painkillers. Additionally, the buoyancy of the water can help reduce the pressure on the woman's body, facilitating movement during the work of the procedure, which is becoming increasingly popular.

Therefore, it is essential for professionals in this field to be constantly updated on the protocols to be followed when providing care for Natural Childbirth in Water, and this is precisely what this postgraduate certificate offers. This will be achieved through a curriculum that includes a detailed syllabus on water temperature monitoring and control, as well as the management of any risk situation that may arise during the procedure. Additionally, they will have a teaching team made up of the best specialists in Natural Childbirth, who will share the current panorama of this profession.

Thanks to the Relearningmethodology, students will be able to complete the 100% online study plan, providing them with greater flexibility and the possibility of learning from anywhere. Additionally, they will have constant access to multimedia resources, which will help them to integrate the concepts in an effective and progressive manner. Additionally, they will analyze practical cases that simulate real situations, with the objective of improving their ability to solve problems and face challenges in a work environment.

TECH will provide you with all the tools you need, ensuring an efficient and up-to-date learning experience"

The postgraduate certificate in Natural Childbirth in Water for Midwives contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Natural Childbirth in Water for Midwives
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Immerse yourself in the physical and physiological fundamentals of water birth with this program and become fully trained in this area"

The program includes in its teaching staff professionals from the sector who bring to this program the experience of their work, as well as recognized specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will allow the professional a situated and contextual learning, that is, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training programmed to train in real situations. 

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, in which the professional will have to try to solve the different professional practice situations that will arise throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts. 

TECH is a pioneer in the implementation of Relearning, so you will have the security of having a superior educational experience"


Learn from the comfort offered by a completely online teaching, without pre-established schedules or uncomfortable displacements. You choose how, where and when"


The main objective of the postgraduate certificate in Natural Childbirth in Water for Midwives is to offer students the most updated content on the criteria for immersion in water during labor and the management of the expulsive stage. Additionally, the didactic and innovative materials offered by this program bring the professional directly and quickly to the deep knowledge in neonatal physiology and assessment of the newborn. For this purpose, TECH offers the most avant-garde didactic tools, the most efficient methodology and the most convenient format. 


You will get a holistic view of the benefits of Natural Childbirth in Water, thanks to TECH's academic program"


General Objectives

  • Acquire fundamental knowledge about the physiology of Natural Childbirth, ancestral cultural practices and the emotional needs of women during childbirth, as well as the implications of medical interventions
  • Acquire essential skills and knowledge for the care of pregnant women and their fetuses, including the promotion of healthy pregnancies and the identification of possible complications
  • Acquire fundamental knowledge and skills in the diagnosis, management and prevention of emergencies in childbirth, with a focus on interprofessional collaboration and advocacy for patients' rights
  • Analyze the stages of labor and the techniques of pain management and relaxation
  • Develop skills in the development and monitoring of personalized birth plans

Specific Objectives

  • Examine in depth the history and worldwide practices of water birth and understand their benefits and physiological effects
  • Analyze the physical and physiological fundamentals of water birth, including Archimedes' principle and physiological changes during submersion
  • Identify the criteria for immersion and common contraindications for water birth
  • Analyze the monitoring of conditions during water birth, including water temperature, infection control and body mechanics
  • Examine the second stage (of labor) of water birth, protecting the perineum and addressing possible complications
  • Assess neonatal physiology and the newborn in the context of water birth
  • Analyze in depth the practices of the third physiological stage and postpartum care in water birth
  • Facilitate the initiation of breastfeeding and postpartum follow-up in water births
  • Identify and prevent specific water birth complications and manage emergency situations
  • Provide water birth education, support and resources to women and their families as well as to health care professionals

Master the most current techniques of neonatal assessment, in order to rule out any physiological problem in the newborn"

Postgraduate Certificate in Natural Childbirth in Water for Midwives

The Postgraduate Certificate in Natural Childbirth in Water for Midwives, is a specialized training that focuses on a natural birthing process known as "water birth". This process has become a very popular option among many mothers-to-be, as it offers a more empathetic and humanized experience, as well as presenting fewer risks during childbirth. This academic program of TECH Global University is designed to provide midwives with the necessary tools to be able to carry out a successful water birth. During the course, they will learn about safety protocols, the elements necessary for the preparation of the birthing environment, water labor techniques, and the importance of emotional and physical care in this type of birth. In addition to all this, they will also be provided with an overview of how to properly carry out the follow-up and postpartum process.

Get trained 100% online at TECH

The demand for water birth has increased in recent years, and this is because more and more people see the importance of giving birth in a calmer and more relaxed environment. This type of birth provides a closer experience for the woman, resulting in reduced levels of stress and fear for the mother and, of course, the baby. This course is an opportunity for midwives to specialize in this area and provide women with a closer, more humane and less invasive birthing process. This program of study will allow them to understand the needs of future mothers and provide them with the appropriate attention and care at each moment of childbirth. In short, the Postgraduate Certificate in Natural Childbirth in Water for Midwives from TECH, is your best opportunity to continue growing professionally, we have 100% online education, so you can adjust your time to suit you. We are waiting for you.