
The wide variety of student characteristics forces us to have specialized teachers, capable of detecting the particularities and needs of each student. In this advanced master’s degree, we give you the keys to Inclusive Education so that you can apply them to your daily work”

Teachers should direct their specialization and work toward Inclusive Education in which all students, regardless of their abilities, are treated as equals and receive an education tailored to their needs whereby their particularities and needs are taken as strengths on which to work to develop their skills and abilities to the maximum.

This specialization aims to provide a vision of Inclusive Education so all children and young people who are at risk of social exclusion or who have high capacities can learn on equal terms from the knowledge of their reality, and provide them with a quality experience focused on how to support their learning, their achievements and their full participation in their life at the institution and in society.

This program offers a comprehensive vision of the inclusive school in all its dimensions, both from the perspective of educational institutions and the role played by teachers and families, providing tools and experiences guaranteed by our teaching staff. In this way, students will learn from the faculty’s professional experience and pedagogic knowledge, thus making the specialization more effective and accurate. In addition, it must be noted this is a multidisciplinary specialization, since the contents on Inclusive Education are related to aspects involving social exclusion and high capacities.

Throughout this specialization, the student will learn all of the current approaches to the different challenges posed by their profession. A high-level step that will become a process of improvement, not only on a professional level, but also on a personal one. 

This challenge is one of TECH's social commitments: to help highly qualified professionals to specialize and develop their personal, social and work skills during the course of their training.

Not only will we take you through the theoretical knowledge offered, but we will show you another way of studying and learning, more organic, simpler and more efficient. We work to keep students motivated and to instill in them a passion for learning. 

A high-level academic specialization, supported by advanced technological development and the teaching experience of the best professionals”

This advanced master’s degree in Inclusive Education: Social Exclusion and High Capacities contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The latest technology in e-learning software
  • Intensely visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • The development of practical case studies presented by practising experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems
  • Self-regulated learning: full compatibility with other occupations
  • Practical exercises for self-assessment and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: Questions to the expert, discussion forums and knowledge
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Supplementary documentation databases are permanently available, even after the program

A training program created for professionals who aspire for excellence, and that will enable you to acquire new skills and strategies easily and effectively"

Our teaching staff is made up of working professionals. In this way TECH ensures to offer you the updating objective it intends. A multidisciplinary team of psychologists specialized and experienced in different environments, who will develop the theoretical knowledge in an efficient way, but, above all, will bring the practical knowledge derived from their own experience to the course: one of the differential qualities of this advanced master’s degree.

This command of the subject is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design of this program. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-Learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. This way, you will be able to study with a range of easy-to-use and versatile multimedia tools that will give you the necessary skills you need for your specialization.

The design of this program is centered on Problem-Based Learning: 
an approach that conceives learning as an eminently practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice. With the help of an innovative, interactive video system and Learning from an Expert, students will be able to acquire the knowledge as if they were dealing with the case in real life. A concept that will allow students to integrate and memorize what they have learnt in a more realistic and permanent way.

A deep and comprehensive dive into strategies and approaches in Inclusive Education: Social Exclusion and High Capacities"

We have the best teaching methodology and a multitude of simulated cases that will help you train in real situations""


The objective is to train highly qualified professionals for work experience. An objective that is complemented, moreover, in a global manner, by promoting human development that lays the foundations for a better society. This objective is focused on helping professionals reach a much higher level of expertise and control. A goal that our students can take for granted with a high-intensity and high-precision specialization.

If your goal is to advance your career, to acquire a qualification that will enable you to compete among the best, look no further: Welcome to TECH”

General objectives

  • Train students to teach children at risk of exclusion
  • Define the main characteristics of Inclusive Education
  • Employ techniques and strategies to deal with the diversity of students, and with the educational community: families and the community
  • Analyze the role of teachers and families in the context of inclusive education
  • Interpret all the elements and aspects concerning teacher preparation in inclusive schools
  • Develop in students the capacity to elaborate their own methodology and work system
  • Internalize the typology of at-risk and socially excluded students, and how the educational system should respond to them
  • Describe how the child and youth protection system functions
  • Study the different types of protection measures and their treatment in school settings
  • Analyze child abuse and the action protocols for teachers
  • Identify the stages of development from birth to adolescence; achieving that students have their own judgment to establish the effects that cognitive, communicative, motor and emotional processes have on child development
  • Detect different risk factors that may alter development throughout the life cycle
  • Describe the general circumstances of students under guardianship and how these may affect their education
  • Learn how to respond to students under guardianship and their families in the school environment
  • Apply mediation as a pedagogical tool for conflict resolution and harmony the educational community 
  • Learn to recognize and initiate the detection of children who present characteristics compatible with the high capacity spectrum
  • Introduce the main characteristics of high capacities, as well as to the pedagogical, and legal framework in which this reality is framed
  • Present the main assessment tools, as well as the criteria to complete the process of indentifying the specific educational needs required for high capacities
  • Train in the use of techniques and strategies in educational intervention, as well as for response guidance in different extracurricular areas
  • Develop the capacity to elaborate specific adaptations, and collaborate in or promote integral programs within educational projects and attention plans for diversity at the center
  • Value the multidimensionality of high capacities and the need for multiprofessional interventions with flexible and adaptive methodologies from an inclusive perspective
  • Consolidate innovation and the application of new technologies as a central and useful element in the educational process
  • Awaken in our students the necessary sensitivity and the initiative to become the driving force behind the necessary paradigmatic change that will make an inclusive educational system possible

Specific objectives

Module 1. Inclusive Education and Social Inclusion

  • Describe key concepts related to educational and social inclusion
  • Explain the traditional methods of education
  • Define key inclusive education methods
  • Identify student needs
  • Identify the needs and possibilities of the educational center
  • Plan an educational response adapted to the needs

Module 2. Teacher Preparation for Inclusive Schools

  • Describe a historical evolution of exclusivity in the classroom
  • Interpret the main sources of inclusive scope
  • Analyze the main components for teacher learning
  • Instruct on different models of Inclusive Schooling
  • Use tools for learning in the field of exclusivity
  • More effective interpretation of inclusive schooling

Module 3. The Role of the Family and the Community in Inclusive Schooling

  • Define the types of families that exist
  • Apply techniques and strategies for intervention in diverse family settings
  • Explain how to work with these families from the perspective of inclusion
  • Guide families to become actively involved in their children’s education
  • Analyze the role played by society in terms of inclusion
  • Describe the role played by families in learning communities
  • Develop the student's ability to develop their own methodology and work system

Module 4. Main Psychological Theories and Stages of Evolutionary Development

  • Maintain a holistic view of human development and provide the key factors to reflect on this area of knowledge
  • Describe the characteristics and contributions of the different theoretical models in developmental psychology
  • Become familiar with the main theories on human development Become familiar with the most relevant theoretical positions that explain changes from birth to adolescence
  • Explain each developmental stage and the transition periods between them

Module 5. Attachment and Affective Bonds

  • Explain the importance of attachment style in relating to others
  • Describe attachment styles and how they affect the way we interact in society
  • Explain the current theory of attachment and the preceding theories that inspired it
  • Establish a relationship between the educational style of caregivers and the attachment style that the child will develop with that adult
  • Describe the possible consequences, at the psychological level, of a non-secure attachment pattern
  • Describe how a child's attachment style may affect their learning and interaction in educational contexts
  • Define guidelines to establish safe contexts with children and youth in the classroom

Module 6. The Educational System as an Area of Social Exclusion

  • Describe the implications of the educational system for the inclusion of different traditionally excluded social groups
  • Value the importance of the inclusive school for the attention to student diversity
  • Recognize the main SEN that can be presented in children
  • Delve into the HIP and the models of attention to their SEN
  • Establish the relationship between inclusion and multiculturalism
  • Explain the importance of cooperative learning for inclusion
  • Promote the value of coeducation for the reduction of school exclusion
  • Identify the most influential aspects in the social climate of the classroom

Module 7. The Child Protection System

  • Analyze the legal framework of the child protection system
  • Define the basic concepts of protection
  • Identify the various types of protection measures
  • Explain the operation of residential centers and their coordination with the school
  • Develop skills to intervene in the school environment with children living in foster families or adopted children

Module 8. Educational Environment for Students under Guardianship

  • Define the specific characteristics of foster and adopted children
  • Acquire knowledge about the specific needs of children in foster and adoptive families
  • Define the different agents involved in guardianship procedures and decision-making processes
  • Describe the different protection measures
  • Acquire tools to deal with situations derived from the condition of being under guardianship
  • Internalize and make essential the need for coordination between the different social agents surrounding the child under guardianship or the girl under guardianship
  • Provide real alternatives in the field of social and labor insertion

Module 9. School Action in the Event of Child Abuse

  • Define the concept and typology of child abuse in all its possible versions
  • Recognize the consequences of child abuse, as well as its sequelae in development and behavior
  • Identify and know how to implement protocols for detecting child abuse in different contexts
  • Identify and know how to act in situations of abuse among peers in the school context
  • Identify and understand child-parental violence, recognizing the possible causes in order to acquire intervention strategies
  • Establish criteria for intervention and coordination of the cases: available resources, institutions involved, family, teachers, etc.

Module 10. School Mediation as a Tool for Inclusion

  • Analyze the conflicts that occur in the educational environment
  • Study the conceptualization of school mediation
  • Define the steps to follow for an adequate implementation of mediation
  • Delve into the pedagogical value of school mediation
  • Acquire skills for the implementation of mediation
  • Establish the appropriate space for the implementation of mediation in the classroom

Module 11. Educational Paradigm and Pedagogical Framework for High Capacities

  • Know the characteristics of the current emerging educational paradigm within our pedagogical and scientific framework
  • Differentiate the roles played by the different educational agents in the new paradigm
  • Refresh the theoretical bases of the learning process in individuals
  • Value the advantages of attention to diversity as opposed to obsolete educational models that are no longer useful
  • Explore the possible routes to achieving quality education
  • Know the place of high capacities in this new scenario of change
  • Learn the scientific foundations for high capacities and the differential cognitive functioning of these students
  • Interpret the different models and theories that define high capacities from different points of view
  • Delve deeper into the examination of giftedness carried out in our closest environment
  • Share the educational challenges of the present and the objectives of a school in the 21st century
  • Understand Inclusive Education and attention to diversity as a fundamental right of all students
  • Analyze the pedagogical and legal framework passing through the different institutional levels that mark the right to and the bases of education

Module 12. Definition and Classification of High Capacities

  • Differentiate between special and specific educational needs
  • Understand the criteria of maximum normality behind Inclusive Education
  • Know how attention to diversity is vertically structured throughout across educational stages
  • Understand the structure of the educational system and how educational projects and plans are developed
  • Understand the bases of curricular organization at the center and classroom level
  • Know the different possibilities of classroom organization within the framework of personalized, adaptive or inclusive attention
  • Understand the functioning and expertise of educational guidance teams and their role in attention to diversity and high capacities
  • Analyze the historical background of high capacities both in Europe and around the world
  • Identify this evolution in the different autonomous communities of our country

Module 13. High-Capacity Identification

  • Describe the evolution of the concept of intelligence through different models and theories
  • Critically analyze the definitions of intelligence that have emerged throughout history
  • Justify the current definitions of human intelligence
  • Know the current definitions of high capacities
  • Critically analyze the actions of the different educational administrations regarding high capacities
  • Know the differential cortical development of high capacities both at a structural and functional level
  • Analyze the differential diagnosis model as a basis for any type of intervention

Module 14. Neuropsychology in High Capacity

  • Demonstrate the importance of emotions in learning processes
  • Describe the advantages of play and motor activity in the learning process
  • Organize small educational practices based on neuropedagogical evidence in order to determine their incidence
  • Apply cognitive strategies to one's own learning process, as well as in teaching
  • Understand the peculiarities of the adolescent brain and the mechanisms of reward, self-control and motivation
  • Differentiate neuromyths applied in education from educational practices based on neuroeducational postulates
  • Understand divergent thinking and creativity as a differential trait
  • Review case studies in which specific educational needs derived from high capacity are addressed
  • Identify successful educational responses based on the analysis of cases of specific educational needs
  • Learn about the intervention focused on the improvement of self-esteem and self-knowledge of the individual
  • Analyze problem solving strategies and their application to high-capacity students
  • Learn the dimensions of planning and learning focused on individual attention
  • Analyze gnostic, mnesic and attentional mechanisms and proposals for educational practice

Module 15. Clinical Aspects and Educational Needs in High Capacities

  • Describe the non-pathological clinical aspects of high capacities
  • Critique reference manuals and their applicability to the area of high capacities
  • Know the biological, psychological and social foundations of clinical models
  • Analyze the different types of dyssynchrony that accompany high capacities
  • Compare from a clinical-educational point of view internal dyssynchrony with external dyssynchrony
  • Interpret the presence of the Pygmalion effect in the classroom, both positive and negative
  • Anticipate the potential for identity diffusion syndrome in adolescents
  • Understand overexcitability and its probable incidence in high capacities
  • Differentiate between the types of overexcitability and their manifestations

Module 16. New Technologies in High-Capacity Education

  • Understand the urgent need for specific teacher training in the area of high capacities
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the transformation of education through new methods and technological tools
  • Know digital educational content, digital tools and educational platforms
  • Elaborate a base of technological resources that can be used for educational practice
  • Compare digital resources and share experiences to compile a resource bank
  • Know the institutions that bet on and work for Inclusive Education, for research and to defend the rights of students with high capacities

Module 17. Educational Strategies and Methodologies

  • Identify the educational needs of students with high capacities
  • Understand the importance of implementing precise curricular adaptations
  • Critique the different educational measures proposed by educational administrations by analyzing the advantages and disadvantages
  • Demonstrate the need for early intervention and an integrated and proactive diagnosis
  • Understand the different rhythms of cognitive, physical and emotional development, as well as the incidence of dyssynchronies during development
  • Know the classification of high capacities in the broad spectrum that represents this multidimensional reality
  • Interpret the differential cognitive profiles
  • Differentiate between quantitative and qualitative cut-off points on both sides of population statistical distribution
  • Know the characteristics of intellectual precocity in children and primary school stages
  • Analyze real cases of intellectual precocity
  • Describe the different types of talent, both simple and compound
  • Review real cases of the different types of talent, both simple and compound

Module 18. Self-Regulated Learning

  • Analyze the differential characteristics and complexity of giftedness, as well as the underlying clinical variables
  • Become familiar with practical cases of giftedness in secondary education
  • Interpret gender and developmental differential variables that accompany giftedness
  • Discuss the importance of assessing and considering the cognitive learning styles of students in the design of educational programs
  • Analyze the different models that explain learning styles
  • Compare learning styles with cognitive styles
  • Compare assessment tools of cognitive learning styles

Module 19. Creativity and Emotional Education in the Classroom

  • Plan educational actions and precise guidance to favor the development of each learning style
  • Know the main obstacles and aspects to avoid in order not to compromise student normal development while respecting their learning styles
  • Discuss the consideration of learning styles and their repercussion on the different educational stages
  • Understand the process of identifying specific educational needs in high-capacity students
  • Plan the most frequent questions and answers regarding the detection of student potential
  • Propose strategies and projects for initial screening in schools
  • Differentiate between individual screening and group-classroom screening
  • Review screening projects carried out in our environment
  • Know the different screening protocols and tools used with teachers, students and families
  • Apply screening instruments in close contexts

Module 20. Neurolinguistics and High Capacities

  • Justify the importance of language and neurolinguistic programming as a support to the educational process
  • Review the importance of executive functions in the learning process
  • Apply emotional management and social skills techniques oriented to educational practice
  • Propose strategies of accompaniment and intervention focused on families
  • Review strategies of emotional intelligence applied to family intervention in cases of high capacities
  • Review educational intervention based on educational projects and diversity plans
  • Critique teacher training plans
  • Propose innovative teacher training plans adjusted to current knowledge

Module 21. New Technologies and Cooperative Learning

  • Identify new technologies that benefit learning
  • Recognize new educational platforms
  • Know the substantial codes that govern new technologies

Module 22. Intervention in High Capacities 

  • Know the integrated diagnostic model and its phases
  • Know the comorbidities that usually accompany the high-capacity spectrum
  • Differentiate between manifestations or symptoms that could be related to high capacity and symptoms that could be related to the presence of disorders
  • Organize the decision-making process based on initial diagnoses
  • Propose specific lines of action for educational intervention
  • Analyze the lines of intervention proposed at family and personal levels based on case studies assessing their impact

A unique specialization program that will allow you to acquire advanced training in this field"

Advanced Master's Degree in Inclusive Education: Social Exclusion and High Abilities

If there is one attribute that should be predominant in the education system, it is interculturality, not only because it allows mass access to education, but also because it meets the needs, abilities and interests of students. Do you want to ensure educational access to people, regardless of their condition? The Advanced Master's Degree in Inclusive Education, Social Exclusion and High Abilities of TECH Global University is your best option. The program is taught in online mode, so you will not need to move from one place to another, or establish fixed study schedules. In addition, it includes the continuous accompaniment of experts, who will instruct you in highly relevant topics, among them, the main psychological theories in the stages of evolutionary development, the holistic vision of human development, the relationship between inclusion and multiculturalism, followed by neurolinguistics, neuropsychology and the management of high capacities. Next, you will approach cooperative learning, personalized pedagogical methodologies and emotional education in the classroom. Finally, you will learn how the child protection system works and its legal framework. From this, you will be empowered to perform successfully in this educational field.

Study an Advanced Master's Degree on Inclusive Education

The transformation of educational processes focused on excluded or high ability students poses a series of challenges and unknowns that require a high degree of preparation on the part of teachers. Would you like to contribute to change and healthy coexistence starting from the classroom? In TECH you will find the ideal program to do so. Here, you will have lessons supported by the latest academic material on the market, followed by a unique methodology focused on online learning. Over the course of two years, you will address current approaches and the different challenges that the profession demands. In addition, you will handle inclusive education and social inclusion, the right to education of people under guardianship or legal proceedings and protocols for action in situations of child abuse. In addition, you will learn about self-regulated learning, the pedagogical framework of high abilities and their psychological, clinical or educational needs. By graduating with us, you will revalue your curriculum and you will obtain the necessary skills to stand out as a highly prestigious trainer.