
The specialist Araceli d'Ivernois Rodríguez is an expert in Pharmacy, specifically in everything related to clinical analysis. Her knowledge of pharmacology and pharmacotherapy has allowed her to reach prestigious positions in international organizations in her sector, such as the ICOFCS Drug Information Center, where she has acted for years as technical director.  

She has a significant academic and professional career, of which her interest in scientific dissemination stands out. For this reason, she is a member of several technical committees in specialized media, as well as lecturer in several courses and workshops related to the pharmaceutical field. She has also been a speaker at international congresses and collaborated in the writing of the 2nd and 3rd editions of the Manual of Phytotherapy. 

  • Technical Director of the Illustrious Official College of Pharmacists of Castellón. 
  • Teacher in several courses and informative workshops related to the pharmaceutical area. 
  • Degree in Pharmacy 
  • Specialist in Clinical Analysis 
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