
From developing simple sketches to achieving a highly professional image, this is the path you will follow in the postgraduate certificate in Aesthetic Design of Video Games" 


TECH Global University has developed an entire educational program dedicated to video game art. The student will be able to specialize in each of the areas of competence according to their interests and needs. For this program, a specific section has been dedicated to the area of Aesthetic Design where the student will obtain the tools and procedures that will allow them to develop in this professional field. 

The graduate will manage the psychological and technical aspects to be applied in the design of objects, shapes, scenarios and Props; will know how to implement the use of silhouettes and Thumbnails  or miniatures, execute the cleaning and finishes within the artistic show design, as well as the implementation of 3D equipment and the usefulness of the work. You will learn everything necessary to be able to deliver works with an intellectual intention and thinking about the project. 

Your journey through the contents of this postgraduate certificate will be done in a simple and dynamic way thanks to innovative techniques that are part of the study methodology led by the team of expert teachers in Concept Art for video games that make up this program. 

With an online learning system, which provides the student with the ease of being able to take the course comfortably, wherever and whenever they want. Using the device of your choice with internet access, in a modality adjusted to the current systematic reality.

Beyond drawing lines is to create an identity to the project by understanding its intellectual intent" 

This postgraduate certificate in Aesthetic Design of Video Games contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in art and design for video games 
  • The graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents of the book provide theoretical and practical information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice 
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies in Advanced Practice Nursing 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

Job opportunities for video game designers are increasing, you can work in animation studios; production companies and audiovisual producers for film or TV, decide your future today" 

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive specialization programmed to learn in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Props are all mobile or portable objects on stage, therefore, they are vital in the production of video games and animations, in this program you will learn how to design them"


Online education has become the choice of millions of people around the world, you can be one of them"


This postgraduate certificate in Aesthetic Design of Video Games will allow the student to learn everything necessary to deliver visual works with intellectual intention and adjusted to the project. You will learn to develop your idea from simple, written sketches to a highly professional image, profiling yourself in the Concept Art, market, providing you with the necessary skills that will allow you to study in depth the techniques of beautification and visual balance of a virtual work. To achieve this level of learning, TECH has established a series of general and specific objectives to make the teaching process more efficient for the future graduate.


An educational system that fits the reality and the current needs of the people" 

General Objectives

  • Developing the visual image of video games
  • Be able to create an attractive and novel image by implementing various techniques
  • Know how to present a work in an appropriate way, applying in detail the variables of design
  • Unify elements of art history with new technologies
  • Optimize results by learning innovative methodologies applied in this program
  • Achieve a personal style that will profile you in the labor market

Specific Objectives

  • Devise artistic concepts for videogame design 
  • Learn how to professionally design characters and Props 
  • Know the basics of clothing and set design
  • Analyze the work in order to know how to clean it and present it in an appropriate way 

The art of knowing how to turn the invisible into the visible is a magic that requires a lot of effort, enroll in the postgraduate certificate in Aesthetic Design of Video Games and professionalize your talent" 

Postgraduate Certificate in Aesthetic Design of Video Games


Aesthetic video game design refers to the creation and design of visual elements that enhance the look and feel of video games. When referring to aesthetic design, it refers to colors, color palettes, textures, visual effects, and the arrangement of elements within the game.

Aesthetic design is important because it appeals to players and can influence the gameplay, immersion and sensory experience of the game. It influences the perception that games cause in the people who play them and it is about its most artistic and creative part, which can turn an ordinary game into an emotionally impactful experience.

In the video game design process, aesthetic design is an important part that ensures that the vision of the game is translated into a coherent and engaging visual experience for the player. Games can be designed in different styles, from dark and scary art design to vibrant and cheerful aesthetics. Some games use realism to make virtual worlds look like the real thing, while others use stylization and fantasy to create a unique experience.

The aesthetic design of video games has also been influenced by new technologies. Due to the advanced graphical capabilities of games today, textures, lighting and visual effects can look extremely realistic and even produce the illusion of three-dimensional depth and scale.

The Postgraduate Certificate specializing in video game aesthetic design is a training program that focuses on teaching students the skills necessary to create the visual appearance of video games.

In general, the aesthetic design of video games for blogging is essential to create an engaging, immersive and exciting gaming experience for players. It contributes greatly to the overall quality of a game and the satisfaction that comes from playing it.

The Postgraduate Certificate course specializing in video game aesthetic design is a training program that focuses on teaching students the skills necessary to create the visual appearance of video games.