
Perfect your English and reach without problems a level B2, which allows you to develop with professionalism in the health field"


This semi-face-to-face multimedia program offers nurses the opportunity to improve their skills with a level of English that gives them the possibility to communicate fluently and understand the information that addresses any medical progress in this language. You will also be able to gain a command of the language that allows you to access the B2 based on the requirements of the Common European Language Framework (CEFR).

This teaching allows the nurses to develop freely in different circumstances with patients, relatives and other health personnel. In this way, you will have a wide range of vocabulary and language resources that will facilitate your daily work. The nurse in a health center and hospital is present during his professional career in different areas, is why this program will put students in a position to face different experiences in the specialties in English: neonates, pediatrics, internal medicine, gynecology, urology, cardiology, pulmonology, digestive, endocrinology, rheumatology, nephrology, oncology, psychiatry, dermatology, otolaryngology or ophthalmology. 

The extensive library of multimedia resources, complementary readings and a Relearningsystem, based on the reiteration of contents, facilitates the learning of health personnel who want to improve their language skills, while balancing their work environment. In addition, this Hybrid professional master’s degree is taken in a 100% modality and at the end of it, students will have access to a Internship Program, in a hospital where they can perform their functions using the English that has been acquired during this program.

You will have access to a library of multimedia resources 7 days a week, 24 hours a day"

This Hybrid professional master’s degree in English for Nursing contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • Development of more than 100 clinical cases for nursing professionals presented in English to address a wide variety of contexts in the healthcare field
  • Its graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents with which they are conceived, collect scientific and assistance information on those medical disciplines indispensable for professional practice
  • The eminently practical contents with which it is designed collect practical and useful information on those techniques essential to use English in professional contexts
  • Exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions for experts, discussion forums on controversial issues and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • All this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Additionally, students will be able to carry out a clinical internship in one of the best hospitals in Spain

Take an intensive stay of 3 weeks in a prestigious center and acquire all the knowledge to grow personally and professionally"

In this proposal for a Hybrid professional master’s degree, of a professional nature and a blended approach, the program is aimed at updating nursing professionals who perform their functions in any area, and who require a high level of English. The contents are based on the latest scientific evidence and oriented in a didactic way to integrate theoretical knowledge in nurse practice, and will allow decision-making and improvement of communication with the patient.

The multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education program to learn in real situations. The design of this program is focused on Problem-Based Learning, through which you will try to solve the different situations of professional practice that arise during the same. 

For this purpose, students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

This Hybrid professional master’s degree allows you from the first moment to have all the material and improve your level of English oriented to nursing"



Update your level of English, download the multimedia material and improve your level anywhere and anytime with this Hybrid professional master’s degree"


El plan de estudios de esta titulación ha sido diseñado para abordar de forma amplia los múltiples escenarios que vive el personal de enfermería en su día a día. De esta forma, el personal docente seleccionado cuidadosamente por TECH, introduce al alumnado en situaciones que requieren de un vocabulario cotidiano y próximo para, posteriormente, introducir al personal sanitario en un lenguaje más técnico y empleado en las diferentes áreas, permitiéndole comunicarse con fluidez y correctamente en inglés. Un total de 10 módulos, donde adquirirán un conocimiento completo para desarrollar sin problemas y en otra lengua su trabajo con profesionalidad. El alumnado contará desde el primer momento con todo el contenido para que, de esta forma, mejore sus competencias cuanto antes y distribuya la carga lectiva acorde a su situación laboral actual.

maestria online semipresencial ingles enfermeria

Una enseñanza que te aporta conocimiento y flexibilidad en el aprendizaje, con un temario actualizado y disponible online desde el primer día” 

Módulo 1. Cuestiones personales 

1.1. Me han dado una beca
1.2. No estoy de acuerdo con mi nota
1.3. Hoy lee su tesis doctoral
1.4. Mi cuenta de ahorro
1.5. ¿Comprar o alquilar? 
1.6. La declaración de la renta
1.7. Pedir un presupuesto 
1.8. Se ha estropeado mi coche
1.9. Quiero poner una reclamación
1.10. He tenido un accidente

Módulo 2. La vida profesional y comunicación en inglés 

2.1. En el aeropuerto
2.2. Del aeropuerto a la ciudad
2.3. ¿Cómo se va a…? Indicaciones de dirección 
2.4. En búsqueda de alojamiento
2.5. Perfiles de los candidatos 
2.6. Proyectos futuros
2.7. El día de la presentación. Presentaciones eficaces/hablar en público
2.8. Gestión de situaciones difíciles en las presentaciones
2.9. Errores habituales en inglés médico
2.10. Fonética y entonación

Módulo 3. Equipamiento médico y funcionamiento hospitalario 

3.1. Conoce los diferentes departamentos
3.2. Equipamiento sanitario
3.3. Conoce a tus compañeros. ¿Qué función desempeñan? 
3.4. Instituciones y servicios fuera del hospital
3.5. Vídeos y tutoriales
3.6. Prescribiendo enlaces a nuestros pacientes
3.7. Comunidades y foros de pacientes
3.8. Apps para mejorar tu inglés médico 
3.9. Apps para desarrollar tu trabajo con los pacientes

Módulo 4. Recogida de datos médicos 

4.1. Es hora de comunicarse. ¡Prepárate para hacer la entrevista! 
4.2. Recogida de datos personales
4.3. Historial médico
4.4. ¿Dónde le duele? Síntomas
4.5. La exploración física
4.6. El bebé está en camino
4.7. ¿Eso es contagioso? 
4.8. Estoy a dieta
4.9. Me he roto un hueso

Módulo 5. Diagnóstico y tratamiento

5.1. Realizando la revisión 
5.2. Conoce las partes del cuerpo a fondo 
5.3. Conoce los diferentes sistemas que componen el cuerpo
5.4. Estado mental y físico 
5.5. Solicitud de pruebas
5.6. Elabora y explica el diagnóstico
5.7. Anunciamos malas noticias
5.8. El tratamiento va a consistir en… 
5.9. Planteamos opciones diferentes de tratamiento
5.10. Cuando el paciente reacciona mal
5.11. Resolviendo las dudas del paciente

Módulo 6. Examen de salud, cirugía y tratamiento 

6.1. Tratamiento farmacológico
6.2. Tratamiento psicológico
6.3. Tratamiento físico
6.4. Tratamiento quirúrgico
6.5. Cirugía general
6.6. Traumatología
6.7. Quirófano
6.8. Reanimación
6.9. Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI)
6.10. Urgencias

Módulo 7. Atención al paciente 

7.1. Procedimientos y test
7.2. Cuidados 
7.3. Preoperatorios y postoperatorios
7.4. La higiene del paciente
7.5. La alimentación y nutrición
7.6. Higiene postural
7.7. Apoyo al paciente en el reposo
7.8. El alta del paciente
7.9. Consultas externas
7.10. Unidad de Hospitalización a Domicilio (UHD) 

Módulo 8. Especialidades 

8.1. Neonatos
8.2. Pediatría
8.3. Medicina Interna
8.4. Ginecología
8.5. Urología
8.6. Cardiología
8.7. Neumología
8.8. Digestivo
8.9. Endocrinología
8.10. Reumatología
8.11. Nefrología
8.12. Oncología
8.13. Neurología
8.14. Psiquiatría
8.15. Dermatología
8.16. Otorrinolaringología
8.17. Oftalmología

Módulo 9. Emociones, sentimientos y atención complementaria 

9.1. Ha muerto la abuela
9.2. ¡Qué sorpresa! 
9.3. Estoy agotado 
9.4. Radiología 
9.5. Rehabilitación 
9.6. Hematología 

Módulo 10. Sociedad 

10.1. En la oficina del paro
10.2. Discapacidad
10.3. Tercera edad
10.4. Cambio climático
10.5. Recogida de basura y reciclaje
10.6. Ahorro energético
10.7. Cooperación
10.8. Inmigración
10.9. Inundaciones y otros desastres naturales
10.10. Elegir alojamiento

posgrado semipresencial ingles enfermeria

Atiende a cualquier paciente con la misma seguridad y serenidad en lengua inglesa. Perfecciona tus capacidades comunicativas” 

Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in English for Nursing

In a globalized world, the need to learn a second language is essential for any professional who wants to progress in their career. In the Nursing field, knowledge of the English language is fundamental, as it allows access to up-to-date information on treatments and medical advances, as well as communication with foreign patients. Aware of this reality, at TECH Global University, a global leader in higher education, we have created the Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in English for Nursing, which aims to provide nurses with the ability to communicate effectively in the English language in their professional practice.

We are aware of this reality, so at TECH Global University, a global leader in higher education, we have created the Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in English for Nursing, which aims to provide nurses with the ability to communicate effectively in the English language in their professional practice.

We have created the Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in English for Nursing, which aims to provide nurses with the ability to communicate effectively in the English language in their professional practice.

Learn English for Nursing with TECH

This postgraduate course offers a blended mode, which means that students will be able to combine online study with face-to-face sessions that allow interaction with professionals in the Nursing field and with the tutors in charge of teaching the classes. Thanks to this methodology, students will be able to apply in a practical way what they have learned in the classroom, which will allow them to consolidate their knowledge and acquire skills that are essential in the workplace. In addition, our program has a highly qualified teaching team, composed of professionals who are experts in teaching English and have extensive experience in the field of Nursing. Updated didactic resources adapted to the needs of the students will also be provided, which will allow for effective language learning. In summary, the Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in English for Nursing at TECH Global University is a unique opportunity for those nurses who wish to improve their language skills and thus progress in their professional career. Thanks to this program, students will be able to acquire a solid knowledge of the English language, which will enable them to be prepared to face the challenges and challenges that arise in their daily practice.