
Dr. Francisco Javier is a true Specialist in Diagnostic Imaging and Radiological Interpretation in Small Animals, which has led him to be constantly updating his knowledge in this field. An area where, in addition, he has focused his doctoral study orienting it to the analysis and radiological characterization of cervical spondylomyelopathy in dogs. 

Professionally, Francisco Javier Rojas has grown in this field thanks to his active work in veterinary centers in Spain, where he treats small animals on a daily basis. 

  • Veterinarian at Alcor Veterinary Hospital 
  • Veterinarian at Los Delfines Veterinary Center
  • Doctorate in Animal Medicine and Surgery from the University of Lleida
  • Postgraduate in Diagnostic Imaging by Improve International
  • Specialist in Radiological Interpretation in Small Animals 
  • Graduate in Veterinary Medicine by the Complutense University of Madrid
Programmes in collaboration with

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