
Become a doctor able to detect the various pathologies that affect the optic nerve with this program. In this way you can position yourself at the top of your profession" 


Neuro-Ophthalmology is a border discipline between Ophthalmology and Neurology. This means that both ophthalmologists and neurologists need to manage knowledge not strictly included in their specialty. In addition, some of the treatments available correspond to Neurosurgery. All this makes this subspecialty one of the most complex in the approach, which in some cases can only be multidisciplinary.

Therefore, this program will enable the student to correctly approach complex Neuro-Ophthalmological problems, which in many cases are potentially dangerous to the vision or even the life of patients.

On the other hand, the contents of this professional master’s degree have been elaborated by ophthalmologists, neurologists and neurosurgeons, with the aim of enriching to the maximum the experience of the student. In this way, the professional will acquire diagnostic and therapeutic skills of the various Neuro-Ophthalmological pathologies known, including COVID-19. In this way, you will be able to make a correct diagnostic approach by knowing the proper use of the most innovative technologies.

Finally, the student will have the necessary knowledge to use the latest medical therapeutic options, make a coherent genetic advice or refer the surgical specialist to facilitate the resolution or improvement of the patient’s disease.

All this, taught in an online format and supported with rich multimedia content, which makes this program a fundamental resource in the training of neurologists and ophthalmologists who want to deepen knowledge of this subspecialty, and take their career a step further in this exciting field

It approaches the pathologies of vision and the central nervous system from a differential perspective thanks to the contents offered by this professional master’s degree” 

This professional master’s degree in Neuro-Ophthalmology contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features of the program include:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in medicine
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This program makes a complete review of the subspecialty of Neuro-Ophthalmology. Thus the doctor will learn to treat and diagnose patients of all ages with this type of pathology"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.   

TECH proven teaching methodology will help you reach the top of your profession. Do not hesitate and come to study at this great university" 


This professional master’s degree is unique for offering the student advanced knowledge in the Neuro-Ophthalmological impact of the new COVID-19 disease"


TECH, in its maximum capacity to offer a quality education that brings benefits to professionals and society where they carry out their daily practice, has designed this project so that doctors can delve into the different Neuro-Ophthalmological pathologies from an eminently practical perspective. It is, therefore, a unique opportunity that will allow them to specialize in a growing sector with the guarantee of holding a degree issued by the one of the largest Digital Universities in the world.


If your goal is to become a better doctor, able to offer novel approaches to neurological pathologies, then this professional master’s degree is for you"  

General Objective

  • Delve into the diagnostic techniques available in Neuro-Ophthalmology
  • Delve into the anatomical and physiological knowledge necessary to understand the pathologies that will be developed in the following modules
  • Develop nuclear and infranuclear Neuro-Ophthalmological pathologies
  • Train the student for the identification and treatment of Neuro-Ophthalmological pathologies with supranuclear origin
  • Make known the pathologies associated with pupillary and optic nerve alterations
  • Expand knowledge about COVID-19 and its impact on Neuro-Ophthalmology
  • Delve into the different types of headaches with origin or eye symptoms
  • Delve into vascular pathologies, both obstructive, inflammatory, malformative and tumor optic pathway
  • Provide the necessary knowledge for the Neuro-Ophthalmologist on the primary alterations of ocular motility and its therapeutic options
  • Make known the Neuro-Ophthalmological pathologies that may occur in pediatric patients, their diagnostic approach and treatment
  • Train students who have completed the previous modules to perform a correct diagnostic strategy, through the appropriate selection of tests to be performed, and identify the different differential diagnoses from the symptomatology referred to by the patient

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Medical History and Examination 

  • Delve into its current situation and the future lines of knowledge that open in this field from now on
  • Delve into the Neuro-Ophthalmological anamnesis
  • Promote the acquisition of the necessary skills for the examination of the Neuro-Ophthalmological patient
  • Develop the possibilities offered by diagnostic tests currently available

Module 2. Embryology, Anatomy and Physiology

  • Delve into the bone, vascular and muscular anatomy that may be involved in the various Neuro-Ophthalmological pathologies
  • Describe the anatomical particularities of the visual pathway and its involvement in image perception

Module 3. Nuclear and Infranuclear Motility Disorders

  • Delve into the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of paralysis of oculomotor cranial pairs
  • Delve into the characteristics of the affectations of pairs V and VII
  • Perform a diagnostic and therapeutic approach to the different hyperkinetic facial disorders that may occur
  • Facilitate in-depth knowledge of myopathies with ophthalmological repercussions

Module 4. Supranuclear Disorders of Motility Nystagmus

  • Learn oculomotor alterations originating in the brain stem from an anatomical and pathophysiological point of view
  • Make known the cerebellar and vestibular origin alterations that produce Neuro-Ophthalmological alterations
  • Develop the ophthalmological repercussions of certain complex neurological diseases such as phacomatosis, Parkinson’s disease, etc.
  • Train the student to diagnose and classify the different types of nystagmus and other oscillatory eye movements

Module 5. Pupils. Optic Nerve

  • Define concepts of pupillary anisocoria and reactivity and associated neurological pathologies
  • Develop pathologies of vascular, inflammatory, infiltrative and metabolic origin of the optic nerve
  • Approach the visual impact of traumatic optic nerve damage

Module 6. Neuro-Ophthalmological manifestations of COVID-19. Headaches and Cranial Neuralgia

  • List the Neuro-Ophthalmological alterations described so far in COVID patients
  • Train the student for a correct diagnostic and therapeutic approach to headaches with ocular origin or symptomatology

Module 7. Vascular and Tumor Pathology

  • Develop different vascular alterations with visual impairment
  • Delve into the etiology, clinical and treatment of intracranial hypertension
  • Approach the visual repercussion of different neoplasms of the visual pathway

Module 8. Strabismus

  • Define specific concepts of visual development with impact on ocular motility
  • Develop the clinic and treatment of alterations of ocular statics and mobility, both horizontal and vertical or compound
  • Raise awareness of both surgical and non-surgical treatment options

Module 9. Pediatric Neuro-Ophthalmology

  • Delve into normal and abnormal visual development
  • Delve into specific Neuro-Ophthalmological examination techniques for pediatric patients
  • Train to identify the possible anatomical or functional developmental alterations that may be found in pediatric patients
  • Develop the optic nerve pathologies that can occur in childhood

Module 10. Diagnostic Strategies and Decision Trees

  • Delve into the knowledge acquired so far in theprofessional master’s degree program
  • Identify Neuro-Ophthalmological pathologies from symptomatology and semiology

Achieve your professional goals by studying at a university that offers you the most complete and up-to-date academic tools on the market"    

Professional Master's Degree in Neuroophthalmology

The more the viewpoints on a subject are amplified, the greater the criteria for unraveling it. This is evident in the many ramifications of general medicine. Seeking to provide the graduate with a multidisciplinary approach that maximizes their skills, TECH Global University has brought together the best of two areas: the study of the eye and neurology. This is how the Master's Degree in Neuroophthalmology came about: a program of esteemed innovation that proposes to use the scientific advances of brain exploration in favor of one of the sectors that is most in demand in the labor market today: visual health. Working in a completely virtualized training, we will redefine your basic concepts to diagnose and treat eye diseases based on the anatomy and physiology that links the sense of sight to the nervous system. You will also be able to delve into various vascular and tumor pathologies, including certain manifestations of headaches and cranial neuralgia resulting from COVID 19. Right now you have within reach of your expectations an academic window to the world of professional work.

Dare to be a next-generation ophthalmologist

To see the text you are reading on screen right now is possible thanks to the optic nerve; the part in charge of converting images into nerve impulses that reach the occipital lobe of the brain to be processed. Sometimes, this nerve deteriorates due to conditions such as glaucoma or various types of neuropathies; this causes blurred or darkened vision, alteration of colors and the appearance of intense flashes of light. There is only one specialized branch that can diagnose and treat this problem: neuro-ophthalmology. And thanks to TECH you will be able to address it. Many other similar postgraduate courses are densely complex and require a face-to-face attendance in which long hours must be invested. Our methodology, on the other hand, being 100% online, offers the convenience that allows you to study at your own pace and at the times that best suit your routine. In addition, the way our content is structured and the unlimited access to informative documentation allow you to acquire more knowledge with less effort. Do you want to be a witness on your own? Enroll in TECH and discover the great changes we can bring about in your favor.