University certificate
The world's largest faculty of physiotherapy”
Why study at TECH?
A Hybrid professional master’s degree with which you can be aware of all the news about the use of probiotics and prebiotics in Sports Nutrition"

Proteins, creatine, leucine or omega 3 are essential in the recovery of certain injuries suffered by an athlete due to their sports practice. However, in addition to supplementation, scientific studies support the planning of balanced diets adapted to each sporting discipline in order to improve the athlete's performance.
The professional physiotherapist, who is part of clubs or companies dedicated to athletes' care, attention and nutritional monitoring, cannot be oblivious to constant advances in nutrition and food, given the high competitiveness that exists in the sports world. For this reason, TECH has designed this Hybrid professional master’s degree in Sports Nutrition, which responds to the needs of specialists who demand current information and direct application in their daily practice.
Therefore, this program offers a theoretical phase taught exclusively online, in which students can delve into the latest trends in nutrition, nutritional assessment of the athlete, adaptation of diet according to their injury and discipline, as well as the different psychological problems that are related to food. To this end, it has innovative multimedia resources that can be accessed at any time of the day from an electronic device with an Internet connection.
In addition, this period of knowledge updating is complemented with a practical stay in a reference center, where students will be accompanied by other professionals in the world of Sports Nutrition, who will guide and tutor them at all times.
This program, therefore, is an excellent opportunity for specialists who seek to be updated in this field through a quality, flexible, university Certificate that is at the academic forefront.
You will be aware of how to correctly use ergogenic aids in injured athletes"
This Hybrid professional master’s degree in Sports Nutrition contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:
- Development of more than 100 clinical cases presented by nutrition professionals with expertise in the nutritional care of high-level athletes
- Its graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents, with which they are conceived, gather scientific and assistance information on those medical disciplines that are essential for the professional practice
- Comprehensive plans for systematized action to address health sector issues
- Presentation of practical workshops on Clinical Nutrition
- Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the situations that are presented to the student
- Practical clinical guides on approaching different pathologies
- Special emphasis on trends in nutrition and new pathologies
- All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
- Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
- In addition, you will be able to perform a clinical internship in one of the best centers in sports care
You will have at your disposal a library of multimedia resources that you can easily access from your computer with an Internet connection"
In this Professional Master's Degree proposal, of a professionalizing nature and blended learning modality, the program is intended to update nursing professionals who develop their functions in high performance centers, clinical or hospital centers, and who require a high level of qualification. The content is based on the latest scientific evidence and is organized in a didactic way to integrate theoretical knowledge into nursing practice. The theoretical-practical elements allow professionals to update their knowledge and help them to make the right decisions in patient care.
The multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education program to learn in real situations. This program's design is based on Problem Based Learning, by means of which the student must try to solve different professional practice situations that will be presented throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.
The specialized teaching team of this Hybrid professional master’s degree provides you with case studies, which you will be able to apply in real situations"

In this program you will be able to learn more about the recent news on organic and transgenic foods included in athletes diets"
El método Relearning, basado en la reiteración de contenido, llevará al alumnado de este programa a transitar de un modo mucho más natural y progresivo por el temario. Con ello, logrará actualizar sus conocimientos sobre Nutrición Deportiva más fácilmente, reduciendo incluso las horas de estudio. Además, los vídeo resúmenes de cada tema, los vídeos en detalle, los esquemas, las lecturas especializadas o los casos de estudio complementarán la información y harán mucho más atractivo el temario dado en este Hybrid professional master’s degree.

Las píldoras multimedia te llevarán a obtener la última información sobre Nutrición Deportiva de un modo mucho más dinámico y atractivo”
Módulo 1. Nuevos avances en alimentación
1.1. Bases moleculares de la nutrición
1.2. Actualización en la composición de alimentos
1.3. Tablas de composición de alimentos y bases de datos nutricionales
1.4. Fitoquímicos y compuestos no nutritivos
1.5. Nuevos alimentos
1.5.1. Nutrientes funcionales y compuestos bioactivos
1.5.2. Probióticos, Prebióticos y Sinbióticos
1.5.3. Calidad y diseño
1.6. Alimentos ecológicos
1.7. Alimentos transgénicos
1.8. El agua como nutriente
1.9. Seguridad alimentaria
1.9.1. Peligros físicos
1.9.2. Peligros químicos
1.9.3. Peligros microbiológicos
1.10. Nuevo etiquetado alimentario e información al consumidor
1.11. Fitoterapia aplicada a patologías nutricionales
Módulo 2. Tendencias actuales en nutrición
2.1. Nutrigenética
2.2. Nutrigenómica
2.2.1. Fundamentos
2.2.2. Métodos
2.3. Inmunonutrición
2.3.1. Interacciones nutrición-inmunidad
2.3.2. Antioxidantes y función inmune
2.4. Regulación fisiológica de la alimentación. Apetito y saciedad
2.5. Psicología y alimentación
2.6. Nutrición y sueño
2.7. Actualización en objetivos nutricionales e ingestas recomendadas
2.8. Nuevas evidencias en dieta mediterránea
Módulo 3. Valoración del estado nutricional y de la dieta. Aplicación en la práctica
3.1. Bioenergética y nutrición
3.1.1. Necesidades energéticas
3.1.2. Métodos de valoración del gasto energético
3.2. Valoración del estado nutricional
3.2.1. Análisis de la composición corporal
3.2.2. Diagnóstico clínico. Síntomas y signos
3.2.3. Métodos bioquímicos, hematológicos e inmunológicos
3.3. Valoración de la ingesta
3.3.1. Métodos de análisis de la ingesta de alimentos y nutrientes
3.3.2. Métodos directos e indirectos
3.4. Actualización en requerimientos nutricionales e ingestas recomendadas
3.5. Alimentación en el adulto sano. Objetivos y guías. Dieta Mediterránea
3.6. Alimentación en la menopausia
3.7. Nutrición en las personas de edad avanzada
Módulo 4. Alimentación en la práctica deportiva
4.1. Fisiología del ejercicio
4.2. Adaptación fisiológica a los distintos tipos de ejercicio
4.3. Adaptación metabólica al ejercicio. Regulación y control
4.4. Valoración de las necesidades energéticas y del estado nutricional del deportista
4.5. Valoración de la capacidad física del deportista
4.6. Alimentación en las distintas fases de la práctica deportiva
4.6.1. Precompetitiva
4.6.2. Durante
4.6.3. Postcompetición
4.7. Hidratación
4.7.1. Regulación y necesidades
4.7.2. Tipos de bebidas
4.8. Planificación dietética adaptada a las modalidades deportivas
4.9. Ayudas ergogénicas y normativa actual antidopaje
4.9.1. Recomendaciones AMA y AEPSAD
4.10. La nutrición en la recuperación de las lesiones deportivas
4.11. Trastornos psicológicos relacionados con la práctica del deporte
4.11.1. Trastornos alimentarios: vigorexia, ortorexia, anorexia
4.11.2. Fatiga por sobreentrenamiento
4.11.3. La triada de la atleta femenina
4.12. El papel del coach en el rendimiento deportivo

Este Hybrid professional master’s degree te acercará a los avances que se han producido en los últimos años en inmunonutrición”
Hybrid Professional Master’s Degree in Sports Nutrition
The importance of sports nutrition in the practice of physical exercise has become a key issue today. The demand for trained professionals in this field has grown exponentially. At TECH Global University we have developed the Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Sports Nutrition for Physiotherapists, designed to train physical therapy professionals in the techniques and tools necessary for the development of personalized nutritional plans. This postgraduate program delves into the understanding of the biochemical mechanisms involved in the metabolization of nutrients and their relationship with physical exercise. Emphasis will also be placed on the use of technology for the monitoring and evaluation of patients' nutritional plans.
This Hybrid Professional Master's Degree in Sports Nutrition is designed to equip the physical therapy professional with the skills and competencies necessary to design appropriate food and nutrition programs for athletes and high-performance athletes. The curriculum of this program is structured into theoretical and practical modules, which include the elaboration of nutritional plans adapted to the specific needs of patients, the evaluation of caloric and nutritional intake, and the use of advanced technologies for the follow-up of the nutritional plan. In addition, special attention will be paid to the relationship between nutrition and recovery from sports injuries, which will allow the physical therapist to offer a comprehensive service to their patients in the recovery of their injuries.